Part 34 Surprise

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Bititi woke up at the crack of dawn still laying on Hasani's chest until she felt a sharp pain in her stomach like she was sick. She jumped up and ran to a nearby  tree and threw up. Hasani woke up soon after and his eyes shot open ''Bititi are you ok'' he stated as he ran over to her! Bititi shook her head sadly ''no...all of a sudden I feel really sick.'' Hasani looked worried ''come on let's get you to Nermala''. Bititi nodded and stood up. The whole way there Bititi was leaning on Hasani's shoulder and they were walking a bit slower than normal but Hasani didn't mind. A few minutes later they arrived at Nirmala and Surok's den and lucky for Bititi they had just gotten back from patrol.  

''Nirmala can you help me'' Bititi asked weakly? "Sure Bititi what's wrong'' Nirmala asked while walking over to her. "I don't know but my stomach hurts and I feel sick ''. 

Nirmala thinks for a moment then turns to Hasani. "Hasani can you go get Rani for me''. 


Hasani ran off and Nirmala turned back to Bititi ''ok now that he is gone lay down I am going to feel your stomach'' Nirmala instructed. Bititi layed down just as she was told to and Nirmala felt her stomach with her paws. ''Yep just as I're pregnant!'' 

''What!'' Bititi jumped up and Nirmala smiled. "So who's the dad'' Nirmala asked smirking and gently pushed Bititi with her paw.  Bititi blushed ''H...Hasani'' Bititi whispered and was now smiling. 

"Go tell Hasani I am sure he will be really happy'' Nirmala pushed. Bititi rolled her eyes ''fine I go tell him right now''.

Bititi walked out of Nirmala and Surok's den when she saw Rani and Hasani running up to her. Rani got to her first ''Bititi are you ok what happened'' Rani asked out of breath because she ran all the way over there the second she heard Bititi was sick. 

Bititi froze she wasn't ready to tell Hasani because she was scared on how he might react so she had to make up a lie. "O right umm Nirmala just said that...I caught something but..uhh I still need to move around because the more I move the faster I will get better''. Rani stared into Bititi's sole with a death stair because Rani wasn't buying it and she knew that was a lie but don't say anything. Hasani raised and eyebrow ''you sure you seemed pretty sick''. Bititi nodded ''yep''. "Ok if you say so, I am going to go and get some water I will be right back''. HAsani walked off and before Bititi could do anything Rani stopped her right in her tracks. "What's really going on because I don't know about Hasani but I could see right through your lie, tell me what's going on'' Rani said. 

Bititi took a deep breath as she spoke, ''Ya I know but I was just trying to lie to Hasani  because I wasn't ready to tell him yet''.

"Tell him what''

''Tell him that I am pregnant''. 

Rani's face lit up as she jumped around in circles ''O My God yay I am so excited for you but you need to tell Hasani I am sure he will be happy as well'' Rani said as she tried to calm her voice down. 

Bititi looked down at the ground but nodded ''fine I will tell him when he gets back''. 

Rani smiled ''great and when you do tell him don't be surprised if he does anything crazy and most importantly tell me what happens after''. Bititi smiled and nodded her head ''I was going to do that anyway and besides there is probably now why I was going to escape it.'' Rahi giggled as she walked off to find Kion again ''you got that right''. A few minutes later Hasani came walking up to Bititi ''hey you feeling better'' he asked''? Bititi sat down and placed her tail on Hasani's back as a signal of comfort. "Hasani I need to tell you something'' Bititi said a little scared. "Sure what is it''. 

"I'm pregnant''. Hasani's mouth fell open and he struggled to talk ''I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Be a dad''? Bititi nodded and Hasani fainted. Bititi rolled her eyes and laughed as she dragged Hasani into their layer that just happened to be nearby. 

Hasani woke up laying down in his den with Bititi laying down next to him ''Bititi I had the weirdest dream that you told me that you were pregnant'. Bititi smiled as she placed Hasani's head on her chest and began stroking his beautifully groomed main ''Hasani that wasn't a dream''Bititi said while walking out of the den. Hasani jumped up, ran outside and jumped in front of Bititi making her stop walking..''In the cave how'' Hasani said sternly. " what you can't be serious'' Bititi said shocked. Hasani didn't say anything he just pushed Bititi back into the den. "Hasani you can't just keep me in here all day''. "What if you heart the Cubs I know sometimes you're Reckless and crazy. Bititi frowned, she knew she wasn't going to win this fight.

" I know I am but you can't just keep me here all day go ask Makini.'' 

''Fine but your coming with me''.


They walked off and found Makini's tree as Bititi called for her. "Makini can you come here for a minit''?

A few seconds later Makini cam climbing down her tree until she was next to Bititi. "What's UP''. "Makini if you were pregnant is it good to stay home''? Makini's face was shocked '' absolutely not you have to keep moving because if you stop moving around it could hurt the Cubs''. 

"See I told you'' Bititi said to Hasani as Hasani rolled his eyes. 

"Why you ask'' Makini asked curiously. "Uhh I'll tell you later''. "O ok bye''. "Bye''. 

Bititi and Hasani walked off and when they were far enough away Hasani started to talk. "Fine you can get up and move around CAREFULLY but not without an escort.'' Bititi stopped dead in her tracks ''An escort...from who''?


"You.... but you won't let me do anything then.''

'' Exactly that's the point''.

Bititi rolled her eyes annoyed ''Fine whatever but can we go tell our friends the news''. 

Hasani nodded.

Bititi smiled '' you wanna go tell Kion and Rani first''. 

 ''Ya let's go''. 

They both walked with smiles on their faces as they set off to go find Kion and Rani to tell them the good news. 

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now