Part 35 Yes Day

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Bititi and Hasani found Kion and Rani in the same spot where they had all fallen asleep. When they got there Bititi could see that Rani was trying to wake Kion up but no matter what she tried Kion would either roll over or fall back asleep. Bititi giggled and walked over to Kion making sure she was close to his ear. Bititi bent down getting as close to the ground and Kion's ear as possible and Roared loud. Kion jumped up with a startle ''Ok Ok I'm up I'm up''. Rani laughed ''you should've seen your face''. Kion smirked, got up, and through Rani into the cold water. Rani screamed and ran out of the water ''Well I got to see yours'' Kion said still smirking. Rani rolled her eyes ''Ya ya,....come on let's get this day started''. "Yay but right before we do that me and Hasani have something we want to tell you guys'' Bititi said while stepping closer to Hasani.

''Ok what is it'' Kion asked? Before Bititi and Hasani could answer Rani jumped in the conversation ''wait do you want Rija and Sawa to hear'' Rani asked? ''Sure they can hear'' Bititi answered. ''K be right back''.

Rani ran off to go get Rija and Sawa and when she got to the Tree she found her cubs resoling on the ground with each other. ''Morning you two'' Rani said while nuzzling her cubs. ''Morning mommy'' they both said. Rani smiled '' come on there is something you might wanna hear''. The cubs were confused but followed their mom back over to where Kion, Hasani, and Bititi were. 

''Ok we are back so now you can tell us what you were going to say''. Bititi smiled as Rani placed rija on top of Kion's head with him nuzzling in Kion's fur and Sawa sat right between Rani's fount paws on the ground. 

''You wanna tell them'' Bititi whispered into Hasani's ear. Hasani shook his head ''No you tell them''

''you sure''

Hasani nodded his head again ''yep''. 

Bititi smirked ''ok so this morning me and Hasani found out that I am pregnant.'' Kion's mouth fell open and sawa got up, walked over to her dads mouth, and closed it for him witch just made Rani laugh even harder and now she was on the ground laughing. 

Kion smirked at hasani ''you really went all out on her didn't you''. Bititi and Hasani started blushing. Rija jumped off of Kion's head and started running circles around them in happiness while also hopping and jumping up and down. ''Does that mean me and Sawa are going to get some new friends'' Rija asked curiously? Bititi smiled at the hyper cub ''if all goes well then yes''. 

Rija and Sawa both smiled ''yayyyy''. Rani jumped up from her laughing fit and ran off ''come on let's go have some fun...o and Kion come here''. Kion rolled his eyes ''and the misery begins.'' Rani walked back over to Kion who was walking slow on purpose and grabbed his ear pulling him and making him walk faster. Bititi laughed as she watched this but then had the sudden urge that she was hungry ''Hasani can you get some food'' Bititi asked in a sweet tone. "Me Hunt but I suck at hunting you saw me in that race I did against you''. "Does that mean I can go hunt myself''? "What no....fine I'll go get you something''. Bititi frowned ''come on just let me Hunt I'll be fine besides I am not even half a day pregnant yet''. Hasani still refused ''no you stay here what do you want''? Bititi sighed ''I want a zebra''. 

Hasani smiled and was happy that Bititi was going to stay put while he went hunting instead.....(or so he thought but we all know Bititi by now right?) ''ok be right back.... hopefully''. Hasani licked Bititi's cheek before running off to try his best to catch a zebra''. Once Hasani was out of sight Bititi stood up and ran over to go and see what Rani was going to do to Kion and whatever it was it is probably going to be worth watching. 

Rani let go of Kion's ear when they were standing just before a tree. "Kion I want you to jump up there and lay down''. Kion was a little confused on why Rani was making him do this but he did as he was told and jumped up in the tree. Once Kion was laying down Rani called out for someone ''ok guys you can come out now'' Rani called. Just then about 13 frogs came out and started jumping on top of Kion. "What the- why am I doing this I thought today was supposed to be fun'' Kion complained. 

"It is helping you heal your scar by teaching you to stay calm even when you feel annoyed or threatened.'' ''Uhhh I don't  want to do healing can't  I come down  now'' Kion asked. Rani shook her head ''no Kion I promise once we're done you'll feel  so much better''. "Oookkkkaaayyy'' Kion said sadly ''how long do I have to stay up here for''. Rani smiled at Kion remembering their song and how Kion said she had the patience he always wish he had''. Rani giggled alright it's been a while you can come down now''. "Finally'' Kion jumped down immediately. "You weren't  kidding when you told me I have the patience you always wish I had''. Kion blushed and licked Rani's  cheek ''told ya''.   

Bititi came up to them ''Guys I need help I need to hide from Hasani before he comes back''.

"What why''?

"Because he is paranoid as I might hurt the Cubs if I do something crazy if he wants me to say put but I just ran away cuz obviously can't do that and he went to go get me some food and I need to hide.''

Rani giggled and rolled ''come on first you need to mask your scent''

''Yall better hurry'' Kion said with a smirk ''I see Hasani coming in the distance''.

Kion was debating whether he should be on the girls side or Hasani's side and Kion went with the girls side which means playing dumb ''this is going to make him so mad'' Kion thought in his head as the girls left and were out of sight.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now