Part 33 The Night Before Disaster

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Rani was relaxing near the calm river (AKA parate beamba-meaning the lake of reflection) until Kion walked up to her. "Hey Kion feeling better'' Rani asked as Kion nuzzled her and laid down next to her. "A Yes Day'' Kion said annoyingly while ignoring Rani's other question. Rani giggled ''I'll take that as a yes then''. "There is one rule tho'' Kion said. Rani raised an eyebrow and waited for Kion to answer. "No more cubs''. Rani rolled her eyes ''fine ya I know besides you are just going to try to be my bodyguard or something crazy that is not necessary''. "That was necessary''. Rani smiled and licked the side of Kion's cheek. "Anyway'' Kion said with a smile on his face ''you might want to come with me and witness what I am about to do to Hasani and Bititi''. "Is it a good thing and is it funny'' Rani asked as she got up? "heck ya it is'' Kion said confidently. Rani laughed as she stood up and they walked back to the grassy plains with the now a lot stronger Kion.

Bititi ran off and found Hasani laying on his back in the sun looking like he was about to fall asleep. Bititi walked up to him and giggled ''how is your little nap'' she asked? Hasani opened one eye as he looked at Bititi and he noticed that her fur is glistening in the sun. Hasani stood up and pounced on her ''its was nice''. Bititi screamed when she fell and tried to Escape Hasani's pin but she couldn't he was too strong to get out of when she was on her back. Hasani smiled when Bititi tried to get up but couldn't ''what's the matter am I too strong for you'' Hasani said teasingly. Bititi smirked and in her head said ''that's what you think''. Bititi picked up her head and licked Hasani's cheek leaving him shocked. Bititi giggled at his face but took this as an opportunity. Bititi pushed Hasani off of her and got out of his grip letting her stand up. Hasani's census came back as he looked up at Bititi and smiled at her giving her a flirty look. Bititi smiled ''come on we need to go somewhere''. Hasani looked confused but also intrigued on where they were going. "Where are we going somewhere Fun.''' 

''It's a surprise but all I can tell you is it is definitely not that''. Hasani frowned a little and Bititi noticed snuggled into Hasani's main and said ''at least not yet''. Hasani smiled but didn't say anything, he didn't want to seem too eager. Bititi dragged Hasani over to the spot Kion wanted them to meet and right before they got their Bititi made Hasani close his eyes so he wouldn't know what was going on. "Hi Kion'' Bititi mouthed when they got closer. Kion dipped his head both signaling hi and the sign to pin Hasani down. Bititi let go of Hasani and backed up. Bititi ran up and pinned Hasani on the ground which made him open his eyes. "What the heck was that for'' Hasani shouted as he rolled over and looked at Bititi. Bititi shrugged ''I don't know I was asked to do it''. Hasani relaxed a little ''pinning me down with my eyes closed was scary I thought I was going to fall into an endless pit''. Bititi nuzzled Hasani ''you know I would never let that happen''. Hasani smiled ''ya I know''. Kion slowly walked up to them and sat down in front of them.

"Hey Hasani'' Kion said smiling. Hasani shut his eyes tight and tilted his head towards Bititi ''don't tell me that is Kion'' Hasani said still squinting his eyes. Bititi smiled '' it's Kion'' she whispered back. Hasani opened his eyes and saw that Kion was staring down at him. "Guess what Hasani we are going to have so much fun tomorrow'' Kion said. ''What do you mean we'' Hasani asked while raising an eyebrow? Kion smirked and slightly rolled his eyes. "You started a conversation with me and Rani so you're doing it with me''. Bititi got off of Hasani and walked over to Rani as Hasani rolled on to his stomach. "So does Hasani have to give me a yes day too'' Bititi asked while whispering in Rani's ear? Rani smiled and shrugged ''guess were are about to find out''. 

Hasani started to talk ''Do what''? 

"I have to give Rani a yes day so you're going to give Bititi one too''. Hasani was still laying on the ground on his belly so he took his paws, placed them on his head, and put his head on the ground. Hasani slightly moaned. "Uuuhhh domI have to'' Hasani asked with his face still on the ground. 

At the same time Kion,Rani,and Bititi nodded their heads and said ''yes''. Hasani sat up ''fine I'll do it''. Bititi walked over and sat down next to Hasani. ''Yay'' she said. Hasani smiled ''It is almost sunset you guys wanna eat dinner'' Hasani asked? Rani nodded ''Ya I'm hungry I'll go get us some food.'' ''I'll come to'' Bititi said as she started to walk off to the hunting grounds with Rani. Rani stopped walking and smirked ''awww what you don't wanna be with your boyfriend'' Rani said in a teasing tone. 

Bititi's face looked shocked ''w-w...what n..n.o..I uhh jus-''. Rani laughed ''I'm just kidding come on''. Bititi breathed a sigh of relief as she walked off with Rani. 

Once the girls left  Kion and Hasani lay down and started talking while they waited for the girls to bring back the food. ''You ready for tomorrow'' Kion asked? Hasani huffed ''not really but kinda at the same time....I am just scared she is going to make me do something crazy''. 

They talked for a while longer and the girls came back dragging a buffalo behind them. ''Nice catch'' Kion said.

Bititi and Rani smiled as they dropped to buffalo ''thanks''.  They all started eating  and when they were done it was sunset and time for bed. ''Hey you guys wanna stay out here and look at the stars tonight''Bititi asked? 

Kion and Rani looked at each other and both said ''yes''. They laid down in a circle and watched the stars. Evenchily  Rani fell asleep on Kion and Kion fell asleep holding her. Bititi was about to fall asleep when she nuzzled  Hasani's mane and said to him ''I love you''. *Then she closed her eyes. Hasani smiled as he leaned in, kissed her and said ''I love you too''. Bititi smiled and fell asleep on Hasani's chest. Soon Hasani fell asleep dreaming about tomorrow.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ