Part 20 diskussion

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Bititi and Hasani had started walking again after Hasani was done laughing when he pushed Bititi into the water. Kion went looking for Hasni and found him with Bititi near the forest. Kion walked over to Hasani ''hey Bititi can I talk to Hasani for a minute'' Kion asked? "Sure I need to talk to Rani anyway''. Kion smiled " don't worry I'll bring him back ''. Bititi rolled her eyes and turned around before anyone could see that she was blushing and ran off to find Rani. " So what did you want to talk to me about'' Hasani asked. Kion smiled now showing some of his teeth '' nothing really I just wanted to see how you were fitting in...,so have you been up to anything fun lately with o I don't know maybe... Bititi. Hasani froze remembering sleeping, eating, and playing with Bititi and started to stutter '' makes you think I am up to anything'' Hasani said starting to panic inside his head, he wasn't ready to tell Kion everything that has happened with Bititi yet. Kion raised an eyebrow at Hasani '' umm okay well I also wanted to tell you that Bititi likes you ''. Hasani's eyes lit up '' really you think so''. Kion slowly nodded his head and looked up at Hasani who was still smiling one of his biggest smiles yet. Inside Kion's mind he was thinking how he knew that Hasani wasn't going to tell him what really happened with him and Bititi but Kion was determined to get the truth out of Hasani. ''Are you sure nothing happened because it seemed you were gone for a long time'' Kion asked. Hasani's face tried to hold back a smile and blush but he just couldn't ''alright fine yes something happened'' Hasani said kind of annoyed. Kion looked Intrigued '' really what happened are you going to ask her out''?  Hasani smiled '' I don't know about that yet but I did push her in the water and before that when she was cold I made her warm '' Hasani said not telling the full story.  Kion was happy '' dang I don't push Rani into the water till after she said we make a good teem and she thinks I am a reflection of her and you just jumped right in there. You're so much braver than me I liked Rani but I never had the courage to ask her out'' Kion went off into a gase when he said that remembering that day with happiness. Hasani was just barely blushing '' ya you and Rani see like a perfect match for each other and speaking of Rani, how's it like being king so far'' Hasani asked. Kion's ears flattened down making a straight line across ''huff'', ''it's really hard especially since I am also leader of this group of animals called the lion guard, we help protect the Tree Of Life from animals who don't respect the Circle of life. Hasani smiled '' well to me it looks like you're keeping your great land here safe''. "Thanks....come on you wanna go find the girls'' Kion asked? "Sure was Hasani's  only response before they both left to find the girls.  When Bititi left to go talk to Rani she found her in the same place Kion did, in the fields still playing with the cubs because the night pride was still sleeping. 

When Bititi got there she walked over to Rani and sat down next to her ''Rani I need to talk to you'' Bititi said. Rani looked up at Bititi ''sure Bititi what is it'' Rani asked? "It's about.... umm ...." Bititi looked around to make sure nobody was listening before she continued her sentence '' It's about Hasani we umm did something''Bititi said lowering her voice in some embarrassment. Rani sits up even farther and looks happy and surprised at Bititi. "oooo'' Rani said as she gently pushed Bititi with her paw making Bititi roll her eyes as she starts to blush as she hides her eyes from Rani's. "So what happened Bititi tell me''. "Ok ok well last night Hasani was sleeping in the corner of my den that gets really warm so I went to go sleep in the other corner but when I got cold I was kind of sleeping and tried to ignore it. Hasani saw that I was shivering and he got up and walked over to me and asked me if I wanted him to sleep with me to make me warmer. I smiled and said yes''. Rani knew that Bititi slept together but she didn't mention that to her ''ooo'' Rani said in a teasingly way '' he made a move on you''. Bititi's eyes got big when Rani said that '' What No he was just being nice!'' Bititi screamed. Rani giggled ''alright alright continue with your story'' Rani said through giggles. Bititi rolled her eyes but went back to talking ''he came over and laid down next to me and I placed my paws on his shoulders and we fell asleep''. Rani couldn't hold in her excitement but tried to stay quiet. " I woke up before him so I got up to get something to eat and I woke him up to eat and when we were done eating we ran over to the watering hole and he pushed me in it, it was so cold, and then Kion came over to talk to Hasani but before i could leave to find you guess what Kion said'' Bititi asked. " what''? "He said don't worry I'll bring him back''. Rani fell on the floor laughing and that made the cubs come over and jump on her, witch just made her laugh even harder. 

Rani finally stopped laughing and had a smile on her face '' so are you going to asked your man out then cause Kion told me he likes you. Bititi didn't know what to do '' I don't know maybe''. Rani just smiled ''yay..., come on let's go I know what we can do] we can play truth or dare''. "Ok'' Bititi said as she turned to the cubs to round them up and take them with her and Rani''. Once Bititi got the cubs to come with her (which was easy because they wanted to play truth and dare too) they all began to walk off to find Kion, Hasani, and the rest of the lion guard to see if they wanted to play too. 

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