Part 41 Meetings

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Bititi woke up just before Hasani and had just started to get up when she was pulled back down to the ground by Hasani. Bititi smiled at Hasani and Hasani smiled back. ''Morning.'' ''Morning.'' The cubs woke up a few minutes later and Asani yawned as he stretched. "You still tired'' Hasani asked with a smirk on his face? Asani nodded as he laid his head down on his paws. Bititi stood up again but this time with Terema and grabbed Asani by his scruff pulling him up to his feet. "Come on let's go for a walk before breakfast'' Bititi suggested. The cubs faces brightened up ''yay ok''. Bititi smiled ''you wanna come Hasani'' Bititi asked? Hasani shook his head ''no not this time I need to go talk to Kion for a sec and while I'm over there I'll tell the rest of the pride where you guys went''. 

"O ok bye.''


Bititi walked out with the cubs and around to the mountain pass where they would begin their walk. They had been walking for a few minutes when they came across an empty cave. "Ooo mom can we go in there'' Terema asked? "Sure why not, let's go check things out. "Yay.''

They walked in and when they did the first thing they saw was a huge rock. "woow that's a big rock'' Asani saud with his mouth hanging open. 

Before Bititi could agree she caught a sent of some lions she really didn't want to see right then or ever. Bititi quickly turned to her cubs ''Asani Terema hide now and no noise I will explain what is going on later''. 

The cubs knew their mom wasn't joking around and took her seriously by running over to the rock and hid behind it. Just as they did that a lion named Msaliti, a lion named Sw mauti, and a lioness named nidhamu all came walking into that cave. ''Well well well what do we have here... look guys it's Bititi we've finally found her'' Msaliti said.

 look guys it's Bititi we've finally found her'' Msaliti said

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the leader (Msaliti means traitor)

the leader (Msaliti means traitor)

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mauti means death

nidhamu means discipline

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nidhamu means discipline

These lions weren't family of Bititi or her pride but they were friends who were just living with them but when Scar attacked they offered to help and join his side. "Uhh what do you three want'' Bititi huffed annoyed.  "You are coming with us to a meeting later today'' Nidhamu declared. "what no I'm not'' Bititi said. "Yes you are because if you don't we will hunt you down and destroy all your know we have backup so don't try and escape it'' Masaloti said in a stern tone. Bititi rolled her eyes ''fine whatever i'll come''. "Good .....o and one more thing'' Bititi raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer ''we aren't allowing any mates''. 

Bititi got more annoyed by their answer ''what why''? "Because they are annoying and you don't need one,... you're still single right''? "Yep'' Bititi lied. "K and if you try anything including getting a mate behind our backs we will rip you to shreds'' Sw mauti threatened. "Fine but how long do I have to go to these meetings for'' Bititi asked? "Forever....but we will be nice and you only have to come with us for three hours then you can go back to being bored for the rest of the day''. Without anymore words the lion's and lioness walked away but stopped ''meet us here'' then they were gone.

Bititi turned around once they were gone and walked over behind the big rock in the corner of the cave and felt relief when she found the cubs asleep meaning they didn't here the conversation. 

When Bititi and the cubs walked off, Hasani walked awya to go and find Kion.

Kion woke with Rani still sleeping on his chest and when he was looking t her inside his head he was saying ''you know I am going to be annoying.'' Kion stood up quickly making Rani fall off of him and she landed on their rock with a thoud. ''Oww Kion'' Rani's frown vanished when she looked up to see Kion's handsome face. Kion tilted his head at Rani and raised an eyebrow '' why are you looking at me like that''? Rani smiled ''cause I'm trying to be mad at you but your cute face isn't helping''.

Kion smirked at Rani ''I can help with that''. Rani was confused on what Kion ment and didn't say anything. Kion ran up to her, ran three circles around her, pinned her down and with her still pinned Kion used his head to push Rani up against the wall of their cave. ''Kion let me up.....uhhh why are you pinning me to a wall'' Rani complained trying to get free of Kion's grip. Kion let her go and he walked over to the cubs. Kion whispered something in their ears making them immediately wake up.

Kion ran over to Rani and grabbed her by the scruff and pulled her out of their Tree. Kion knew pulling her was Uncomfortable for her so once they got outside he let her go. Just then Baylio came walking up to them because he was back from Patrol ''what are you guys doing'' baylio asked tilting his head?'' Rani rolled her eyes in a playful way and smirked ''Kion just woke up and decided he was going to be as annoying as he can''. Right as she said that Kion came running towards her and Kion once again used his head to push Rani. Kion pushed Rani into freezing water and the second Rani's fur that water he jumped up in a tree to watch.

Rani screamed as she came running out of the water ''AAhhhh Kion''. Baylio was laughing as Kion came down out of the tree. "Ya I see what you mean'' Baylio said. Rani jumped up and pinned Kion down. Kion rolled over onto his stomach making Rani fall off of him and Kion jumped up pinning her down. 

Rani was happy to see Hasani walking over to them because it probably meant Kion had to get off of her and stop acting like a cub. "Morning Hasani'' Rani said ''where are Bititi and the cubs?'' ''Bititi took them out on a walk just outside the Tree of life, they should be back in a few minutes'' Hasani explains. 

Rani nodded her head ''o ok then.'' 

Hasani turned to Kion ''hey Kion can I talk to you for a minute'' Hasani asked? 

"Alright'' Kion said as he got off of Rani.

Once the two got far enough away they started to talk ''so what's up'' Kion asked? 

Before Hasani could reply Bititi and the cubs came back. "Hi Bititi'' Rani said. " Hey.....can I talk to you for a sec''. Terema and Asani walked off to go play with Rija and Sawa. ''There was these lion's that I had known before Scar attacked my pride and today they found me and told me I was going to have meetings with them every day and if I tried to get out of going they said they were going to come hunt me down and kill my friends''. 

Rani looked frightened ''so what are you going to do''? ''I am going to go for a while and see what it is like but you have to promise me you wont tell Hasani ok?'' ''k''. 

Then the pride walked off to go eat breakfast.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now