Part 31 please come back

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''I need to talk to him before he does something dumb'' Reani said to Nirmala while starting to stand up. ''Ok but please be careful'' ''Always am''! Nirmala raised an eyebrow ''really because on what I remember Kion said he almost killed you'' Nirmala said in a whisper so the cubs couldn't hear. ''Rija just stared not saying anything until Rija walked up to her. ''Mom is dad ok what happened to him he told me and sis to wait here then he never came back''. Rani could see that Rija was desperate for an answer but Rani didn't know what to say. "Yes Rija daddy will be fact let's go try and find him and let Nirmala rest''. "Yay ok''.  Rani walked out of the Tree with her cubs by her side yelling back to Nirmala ''night''. When they get outside Rani sees Fuli who looks like she was in shock and warred '' Fuli are you ok and have you seen Kion anywhere I really need to talk to him'' Rani asked? "Umm I think I did...I think I saw him running away from the Tree Of Life and I think he might've been crying but I don't know why and I didn't chase after him because I wasn't sure if it was him or not sorry''. 

"It's ok Fuli I will go talk to him thank you for telling me''.  Fuli nodded but didn't say anything. Rani and the cubs walked off until they got to the start of the mountain pass. "Hey mom'' Sawa asked. "Yes''. "Why was daddy crying''? Rani stopped walking she couldn't tell her cubs that their dad was crying because he almost killed their mom so Rani had to think of an excuse ''Umm..I don't know but we are going to find out''. 

Rani and the cubs set off looking for Kion. Even tho Kion didn't know anyone was looking for him he still didn't want to hurt anyone ''I'm a monster I need to stay away from the people I love or else I might hurt them and I can't risk doing what I did to Rani twice'' Kion said sadly to himself. Kion walked for a little while longer until he found a decent pile of rocks. One by one Kion used his Roar to pile the rocks around him in a circle trapping himself inside. Kion layed down in one of the corners of his new isolated home and fell asleep ignoring the hunger in his stomach that has just started to grow. 

Rani and the cubs kept walking but Rani looked up at the sky and knew this was about the time that the cubs take their nap. Rani was right....''mommy I'm tired'' Rija complained. Rani rolled her eyes '' fine let's go back''. They turned and walked back to the Tree but Rani turned her head and looked at the snow all around ''I won't give up on you Kion and I won't stop looking for you until I find you'' Rani said to herself.        

They eventually got back to the Tree and walked in. The cubs for some reason liked sleeping next to the wall so that's where they went. When the cubs fell asleep Rani walked over to the rock the she and Kion sleep on and placed her paw on it while thinking. Rani sighed ''you expect me to sleep here without you..... well it ain't going to happen cuz I'm going to find you if it's the last thing I do''. 

Kion woke up and he now was more hungry than ever and wasn't thinking straight when he barricading himself in the walls of the Rocks because now he can't get out or go hunt because if he used the road to get out of the Rocks they would just fall on him. Kion tried to push through the pain but he couldn't so he just fell back asleep but it took a while. 

Rani knew she wasn't amazing at tracking so she needed help finding Kion. Rani walked out and found Bititi close by. "Hey Bititi can you watch the cubs I am going to go find Kion but you don't have to do anything, they're asleep right now in the Tree''. "Sure I'll watch the little cuties but what happened to Kion''?

Rani shrugged ''I don't  know after the fight he brought me back here then he ran away.'' 

''That's weird if you need help I'm always here for you k''. 

Rani smiled ''thanks''. Rani walked off towards the lion guard. Rani found Fuli laying down on the ground next to Azaad and Surea. Rani walked up to the cheetahs and started talking '' hey Fuli can you help me find Kion and track him by sent I can't seem to find him'' Rani asked? Fuli stood up and nuzzled Azaad then Surea. "Let's go''. They walked into the Tree quietly and careful not to wake the Cubs up and walked over to the rock and tried to get Kion sent. 

Fuli: ''got it you''?

Rani: ya let's go. 

Fuli and Rani ran off and out of the Tree of Life sniffing the air. They came upon a rock wall. "Kion's scent is really strong here'' Fuli said. "Ya I smell it too, we are close,....he is either inside that rock pile or he just passed by here''. "But knowing Kion he is probably inside''. Fuli nodded ''ya look for some kind of hole and look through it to see if he is in there''. Rani started looking around for a hole until she found one and looked through it. Fuli was about to say something but she was cut off by a blood curling scream coming from Rani. "Aaaahh Rani what is it'' Fuli asked? "It's Kion and he has passed out''. "He probably just passed out from not getting anything to eat or drink''. Rani had leaned in and was about to start digging the rocks away but Fuli stood in front of her. "Rani wait we can't just start clearing the rocks away there will be a chance of all the rocks coming crashing down on top of Kion, Kion is the only one who can lift the rocks without them falling''. Rani stepped back in worry then what are we going to do''?....... Kion woke up from all the commotion and just barely lifted up his head and Rani saw this. "Kion let me in.....please I can help you''. Kion knew having Rani near him would make him feel better but he was still a little scared. "Rani I am going to get Surok so Kion can have extra support when walking back''. "Fuli ran off with Rani saying thanks then she turned back to face Kion. Kion used the roar's wind to make an opening in the rocks and Rani ran in and hugged him. "Kion are you ok what's going on why did you leave'' Rani asked? Kion held his head down ''I know I am sorry but I couldn't risk hurting you again... my scar took over when you hit the ground and I almost got you killed with that leopard that was biting you''. Rani placed her paw under Kion's chin and lifted it up smiling. "Kion two things one look I am fine thanks to you'' Rani started running around in a circle proving her point. "And two it's just your scar I will finish healing it once we get back to the Tree and besides your scar makes you angry and you're so cute when your angry''. As Rani said this she kissed Kion making him smile and he now felt a little better.

                       To be continued.....  :)

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