Part 36 Find her

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Rani led Bititi over to a mud puddle ''here roll in this to mask your scent'' and hurry I can smell Hasani near''. Bititi did as she was told and rolled in the mud. Once Rani couldn't smell Bititi's scent anymore Bititi stopped rolling around and when she stood up she was no longer a golden lioness she was now a dark brown lioness and was now matching with Rani. Rani smiled ''Ok let's go''. They both ran off and tried to find a  place for Bititi to hide.

Hasani came back with Bititi's zebra and when he saw that she was gone Hasani dropped the zebra and got slightly annoyed. ''Ugg I knew I should've trusted her now where did she go''.

Hasani ran off and tried to find Bititi by sent but he couldn't find it, instead he ran into Kion. "Kion have you seen Bititi anywhere I can't find her and where's Rani'' Hasani question?

Kion smirked ''Ya I've seen her and Rani's with her''. "Umm ok do you know where they are''? Kion smiled ''yep''. Hasani just stared ''......are you going to tell me where they are''? "Nope''. Hasani rolled his eyes ''ugg your not helping''. Kion giggled ''I know''. Hasani ran off and continued to search for Bititi.

Rani and Bititi eventually found a hiding spot in a cave that had a hole that was just big enough for Bititi to squeeze through. Bititi looked around ''it's cozy in here'' Bititi said looking at Rani. Rnai smirked at her ''just don't fall asleep''. Bititi smiled ''no promises''. ''Ok you stay here I am going to go and see where Hasani is'' Rani said walking out of the cave. Bititi nodded and watched as Rani left her hiding spot. 

Rani looked around until she found Hasani looking up at a tree, she walked over to him ''Hay Hasani whatcha doing'' Rani said innocently. Hasani looked relieved once he saw Rani as he walked over to her ''Hi Rani do you know where Bititi is I..uhh...just need to talk to her'' Hasani asked. Rani smirked ''yep I know where she is but I can't tell you''. Hasani frownd ''ugg come on know you are doing a great job rowling these lands they are beautiful.'' Rani smiled ''trying to charm me isn't going to work on me''. Hasani frowned ''fine but can you at least give me a hint......even a small one...anything'' Hasani begged. Rani smiled ''all right your only hint is that she is somewhere close by''. Hasani smiled and ran off looking left and right''. Rani giggled as she watched Hasani run around like a cub, the only reason she gave Hasani such a big hint was because Rani wanted to see what was going to happen to Bititi when Hasani found her.

Hasani looked in trees, behind bushes, but he still couldn't find Bititi.... until he came across a cave. Hasani smirked and walked in. Hasani looked all around and was about to leave the cave but then out of the corner of his eye he saw something golden color inside a crack in that cave. Hasani walked closer to investigate and he laughed when he saw Bititi snuggled up in the corner of the cave sleeping. Hasani walked over to the sleeping lioness and sat down for a minute. Hasani tried to watch Bititi's face and see what kind of dream she was having but just then she broke down in silent tears. She wasn't making any noises and her mouth wasn't open there was just tears running down her face. Hasani started to get warred so he walked closer to Bititi and bit her ear playfully waking her up. Bititi got one look at Hasani and hugged him with tears still running down her face. Hasani pulled away from the hug for a few seconds as they looked at each other ''Bititi what happened are you ok'' Hasani asked still a little concerned? 

"I am now that you're here''.

"What happened why were you crying''.

Bititi nuzzled her face into Hasani's chest as she very quietly spoke just loud enough for Hasani to hear ''I just had a dream about how my family died'' Bititi said sadly and was still slightly crying. Hasani pulled Bititi back into a hug and held her tight. 

Rani watched as Hasani walked into the cave Bititi was in and Rani expected Hasani to get over protective and then they would both walk out but they never did. Rani got warred something had happened so she walked into the cave to find Hasani holding Bititi tight in a hug and Bititi's face stained with tears. Rani ran over ''Bititi are you ok''? Bititi smiled a little ''ya I am now it was just a bad dream''. As she said this Hasani let go of her and smiled. 

Rani smirked ''so you did fall asleep''. Bititi smiled but didn't say anything. They all walked out of the cave to find that it was lunch time. Hasani smiled ''it's lunch you girls wanna go get Kion then go eat I already have food''. Rani smiled ''Ya sure''. The girls and Hasani walked off and found Kion laying in the sun with his golden fur shining. Rani giggled when she got closer '' is the King having a fun time laying in the Sun'' Rani asked playfully as Kion sat up. "Nope..... well not yet anyway'' Kion gave Rani a flirty look and Rani blushed. 

Bititi broke the silence ''come on let's go eat i'm hungry''. Hasani rolled his eyes ''you would be less hungry if you would've waited for me to get back with breakfast''. Bititi laughed and they all walked back to the spot where Hasani dropped the zebra and they all ate it.

Once they were all done eating they were bored and wanted to play a game but before anyone could think of a game to play a figure of arose from the darkness ''hello everyone nice to see you again''. Kion recognized that voice and went into protective mode and stood in front of his friends ''SCAR!!!''

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now