Part 25 Hideout

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Rani turned to Bititi ''Bititi do you know which way Scar when't'' Rani asked? Bititi shook her head sadly''no I didn't all I saw was him biting Hasani then he walked out saying leave her she can't do anything to us something like that but because he went behind the vinds I didn't see where he wen't''. Rani slightly frowned but nodded her head '' what should we do we atleast need a tiny lead on where he might be''. Fuli stepped forward '' we might be able to track him by sent if he only felt a little while ago. "That might work let's go'' Kion said. Fuli and Kion walked into the Tree fearful not to make a sound so Hasani can sleep and walked behind the vinds to try to get a better scent of Scar. Fuli sniffs the are and so does Kion '' you got the sent '' Fuli asked getting ready to leave? "Ya let's go''. Kion and Fuli returned moments later back to the others. " Come on we got the sent'' Kion said leading the others down a rode that leads to the deepest which is also the darkest part of the forest. For the others they are trying to follow the sound of Kion's voice because it is pitch dark outside but the only ones that can see are all the lions and Fuli because they have night vision. Bunga tried to follow the sound of Kion's voice but stopped paying attention and ran into the tree and fell down. Anga just barely noticed that Bunga had fallen down and scooped him up with her talans and placed him on top of Beshty. After a little while of walking they made it to the edge of the Tree Of Life which was blocked by a wall. Scar's sent went up the wall and the only way to find out where he went was to climb the wall too. Kion took a running start and was just strong enough and tall enough to reach and pull himself to the top. Rani jumped up after him and when she pulled herself up she just barely hit Kion and because it was a really narrow wall Kion fell over the edge '' woo''. Kion caught himself and was just barely hanging on. Rani wiped around and saw her mate trying to pull himself back up. Rani giggled grabbing the scruff of Kion's neck helping him up. "Sorry are you ok'' Rani said right as Kion got back on the wall. Kion smiled '' ya i'm fine''. 

Bititi smiled at Kion and Rani and wished that Hasani would get better. Bititi followed by everyone else except Beshty climbed up the wall. Kion looked down at Beshty '' hey Beshty can you meet us near the mountain I think the path way that leads out of the Tree connects to where we are'' kion said. Beshty nodded and ran off in the opposite direction to go around the wall. 

With Kion leading they all walk along the narrow wall until they reach a part of the wall that slopes down and is closer to the ground and they are able to jump down. A few minutes later Beshty found them and were able to regroup. In the distance Baliyo saw something move '' everyone look in the distance, something moved'' Baliyo said. All the animals froze trying to make out what it might be. Something ever so slowly was moving forward towards them until Kion could make out a lion kind of shape standing in front of them and the sun was coming up. The light of the sun had come up just enough and shined on the lion's eye. They all gasped and went into a fighting stance as they saw Scars scar and knew it was him. 

"Aaahhh if it isn't the lion guard it seems you have found my hideout A. " Scar said as 3 leopards walked and stopped next to him. Kion and the others had them greatly out numbered but A scar didn't care,.... "attack''! The leopards jumped towards the lion guard and Scar jumped towards Kion knocking him off his feet and tumbling to the ground. Bititi watched Scar tackle Kion and while doing so remember when she had hit Scar in his scar making him retreat for a minute. Bititi knew that it was Scar's week spot and ran over to Kion to help. She waited for Scar to be back on top of Kion so she could claw him in the face. Scar flew off of Kion and was now pawing at his Scar that was now in pain making him unable to fight for a minute. Kion stood up in shock '' thanks Bititi but how did you make him stop does he have a weak spot or something'' Kion asked? Bititi nodded '' your welcome and yes he does I have noticed that he hates it when you hit his scar.'' Kion ''smiled well let's test that out shall we and look here he comes.'' Scar was running towards Kion and  Bititi as they both got into a fighting position. 

The leopards were losing badly and there was only one left standing of them but he was the strongest one out of all, of them. Anga swooped down and tried to pick the leopard up and drop him but the leopard saw this and bit her wing instead. Anga fell to the ground in pain as she tried to get up. Beshty came out of nowhere and sent the leopard flying. The night pride came over to help Kion and Bititi fight Scar. "Look around Scar you lose'' Nermalla said while her and the night pride surrounded Scar. Scar was sent flying again by Kion and hit a wall. Scar shook his head and got up '' fine but this isn't over Kion the Tree Of Life will be mine''. Scar said as he ran off with the wounded leopards following. Kion smiled '' nice work everyone that should hold them off for a while''. They all smiled and started to walk back. 

The sun had now completely come up and Rija and Sawa woke up. They looked up and noticed that their mom and dad weren't there but Hasani was and he looked hurt so they didn't make a lot of noise. They remember what there mom had told them ''if me or dad are not in the Tree and you didn't know we left go to Makini and we will be back soon.'' Rija told this to Sawa and they walked over to Makini's tree. 

The lion guard and night pride got back to the Tree and Rani walked in to see that the cubs weren't there and smiled '' they must've gone to Makini'' Rani whispered to herself as she walked over to Makini's tree with Kiln to go get Rija and Sawa. 

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now