Part 13 A Change Of Events

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Eventually Kion and Rani got up and walked back to Bititi's den together and when they walked inside to get Rija and Sawa they found them curled up together looking so cute. Kion and Rani just stood there in the entrance of Bititi's layer not making any noises. Bititi caught Rani's and Kion's sent and woke up while walking over there to them.

"they look so cute sleeping I'd hate to wake them.....O Well. Kion couldn't help but laugh out loud at that little out breast. Bititi rolled her eyes at Rani then at Kion. Rani walked up to her cubs and gently nudged them to wake them up. Rija woke up first then Sawa. "Hi mommy hi daddy your back, where did you go'' Sawa asked in interest.'' Daddy just took me to go see the sunset'' Rani said calmly. "I wanna go see the sunset too'' Rija said raising his voice in jelucy. "Don't worry i'm sure when you get older you will take your mate to see the sunset'' Kion said teasingly. "What ewww no, I will never do that''. Kion, Rani, and Bititi laughed at Rija's ancer. "Come on you too let's go back to our home and leave Bititi to rest" Rani said while yawning. 

"Ok mommy'' the cubs said while walking off with their parents back to the Tree Of Life. Before the royal family could get far Rani heard someone calling her name. She turned around to see Bititi walking up to her. Rani turns around to face Kion one more ''hay Kion I will catch up with you in a minute I'm gonna talk to Bititi.'' Rani said while walking the other way to go see what Bititi wanted. "Ok see you back at the Tree'' Kion said while continuing to walk back with the cubs.

Rani and Bititi walk straight and when they get face to face Rani sits down next to Bititi. ''So how did your date night go you must of had fun because you were out till almost sunrise.'' Rani was smiling from imbursement''I was going to tell you anyway but how did you know Kion took me out''? Bititi giggled"why do you think I took the cubs away when they were asleep''? 

"uuu I don't know maybe you were just being nice''?

"nope I told Kion that I would get the cubs away so he could take you''.

"So did you have fun''?

"Yes I had a lot actually''

''How bout Kion did he have any fun''Bititi said while raising an eyebrow. " I actually think he had too much fun but whatever'' Rani said while blushing and smiling.

"Ok good I am glad to hear that but you should probably go to bed you can tell me what happens in the morning, I wouldn't want the king to get mad at me if he has to sleep alone in the tree all by himself because I took to long to talk to u'' Bititi said in a playful way.

Rani froze and started blushing remembering how she told Kion he could sleep on her that night. "O my gosh be quiet''Rani said in an annoyed way mixed with an I know you're right accent while smiling. Bititi smiled '' night Rani, tell me what happened in the morning''. "Ok night'' Rani said while walking off and yawning. 

In the distance very faintly Rani could see Kion and the cubs still walking about to reach the Tree Of Life to go to bed. Rani ran until she caught up to them. Kion turned around feeling the vibrations in the ground to see Rani was running up to him and stopped walking to wait for her. When Rani stopped running she was standing next to Kion and they began to walk off again. ''That was a short chat what did she want'' Kion asked. '' Ya it was short, all she wanted was to know if we had fun and I just said yes''Rani smiled remembered what she actually said, and in her head said ''more or less.'' Kion smiled ''ok that's good''. They finally made it back to the Tree and walked in. Rija and Sawa were still tired and when they got to their spot on the rock fell asleep immediately. Rani smiled and lay down on the rock with Kion close on her tail. Kion jumped up on the rock with a smile on his face which made Rani smile because she knew why he was smiling. Kion laid down next to Rani and rested his head on her back since she was laying down with her belly to the ground. "Kion was still in shock at how soft and warm Rani's fur was, ''your fur is so soft'' Kion said while being half asleep. Rani smiled warmly at her mate '' why do you think I don't want to get up in the mornings when I am laying down on you.'' Rani said. Kion smiled as silence filled the night and was soon dead asleep and so was Rani. 

Rani woke up to the sunlight filling their layer and moved a little accidentally waking up Kion. ''oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.'' Rani said to the sleepy lion. "It's ok I need to wake up anyway, I was thinking about going on patrol with the guard. "O ok well did you sleep well'' Rani said while rolling on top of Kion really waking him up having both of their heads touching. Kion looked up at his lionesses head on his " you look cute upside down.'' Rani giggled at Kion's way of flirting. Rani rolled off of Kion and Kissed his eye with his scar making Kion close that eye. Kion looked up at her, smiled,and returned the kiss before running off to find the lion guard  leaving Rani with the cubs. Kion left before having breakfast but he didn't clear he was filled with too much joy to eat and decided to skip breakfast and eat when it was lunch time. 

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