Part 11 keeping a secret

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Kion,Rani,and Bititi get back to the Tree Of Life to see Rija and Sawa still sleeping next to each other. Bititi was really excited to tell them because she knew that the cubs would be happy because she knew that they liked being with her.

Rani walked into the layer and up to Rija and Sawa. She nuzzled them to wake them up and giggled at the way Rija was laying. He was laying in an S shape with his paws on top of his face covering his eyes and his tail laying underneath him making it look like he has no tail. Rani woke him and Sawa up with a gentle nudge.

Morning Rija morning Sawa Kion said  to the cubs with a smile. Morning the cubs said.  The cubs stand up''whats going on, why is Bititi here, do we get to play with her again Sawa asked with confusion? Rani turns her head around to look at Bititi with a smile she said '' You could say that , what would you say if we told you that Bititi is your new babysitter.''  The cubs eyes lit up with excitement and joy''really yayyyyy!

''It's a good thing they like Bititi because they will have to get youst to her tonight''Kion whispered to himself. Kion smiled to himself but Rani noticed this and walked over to him. Rani raised an eyebrow at him''what was that smile for it was different from ur normal smile''? "What are you talking about this is my normal smile I am just happy that the cubs are happy'' Kion said with panic in his voice. Rani was a little suspicious but she chose to engorge it and walk outside with the cubs. When Rani and the cubs walk outside Bititi follows with Kion not far behind.

Bititi walks up to Kion and starts to whisper not loud enough for Rani to hear and gently pushes Kion with her paw ''so where are you going on your date tonight'' Bititi asked with a devilish smile on her face. Kion looked up at her with shock and surprise''what do you know that''Kion said while stuttering? Bititi started to giggle'' well for one thing Rani pointed out how you were smiling your not usual smile after she announced I was the cubs new babysitter. Two you are walking very slow like you are thinking about something.Three you keep looking up at the forest and fore I have seen this behavior before back at my den with my family before Scar came. "huuu fine you caught me, yes I am taking Rani on a date night because it's been so long since we have had one but I don't know where to take her,...I was thinking of taking her to the forest because I remember my dad telling me about how he and my mom had a good time out in the forest back in the pride lands which is my old home.'' Kion said with memories flashing through his head. Bititi smiled at him '' good it's good that you too are getting some alone time together and when you're ready tell me because I have a good way of getting the cubs away from you too.'' ''Thanks Bititi I want this night to be special'' Kion said with relief. "You don't owe me anything Ii am just happy to help.'' They both smiled at each other and ran off now walking close to Rani and the cubs.

While images, thoughts, and questions, were flowing through Kion head Bititi was covering for him. She walked up to the cubs and and went down into a fell down into a Bow''here is your courage your mayests''. The cubs giggled as they claimed on Bititi's back. "where to your mayests'' Bititi said in a Playful tone. Rija raised his paw then placed it on his stomach and rubbed it '' we would like to go to the buffet for lunch I'm starving''. Bititi laughed and turned to Rani. Rani nodded but before she took off she walked close to Bititi and whispered in her ear ''you guys and Kion meat me up in the grass land for lunch'' ''got it ''Bititi whispered back before seeing the Queen running off to go get food.

"Come on Kion Rani left to get some food have you picked a spot yet

Kion looked up at her with a smile '' yes and I have chosen what we are going to do too''.

That's great, when are you going to do it?

I am going to take her a little while after we are done eating when it gets close to night fall but not late enough where it is dark.''

Sawa chimed in before Bititi could ancer Kion'' What are you guys talking about, daddy where are you going?

"uuuuuu'' Bititi froze, she didn't know what to say. "we are just talking about how you and your brother are going to stay with Bititi for a little while tonight but mommy already knows so you don't need to tell her ok'' Kion said to Sawa. "O ok daddy Yayy''.

Bititi smiled "look were here and there's mommy with food.'' Rija and Sawa jumped down off of Bititi and ran over to the freshly killed Rino. Everyone gets over to Rani and the food and begins to eat. Kion and Rani are next to each other eating and Bititi is next to Kion but on purpose. Bititi bumps into Kion almost making him fall on top of Rani. Kion blushes a little and looks at Rani who was looking at him. Rani noticed that Kion was blushing a little and put her head under his making Kion happy and smile.

Bititi smiled at the sight of these two but continued eating. When they were done eating Rija climbed on top of Kion's head and laid down in his main falling asleep and Sawa falling asleep in Rani's paws. Kion looked up at Bititi giving her the signal and Bititi knew just what to do. They happened to be close to Bititi's den so she took Rija off of Kion's head and walked into her layer with Rija still in her mouth and gently set him down in the corner to keep him warm. When she sets Rija down she goes back for Sawa. She picks up Sawa by the scruff and brings her to her den. Kion and Rani get up''thank you Bititi''Rani said. ''Come on Rani let's go'' Kion said with excitement. "Hu, what, wait, where are we going'' Rani asked in confusion running after Kion. "You'll see'' Kion said while running away towards the forest with Rani close behind him.

Bititi watched as the King and Queen bound off like cubs as they disappeared into the distance. 

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