Part 23 Hope

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Bititi had to do something she had to help Hasani. She gathered up all her strength and without Scar noticing her crept to the side of him and head butted him making him hit the den wall. ''Come on'' bititi yelled to Hasani. Hasani got up with her and they ran close together incase Bititi needed help getting steady because she was still sick. '' Scar blinked a few times before he noticed that Bititi and Hasani had made a run for it but Scar had a plan for that too. Scar walked out of their den and stared toward a mountain hill and nodded his head. A few seconds later uharibifu and his followers came creeping out from the mountain ''get them '' Scar commanded. Uharibifu turned around to face his leopards ''come on before they get too far''.  Scar sent Uharibifu after Bititi and Hasani because he knew that they were faster than him. Hasani looked back as they were running and saw that the leopards were catching up with them ''uhh Bititi'' he stammered.  "Bititi stumbled a little but managed  to keep her balance still running at a good pace as she looked over at Hasani ''Ya'' she said. "Um where exactly are we going because they're catching up to us'' Hasani asked a little concerned  and also a little frightened. Bititi looked up and caught a sight on the Tree Of Life ''in there in the Tree we can block the exit so they can't  come in. " Hasani liked that idea ''ok ya then we can tell the King and Queen what's going on''. Bititi smiled '' exactly ''.  

One of the leopards tried to tackle Bititi and Hasanu but they ducked and swerve to make him fall and tumble sending him rolling into a bush. Still running Uharibifu smacked his paw across  his face because  he was disappointed that his leopard failed his attack. Bititi and Hasani were a few feet away from the tree and ran into it. Right as they ran in Bititi used her last bit of strength to help Hasani block the entrance with a big boulder. The sound of the entrance getting closed up by the bolder woke Rani and Kion up. Bititi used up all her energy and fell on the floor in the corner immediately closing her eyes.  Rani walked over to her and tried to nuge her awake but she wouldn't  budge. Rani looked up ''guys what happened '' Rani exclaimed! Hasani shrugged '' I don't know I wake up to see Bititi about to get killed by this lion in her cave having her basically pinned to the wall and the lion had a scar across his face.... I have never seen him before.'' Kion looked over at Rani with sadness in his eyes as he got up to try to look through  a hole in the rock that was blocking the entire. He couldn't see anything so he walked over to Hasani and stood by him. Kion looked over at Rani ''I need to go get the guard and you need to go get the night pride then we will meet up back here for a plan''. Rani nodded '' but what about Scar he is just going to try to come after Bititi and Hasani again''? Kion stopped for a moment to think '' maybe if they hide I might be able to lead Scar away from them.'' 

Once again Rani nodded her head and looked at Hasani to see if he understood what was happening witch he did. Hasani nodded his head as he got Bititi to finally stand up again with more help this time and brought her to the back of the Tree behind the gourds and hanging Vines. Kion used the Roar Of The Elders to brake open the rock so they could get out. Kion a d Rani ran out of the tree to try to find help but Kion's plan failed and Scar didn't follow him he had his own plan... he wanted to get Hasani for making his scar burn. 

Scar walked into the layer unseen but couldn't find the two lions until he saw a light coming from being some vines so he walked over there to see what it was. Scar smiled because he could see frighten in Hasani and Bititi's eyes as he crept closer with now joining him the leopards. Scar made a signal with his tail witch must've been a sing to go because all of asoden Scar, uharibifu and his followers had Bititi and hasani surrounded back to back with Scars new army closing in on them getting closer and closer with every step. Scar was facing in Bititi's  direction so decided to take her out instead. Scar raised a paw and Bititi braced her self for impacted but Hasani saw this and jumped in front of Bititi making himself get hit to the ground instead of her. Scar shrugged his shoulders and smiled now was his chance. He walked closer to the injured lion and bit his neck making Bititi scream in fright and making Hasani eyes slowly close. Scar though he was dead so he walked away and looked at the leopards '' come on let's go she can't do anything to us'' and with that they were gone and left the tree of life. Bititi started crying harder than she had ever cried in her entire life because Hasani sacrificed his life for hers. Bititi laid her head down on Hasani's stomach but cried herself to sleep thinking that Hasani was dead before she could feel very faint breaths coming from his heart and belly. Scar walked over to the watering hole and took a quick drink of the refreshing water that coated his throat as a treat for destroying his target.......supposedly. Kion ran to the guard and found them sleeping on a hill side but Fuli wasn't there. Kion nuged Ono awake '' Ono where is Fuli'' Kion questions. "The sleepy bird looks up '' she is with Azaad why''. The only word Kion said before he bolted off to go find Fuli was Scar and that made Ono's eyes widen with fear!


Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now