Part 26 First Kiss

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Kion and Rani walked over to Makini's tree '' hey cubs where are you'' Rani shouts looking around? A few seconds later Rija pops his head out from behind the other side of the tree '' hi mommy hi daddy we're over here come look''. Kion and Rani look at each other then shrugged as they followed Rija behind the tree with them both wondering what might be behind there. 

The King and Queen first saw Sawa and Makini just sitting there on the floor looking down into a hole and they thought nothing of it but if it weren't for Rija pushing them to look down in the hole they would have seen the thing that they saw in that hole. ..... Kion's jaw dropped at what he saw in that hole.... He saw a rushing river moving extremely fast and next to it layed a motionless leopard. The leopard looked like one of Scars but that didn't make any sense because Kion thought he killed them all when he lost control of the roar and sent them flying because they hurt Rani.

Kion still had his mouth open in shock so when nobody was looking she used her paw to lift up Kion's chin, close his mouth, and kiss him. Rani had been wanting to do that all morning and now she had finally got to do it in a funny way because Kion was in shock.

Kion smiled at Rani and nuzzled her before he walked closer to the hole and looked down at it specifically looking down at the leopard to try and figure out who it is or where he came from. 

Kion tried to ignore it because Nermalla came to get Kion and Rani so Kion just thought it might be a coincidence on how the leopard looked similar to the other leopard Scar is leading. "Kion Rani Hasani is away you wanna come say hi'' Nermalla asked? "Sure i'll come '' Kion said. Rani giggled '' I am definitely coming let's go''.  Rani ran off to go find Bititi with a smile on her face. 

Rani found Bititi laying on the ground next to Fuli talking to the lion guard. Bititi and Fuli had their backs towards Rani so they didn't see her coming. Bunga was about to say something to tell Fuli and Bititi that Rani was here but Rani caught this and placed her paw over her muzzle signaling to Bunga to be quite se Rani could sneak up on the. Bunga quickly stopped talking and Rani was a few feet away so she crept down. Kion got close enough to watch this and smiled. Rani jumped in the ari and nocked Fuli and Bititi out of there laying down position pinning them both down with a smile. "What the-'' Fuli said ..... '' O it's just you Rani''. Rani smiled and got of of them ''yep just me''. ''anyway'' Rani said '' I came to say that Hasani is awake if anyone wants to say hi ''. Bititi's eyes lit up with gratefulness and happiness as she tried to stand up as fast as she could without  looking suspicious or eager to go see Hasani even tho all the lion guard already knew she liked Hasani because she wasn't very good at hiding it. "I'll come'' Bititi tried to say as calmly as she could. Fuli stood up and giggled to herself '' ya I know '' she whispered. "Sure i'll come too '' Fuli said out loud. 

They walked into the Tree and saw Hasani looking board laying on the rock. Bititi walked closer to him ''hey Hasani , you good you look bord'' Bititi asked. Hasani was laying on his back with him head hanging off the rock ''ya i'm good now but Nermalla said I have to rest more.'' Bititi nodded her head in agreement '' ya I get it she told me to take it easy when I got sick because Scar poisoned me with Lilies.'' Hasani smiled I guess we're even'' he said. Bititi smiled '' yaI guess we are. " Rani made a 'awww how cute face but Bititi didn't want Hasai to know she liked him....... just yet. " Bititi hit Rani making her giggle to get her to behave right as Kion walked into the Tree Of Life. "Hey Hasani how do you feel '' Kion asked sitting down. Hasani sat up now laying on his belly '' I feel much better now actually thanks ''. Kion smiled " i'm glad''. 

Fuli stepped forward towards Bititi and whispered in her ear '' soo looks like the dare got flipped aa''. Bititi looked confused and tilted her head '' Hu what do you mean by that '' she asked still kind of quite? Fuli smiled '' you know how we dared Hasani to take care of you''? 

"ya why''

''well now that dare got flipped around to you'' Fuli said smiling from ear to ear. Bititi froze and started blushing but Hasani didn't know why and could only hear Bititi so he just chose to engorge it. Rani was giggling '' come on guys'' let's let them talk for a while '' Rani said. Kion and Rani nodded as they left the Tree. When they all left, Bititi walked towards Hasani '' thanks for saving me Hasani '' Bititi said smiling. " your welcome''. There was silence inside the Tree and Bititi wanted to break it so studding she said '' um H- Hasani can I tell you something''. Hasani looked up at her '' ya what is it ''? 

"I uhh I like u " Bititi said stopping her gaze at Hasani to look at the ground. Hasani smiled his biggest smile ever '' I like you too'' he said. Bititi immediately looked up at him with happiness in her eyes and smiled. " I will be back I'm gonna go get water'' Bititi said. "ok Hasani said but can I do one thing first '' he asked nervously? Bititi stopped walking out and walked over to him again '' sure''. Hasani leaned closer to Bititi and licked her cheek. "ok now you can go''. Bititi's face turned red as she smiled at him wormily and ran out of the Tree to the watering hole as fast as she possibly could with a smile on her face. 

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