Part 7 Scars returns

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This picture above will make sense later in this chapter.

Bititi woke up early in the morning a little before the sun came up but it was still dark outside. She walked outside of her den and looked around for something to mask her sent. She looked to her right and sall a mud puddle. She walked over to it and rolled around in it. when she could tell that her scent was gone she walked over to the tree of life and as quietly as she could walked in and over to where Rija and Sawa were sleeping. She nuzzled Rija first then Sawa trying to wake them up. rija woke up and looked around to see Bititi standing before him. He looked up and smiled knowing what was going on. Bititi was still trying to wake up Sawa but she just rolled over thinking it was her brother. Rija walked over to her and slapped her across the face but not to hard. sawa woke up with a jolt" Hay what was that for" she yelled but not loud enough for Rani and Kion to wake up. Bititi witnessed this and had the biggest smile on her face trying not to laugh.

Rija: come on sis it's time to prank mom.

Sawa's face lit up as she sall bititi.

" Come on" Bititi whispered as she walked out of the tree. The cubs followed and when they got far enough away from the tree to talk normally Bititi bursted into laughter finding it very amusing seeing Sawa get slapped in the face by her brother. When she was done laughing she looked over at riga who had a smile on his face because he knew why she was laughing. " Ok so what are we going to do agen" Sawa asked. Bititi: "Ok so you and Rija are going to go back in the tree and ask your mom to take you guys on a walk in the forest because you can't sleep. Then when she saids yes walk over there and start to play tag. While playing tag run up out of her sight to me and we will be quite and hide until she starts to get worried and is calling for you. When she does that we will all at the same time Roar at her then jump up out of the bushes and tackle her. " this is going to be so much fun" Rija said with excitement in his voice. " Ok it's almost light out so go. Rija and Sawa run off back to the tree and over to where there mom is sleeping. sawa rubs her neck under Rani's and Rija jumped on her back. " Mom" sawa said, Can you take us on a walk we can't sleep? 

Rani rubs her eye, " it's still dark out can't we wait till it's morning? "But we can't wait till morning please mommy please can we go right now pleasssseee" sawa wines. Rani get up, stretches and jumps off the rick she and kion were sleeping on. " Fine we can go right now". Yayy the cubs scream. Rani walks over to Kion who is still sleeping. Rani rubs up against Kion's face feeling his soft fur" Kion" Rani said " i am going to take the cubs on a walk I'll be back. kion rolls over " Ok he mumbles. Rani rolls her eyes but smiles at her mate. They began to walk out and while they were doing that Bititi was getting into position. Rija and Sawa started to run which made Rani run to catch up to them and the faster they got to the forest the faster they get to do the prank.  Bititi was in place and so were Rija and Sawa. They had made it to the forest.

Rani: How come you guys couldn't sleep?

Sawa: Uuu we were hot.

Rani: are you still hot?

Rija: Ya a little, but lets keep walking it's fun.

Everyone fell silent as they continued to walk. Rija and Sawa both looked at each other signaling the sine to start playing tag and go run off. Rija started it off by tagging Sawa,"Tag your it", and he ran ahead. Sawa I'm going to get you, she ran off too and before Rani could stop them or say anything they were both out of sight. Rija and Sawa turned the corner at a bush and behind it was Bititi waiting for them.

"Did it work is she coming? Bititi asked

Sawa: Ya she is coming,

" Ok good.

The three lions are hiding behind a bush watching Rani through it. The cubs do not come back to Rani and she is starting to get worried so she starts to call for them. "RIJA,..SAWA.. where are you. Rani looks around and has the feeling of being watched. Rani turns around and hears rustling nearby. Sawa Rija is that you Rani screeched. Right at that moment Rija, Sawa, and Bititi Roar at Rani and jump on her making her scream as she falls to the ground. Rija, Sawa, and Bititi fall to the ground laughing as Rija said" We got you we finally scared you.'' Rani smiles a small smile " Ya ya you got me, but that was scary don't run off like that.  Sawa grind " ok but that sure was funny tho". Rani pounced on the lions making them scream and laugh at the same time. The sun was up not and they were all starving so they all walked back to the tree to get some food. Right as the girls and Rija left the tree Kion got up and ran over to Azaad to get there prank started. Kion was waiting for them with a buffalo laying on the ground waiting for it to be eaten. Nice catch Kion Rani started. Thanks Rani he said. They all started eating and when they were done Kion went to find the lion guard but particularly Fuli. Before Kion left he walked over to Makini's tree and asked her if he could watch the cubs. Makini jumped down from her tree and was excited to play with the cubs.Kion was walking over to the lion guard but on his way over he yelled to Rani."Hay Rani someone wanted to see you at the edge of the falls. Rani raised an eyebrow but walked over there to meet them. Kion made it to the lion guard and went straight to Fuli, " Hay Fuli um someone wanted to talk to you at the falls. OK thanks Kion she said as she walked off. Kion turned to Anga. Kion: Anga can you take the lead today I need to go help Fuli. "Sure" " ok thanks" Kion said as he began to follow Fuli but made sure to follow her far enough away so he wouldn't be spotted. Fuli and Rani got there about the same time but Azaad was already waiting there for them.

Rani was standing near the edge of the cliff and under it was water and that is where Kion wanted her to be standing.

Azaad you wanted to talk to us Fuli said amazed?

Yes I did and for one reason and one reason only.

Now Kion Azaad shouted and out of nowhere Kion jumped out and pushed Rani off the cliff into the water. The cold water hit Rani's fur as she bursted out of the water. Azaad had pulled out a big snow ball out from behind a tree and smashed it on top of Fuli's head. Fuli looked up at him and had an amusing expression on her face. " What was that for" Fuli shouted. " Ya what was that for" Rani shouted from the bottom of the mountain making her way back up to the top. For you Rani that's for the flowers in  my main and For you Fuli It was just for fun. Fuli looks up at Azaad and was about to chace him when they heard a scream near by and came running to see what it was.

With Scar

scar had finally made it back to the tree of life but he knew that Ullu was watching the pass so he took the back way and climbed up the mountain. Scar sall Bititi walking in the distances and right next to him he saw some Lilies. He picked the Lilley up in his mouth and crushed it up in the water careful not to get any in his mouth and system. {Lilies Are toxic to lions } He went to hide and he saw Bititi walk in and drink the water full of Lili juice. After she was done drinking she could see scar! Scar walked up to her as she got into a fighting position.

Scar: Why hello Bititi it looks like you escaped the chaos. But now it's time to die with the rest of your family. But I am going to wait.

Bititi: what do you mean wa-. Bititi collapse to the ground screaming what did you do to me.

Scar: Nothing all I did was put some Lilies in the water.

Bititi eyes widened. Kion,Rani,Fuli, and Azaad all came running and saw Bititi on the ground. After hearing what scar had did to Bititi he was not going to deal with him right now and instead used the roar of the elders to send him flying back out of the tree of life. They all ran over to Bititi to see if she was ok.

Rani: Bititi are you ok but before she could answer she blacked out from the poison but has not yet died . 

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now