Part 16 Crushes

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Bititi waited until Kion was out of sight and the cubs were distracted with each other to talk to Rani. "Hey Rani how did you get Kion''? Rani smirked as she knew where this was headed''why'' Rani asked just to annoy her. Bititi certainly was annoyed because she didn't want Rani making this harder to say than it actually was '' o..u..I was..u just wondering'' she said out of panic.  "O really because you seemed to be stuttering and I know that's not true come on tell me the truth what do you really want''. Rani was always good at getting thing out of Bititi and she never knew how she did it ''fine i'll tell you....I..I..(sigh)..I like Hasani ''Rani smiled finally really knowing that her Bff liked Hasani.''Are you gonna do anything I mean you do share a den with him now''Rani said teasingly while giving Bititi a jentl push with her paw. "Bititi started to blush"Rani no this is serious I need help I don't know what to do''! Rani was giggling a little a she looked at her friend in what looked like destress''I know I know I don't know if this will help but I used to hate Kion because he used his Roar to send Baliyo flying but after Janna told me to welcome him and his friends into the tree and after we got to know each other while he was being heald I fell in love with him. We went out on a walk and while we were walking we started singing and at the end of our song I just went for it and asked him to be my mate and the king ''. Bititi stood there in shock listening to Rani's story'' wow and when you asked him he said yes right''? "Um not exactly, before he could answer the lion guard all and some friends from his home came and took him because he had to go protect his home from some evil lions and he left''. Rani was a little sad now and Bititi felt sorry for her but still letting Rani finish her story stayed quiet''He was gone for a week and a few days and I started to miss him...Until one day he came back with help from his sister he convinced his dad to let him come back and be with me. The day I found out he had came back, I ran out of the tree and hugged him and he hugged me back, he told me that he would love to be my king and we had his coronation at sundown...when we walked into the tree of life together he licked the side of my cheek and I rested my head on his shoulder''. Rani was smiling now thinking about hers and Kion's past. Bititi looked shocked ''Rani you made it sound so easy how is that supposed to help me'' Bititi said kind of annoyed. Rani smiled '' what I mean is just give him time to warm up to you, and you time to warm up to him before you do anything crazy. "Bititi just smiled and sat down next to Rani ''ok''. It was almost dinner and the cubs came clogging up together to Rani and Bititi ''Mom were hungry'' the cubs shouted. Rani smiled ok I will go round up dinner daddy will probably be here in a little while''. Rani shot Bititi a look and Bititi nodded at her meaning that she would take care of the cubs while Rani went out and hunted for dinner. 

Rani ran off to go get dinner leaving Bititi with Sawa and Rija. "Hey you two want to see if we can go find your dad and tell him to come get dinner'' Bititi asked the cubs bordly because she had nothing else to do and she was tired of talking about her crush, she wanted a change of events to take her mind off things. Thankfully for her the cards played out in her hands and the cubs were happy and excited to go look for their dad. The three of them went walking on the path up to the waterfall. Bititi got distracted and couldn't help herself be jumping in the water. The cubs watched her jump and jumped in after her. They had started splashing and swimming all around in the water and lost track of time.

Rani had caught a zebra that they could all share and when she brought it back to the place where they were talking nobody was there. Rani rolled her eyes and smiled a little'' of course they wandered off there with Bititi'' Rani said whispering to herself in her head. She knew she had to go find them but she had to move fast so nobody would steal their meal .... she had just prayed before running off to find them that when she returned her zebra would still be there safe and sound.

Rani ran off as fast as she could to find Kion,their cubs, and Bititi. She ran to the watering hole with the waterfall first because she knows that Bititi loves the water and to Rani's surprise found Bititi and the cubs both playing in the water. Rani walked up to them and smiled ''come on guys let's go eat''. 

Rija:''O ya I forgot that I was hungry''. Rani giggles and they start to speed walk back to where Rani had laid the zebra.  Kion came back from patrol and ran into them. "Hey Kion did anyone attack the Tree'' Rani asked as Kion walked up to them and next to Rani. "Thankfully no but if anyone is going to attack it will probably be Scar, i'm sore he will recover and come up with a new plan soon enough'' Kion said rolling his eyes. Rani smiled and was now more relieved '' that's good we'll come on dinner is hopefully ready''. Kion raised an eyebrow at Rani ''what do you mean hopefully''? Rani smiled and turned her head to Bititi'' well I had to hide it because I had to go find someone''Rani said in a playful way making Bititi blush. "It's not my fault I like to move around''. Rani smiled as they got back to the grasslands and to Rani's surprise the zebra was untouched and in the same spot she had left it. They all began eating and when they were done it was almost sundown and time to go to bed. Kion, Rani, and the cubs had started to walk back to the tree but before Rani could walk inside she stopped and turned around to face Bititi''you got this just give it time'' Rani said before walking into the Tree behind Kion. Bititi walked off back to her den swallowed hard, took a deep breath and walked in to find Hasani asleep in the corner of her den which made her smile, he looked cute sleeping!

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now