Part 19 Chaos

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Bititi dragged the buffalo back to her layer to find Hasani still sleeping. Bititi was a little nervous but she walked over to Hasani and nudged him awake with her nose. Hasani rolled over but sat up with a quick yown. "Morning Hasani I was just wondering if you wanted something to eat'' Bititi asked as she looked over at the buffalo she dragged all this way? Hasani looked up at her and smiled ''sure I could eat'' Hasani said walking over to Bititi. They both walked over to the buffalo and Bititi sat down next to it. Hasani took one look at the big buffalo and his eyes lit up ''wow how did you bring that big thing all the way back here''. Bititi started blushing and tried to hide it and shrugged her shoulders as she said ''I don't know''. Hasani saw that Bititi was blushing and walked closer to the food to where he could smell it even stronger '' your really strong it's hard to drag something this big''. Bititi started blushing even harder witch made Hasani smile bigger ''thanks'' Bititi said while starting to eat a long with Hasani.

The buffalo was mostly gone now and Bititi was full. "come on'' she shouted to Hasani. Hasani looked up at her took one more bite and ran off after Bititi '' coming'' he shouted still running to catch up to Bititi. He finally caught up to he and they began to walk and talk.

Kion found an antelope separated from the rest of the herd and Kion took that as an advantage. Kion crept as slowly and soundless as he could in the tall grass until he was close enough to jump. Kion's  tail twitched as he stared at his next meal. Kion sprang up and unleashed his claws on the bucking antelope. The antelope tried getting away but Kion was too fast and strong and with one big bite on the neck it fell to the ground dead. 

Kion dragged the freshly hunted antelope back to the tree of life where Rani was sitting on the rock with the cubs on her back. Right as Kion walked in Rija jumped up on his dad, '' dad I'm bored I want a ride''. Kion smiled ''can I at least eat breakfast first'' Kion asked looking up at the cubs on his head? Rija slid off of Kion looking bummed out '' fine''. As Rija walked off back to Rani Kion made him stop walking by ruffling Rija's main and smiling at him while walking over to Rani. Kion and his family ate breakfast and when Kion was done eating he walked off to go on the walk he was going to go on earlier before he when't on patrol with his guard. This time instead of watching him leave Rani took the cubs and walked over to Bititi's den to see if she and Hasani we're awake yet after they were done eating. 

Rani and the cubs got to Bititi's den and could see the corps of a buffalo pushed off to the side almost completely eaten. Seeing this made Rani very happy because she knew that Bititi couldn't eat that hole thing by herself meaning she shared it with Hasani....another step closer to having  a new pair in their pride. Rani walked inside hoping to find them there but nobody was in there.  "They must've when't somewhere... But where'' Rani mumbles to herself confused on where they might have gone.

Bititi and Hasani started running again this time making it a race '' on your mark...get set......go'' Hasani shouted as they both started running off to the watering hole. Hasani was in the lead but Bititi was on his tail. They watering hole was in sight now. Hasani and Bititi we're both neck and neck now but Hasani was determined to win. He pushed himself farther than he had before and wins. They both had smiles on their faces as they collapse to the ground in exhaustion close enough to the watering hole where they could still be laying down but drink the water at the same time. The nice cold water fills their throats and right when Bititi was done drinking the water she laid her head down on the grass. Making sure Bititi didn't see he smiled on of his biggest smiles ever because he doesn't remember the last time he has had that much fun and he had hoped with all his heart that Bititi liked him back.

Kion was walking for a while around just thinking what he would do if Scar or those mysterious animals attacked the Tree Of Life again. After walking around some more Kion comes across the watering hole and the first thing he could see was Bititi and Hasani laying down close to each other. Kion walked closer and hid behind a bush so they didn't see him but he could still watch.  

After a short time had passed Bititi had gotten up and so had Hasani, getting ready to go walking again. They had just started walking and Kion was watching their every move trying to so if they would make a move because Kion really wanted to bug Hasani about it. Bititi was walking on the water side and Hasani was walking on the grass side. Hasani had a smile on has face and Bititi saw this, ''why are you smiling at me like that'' Bititi said kind of nearvace. Hasani stopped walking and took his two front paws and pushed Bititi into the water making her fall under for a few seconds. Bititi burst up out of the water with a smile forming on her face. "AAAAAA it's cold'' Bititi said while getting out of the water.  Kion almost gave his hiding spot away from laughter he couldn't hold it in he just thought that was too funny. Hasani thought he heard some russells in the bushes but he chose to ignore it. Hasani started laughing now as a lioness with wet fur came walking out of the water. "o you think that's funny huh'' Bititi said, ''well take this''. Bititi started to shake all the water off of her fur trying to get as much water on Hasani as she could. Hasani flinched and turns around. When Bititi was done splashing him Hasani turned back around to face Bititi. He poured on top of her knocking her on the ground in the grass. 

Kion ran off to find Rani and he found her playing in the grass near the Tree with the cubs. "Rani guess what I just saw'' Kion screams. "what is it Kion'' Rani said as she looked up. ''I saw Bititi and Hasani playing together near the waterfall.'' ''Wow really''? ''Ya and  I am going to go find Hasani again and bug him about it and see if he keeps it a secret or tells me''. Rani rolls her eyes in a playful way ''of course you are ok tell me what happens when you come back from patrol''. "ok'' Kion said as he ran off to find Hasani.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant