Part 40 New Friends

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Kion and Rani took Rija and Sawa over to the plains to play a game. 

''What do you want to play'' Kion asked his cubs.

Sawa started to jump around ''can we play tag'' she asked as she stopped jumping? Kion smiled ''sure who's it''? Sawa had a smirk on her face and slowly walked up to her dad and tagged him ''tag your it''. "Awww man of course it's me''. Rani giggles as she runs away ''Sawa you made a terrible mistake making dad it first. He is very fast and is most likely to go after me first'' Rani complained. Sawa smirked at her mom ''that was my plan'' then she ran off leaving Rani speechless. 

Kion had started running but to Rani's surprise he didn't go after her he went after Sawa because he overheard her and Rani talking. Sawa saw her dad was closing in on her and she shrieked ''aaaaaahhhh daddy pls'' Sawa pleaded through laughs but it was too late for mercy Kion had already tagged her. "Tag your it now'' and with that Kion ran off in the opposite direction away from Sawa.

Sawa looked around and ran after her brother. Sawa was about to tag Rija but the Rija jolted to the left making Sawa fall ''hey no fair'' Sawa said. Rija smirked at her and stuck out his tongue. Rani saw this and rolled her eyes ''play nice you too''. The cubs didn't hear her and continued to play fight. Rani looked a little annoyed as she walked over to Kion and sat down next to him. "You wanted Cubs'' Kion said with a smirk.

"Ya I know but I didn't say two''. 

"That's not my fault'' Kion said playfully.

Rani raised an eyebrow ''no it ant your the one who got me pregnant'' Rani stated as she pinned Kion down. 

"Ok but you made me your king'' Kion fired back.

Rani tried to think of something else to say back but she couldn't Kion had her trapped '' well then it's your dad's fault''. Kion chuckled ''how''. 

"Because he made you way too dang cute'' as Rani said this she licked Kion's cheek. Kion got free of Rani and pinned her down with a smile ''I won't argue there''. Rani laughed at Kion's remark as he let her up and they walked back over to the cubs. Come on you two you wanna play hide and seek'' Ranni asked. 

"Do your mind if we play'' a voice from behind the royal family said. The royal family all turned around to see Hasani ,Bititi, Asani, and Terema were standing near them.

Kion smiled ''sure the more the merrier''. They all started playing and even Asani had started to play but they didn't run as fast because they were still learning how to walk. Asani was the first to walk but Terema wasn't far behind. Terema fell a couple times but Hasani helped her up and after a few minutes she was walking.

Kion went after Asani but when Kion was about to tag him Adani ducked and went under Kion's legs making him miss. "What the-'' Kion said looking under his leg. Everyone started laughing including the cubs ''missed me missed me'' Asani chanted as he ran over and hid behind his dad's back legs. Kion smirked and rolled his eyes in a playful way as he walked back over to the group. 

After playing tag for a while it became dark and time to go to sleep. 


''Night everyone.''


Kion and Rani walked away back into the Tree Of Life with Sawa and Rija following close behind. When they walked into the Tree Rija and Sawa walked over to their ushawal spot on the wall and fell asleep quickly because of all the excitement they had.

When they fell asleep Kion did his stretches before he joined Rani on their rock.  Rani smiled as she watched Kion do  his night time stretches. ''Hey Kion'' she asked as Kion jumped on the rock and laid down next to her.


I have this weird feeling that something's going to happen but I don't know what it is''. Kion sat up and scooted closer towards Rani while still listening to her. I'm sure it's nothing and even if it is it can't get past me'' Kion said as he began to fight the air playfully. Rani giggled as Kion jumped back on their rock. " I'm glad you take your job of protecting so seriously'' Rani stated. Kion smiled and looked over at his cubs who were peacefully sleeping then back at Rani ''yep and now it just got a whole lot harder because I've got a family now.'' Kion shifted towards Rani as she gave him a flirty look as he kissed her. Rani nuzzled Kion and they both fell asleep with Kion holding Rani.

Bititi and Hasani walked into their den and Bititi laid down so the cubs could nurse. While the cubs were nursing Hasani walked over and nuzzled Bititi before falling asleep close by. When the Cubs stop nursing they fell asleep in their mom's arms as Bititi fell asleep on Hasani's chest dreaming about how she would take the Cubs out on a walk just outside the Tree of Life but little did she know that that would be the biggest mistake ever......

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now