Part 38 Relax

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Kion smiled feeling relieved that Scar was finally gone and turned to the leopards who had shocked looks on their faces at their leader who laid dead on the ground before them. ''And now for you guys... does any of you want to be next'' Kion asked? The leopards backed up in fear and shook their heads. Kion smiled ''good.... now beat it and never come back. Before the leopards could react Kion used the Roar of the elders to send the leopards flying far away from the mountain pass. Rani smiled and clicked Kion's cheek making him blush ''now that their taken care of why don't we have some more fun before it's night'' Rani suggested. Bititi smiled and started walking over to Rani and Kion but Hasani grabbed her tail in his mouth making her stop walking ''we will catch up with you two in a minute''. "O ok'' Kion said. Rani smirked at Kion ''come on I have been waiting a while to do this''. Kion looked scared ''umm should I be scared'' Kion asked? Rani laughed ''I don't know I guess we'll find out''. Kion frowned and followed Rani leaving Hasani and Bititi alone to talk.

Once the king and queen left Hasani started to talk ''Bititi what happened why did you run away in the beginning of the fight I heard you breathing''. Bititi sighed ''I don't know I saw Scar then my dream from this morning came back and my memories of what Scar did to my family just made me scared and I....I was hearing voices is my head that said to run.'' Bititi was gently crying and Hasani walked over to her. "It's  ok that's all in the past now and I'm here''. Hasani licked Bititi's cheek then he nuzzled her making her feel relaxed now. Bititi smiled ''thanks Hasani''. "Your welcome now come on let's go see what Rani is doing to Kion I'm dying to find out.'' Bititi giggled ''ya me too.'' Hasani and Bititi walked off to go find Kion and Rani. 

Over with Kion and Rani

Rani led Kion over to a tree and Had him lay down. Rani was giggling as she stood behind Kion. Kion still didn't know what Rani was doing but just in case he closed his eyes. Rani giggled and Kion could feel her paws in his main. ''Ok you can open your eyes now'' Rani said. Kion opened his eyes a little worried and when he opened them he saw his main in his eyes and some of him main pulled out to the sides. ''Really... again with the main'' Rani smiled ''yep and the best part about it is that you have to leave it like that for the rest of the day''. Kion frowned and rolled his eyes ''fine''.

Soon after Hasani and Bititi came up to Kion and Rani laughing ''dude what happened to your main'' Hasani asked while walking over and standing in front of Kion. Kion rolled his eyes "ugg I knew this was going to happen''. Rani tried to hold in her laugh but she just couldn't. Rani bearsted out laughing and almost tripped but Kion caught her in his arms just before she hit the ground. Before Rani could say anything she saw Kion's mane again and started giggling. "Maybe I should've just let you fall'' Kion said sarcastically. Rani slowly stopped laughing and shook her head ''Wow just wow you want to just let me fall like that''. Kion set Rani down ''I'm just kidding''. Rani smirked at Kion and gave him a flirty look. Kion gave her one back. 

"Alright it's almost dark you guys wanna come with me and Bititi to go and get some dinner'' Hasani asked? Kion smiled ''sure that sounds fun just let me go get Rija and Sawa from the plains, earlier they said they wanted to go play there after we were done eating''. "Ok''. 

Kion ran off to the plains and when he got there he found Rija and Sawa near a tree playing tag. "Hey you two you wanna come with me, mom, Bititi, and Hasani to go hunt for dinner it will be good practice for you anyways''. "Ya we wanna come'' they both said while following their dad back to wear the group was.  

When Kion left Rani walked over to Bititi and whispered in her ear ''so is Hasani going to actually let you do something how'' Rani asked joking around. Bititi rolled her eyes in a playful way ''that's what I said and thankfully yes''. Rani giggled as she looked over at Hasani. 

Kion got back shortly after and they all went hunting. They walked over to the hunting grounds and started to stock two gizells. Kion, Rani, Sawa, and Rija we're following one while Hasani and Bititi were following the other. 

At the right moment Kion jumped on the gazelle and bit its neck while the cubs were nipping at its feet making it stumble around and Rani was clawing at its ribs. The gizelle fell down motionless and Kion dragged it back over to a spot they were going to eat it at and waited for Hasani and Bititi. 

They didn't have to wait long before Hasani came up dragging a gazelle behind him with Bititi following. They all started eating and when they were done the sun was completely gone and the moon was shining bright above them. 

"Good night everyone'' Rani said ''Night''. Bititi and Hasani walked off into their den and fell asleep with Bititi laying on Hasani's chest. Rani walked into the Tree of life with Kion following close behind and the cubs already inside. "Hay Kion'' "ya''? "I was never actually going to tell Hasani your story''. Kion frowned ''so you're telling me that I didn't have to do whatever you said all day''! Rani laughed and nodded her head. Kion rolled his eyes and pounced at Rani knocking her on the ground. They were rolling on the ground for a while waiting for Rija and Sawa to fall asleep and when they were asleep Kion smirked at Rani. "You wanna play a game'' Kion suggested? "What game''? Kion smirked and pinned Rani down ''can you guess what it is''? Rani gave Kion a flirty look ''I think I need a demonstration''. Kion smirked at Rani and started. When they were finished Rani was dead tired and fell asleep laying on top of Kion and Kion fell asleep Knowing that him and Rani's love for each other was stronger than ever.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now