Part 47 Hide Me

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Hasani started thinking ''Hay Bititi you wanna go out over to the watering hole and get a drink?" Hasani asked getting bored.

"Sure why not, the cubs won't wake up for a while" Bititi replies as she walks closer to Hasani.

Hasani smiled at her "alright come on let's go"

Bititi smirked as they walked away to the watering hole.

As they get over to the watering hole Bititi laid down and placed her paw in the water as Hasani laid down next to her. "The water looks nice doesn't it" Hasani said. Bititi looked into the water and smiled "ya it does". 

"Well why don't you test it." Bititi was confused with Hasani's words but before she could say anything Hasani pushed her face down into the water. Bititi shot her head up out of the water and coughed for a second before slowly turning her head towards Hasani and frowning. Hasani had a smirk on his face "opsies....uhh gotta go" Hasani ran off as fast as he could as Bititi got up and started to chase him. Hasani caught a sight of Rani again thinking maybe she could help him.  Hasani ran over to her shouting "Rani Help Me,Help Me Save Me From Bititi!"

Rani was confused as she looked over towards Hasani to see him running for his life from Bititi. Hasani ran over to her and hid behind her using her as a shield from Bititi. 

Rani smirked at him ''What did you do now?" 

"I kinda sorta dunked her head into the water and she probably wanted to get me back."

Rani smirked while listening to Hasani as she went into thought. "Ahh I remember when Kion pulled me into the water....alright let me handle her." Hasani breathed a sigh of relief as Rani approached Bititi and pinned her stopping her from trying to hunt Hasani down. 

"Hey what gives" Bititi asks in a playful tone. "Uhh....come on I need to show you something at the watering hole". "Why" Bititi asked in a sly tone. "Just come on Rani edged. "Fine fine but this doesn't mean Hasani's off the hook." Rani smirked and nodded as she led Bititi back over to the watering hole. 

"Hey Bititi you see that tree above us" Rani asked? "Ya" Bititi answered looking up.

"Good"- Just then Rani pushed Bititi fully into the water and ran back over to Hasani as fast as she could yelling at him "RUN"!

Hasani's eyes lit up as he processed what he just witnessed as he ran off with Rani following.

Bititi burst out of the water "oo i'm going to get both of you now." Bititi said as she ran after them. "How is this supposed to help?" Hasani asked Rani as he looked back behind himself to see how much of a gap they have between Bititi and the. 

"I don't know I just wanted to push her into the water" Rani replied.

"Fair enough" Hasani replied with a smirk as they continued to run away.

Bititi was gaining on them and as she got closer and closer she crouched down and pounced on them. Rani screamed playfully as she laughed and Hasani smiled as he watched the two lionesses wrestle before he jumped in. 

Hasani was being funny and stood in the middle of the two fighting  girls as he said "ladies ladies there's no need to fight." Rani and Bititi instantly stopped fighting and looked each other in the eyes with a quick 'you thinking what i'm thinkin' nod. Hasani was a little frightened on why the girls were sharing eye contact but he made the mistake of staying in the middle of the girls. 

Bititi and Rani both narrowed their eyes and lunged foward at Hasani tackling him. 

Hasani was about to complain"what was that for", but Bititi beat him to it. "Just because and because it was funny."

Hasani rolled his eyes as Rani and Bititi got off of him. "Ha ha very funny guys" Hasani complained. "You started this, I didn't ask you to dunk my head in the water" she shot back as she raised an eyebrow.

Hasani sighed but not a full sad sigh. "Ya I guess you're right......but it was still worth it" Hasani giggled.

"Can't argue that" Rani agreed.

Bititi gave her the death stare witch shut her right up and made Hasani laugh a little.

"Well now that we got that settled what do we do now?" Hasani questioned.

Bititi shrugged "I don't know".

"Hey you guys'' wanna help me with the monkeys, a heavy rock fell on their rope swing breaking it and I could use some help moving the rock and rebuilding their swing" Rani suggested.

Bititi immediately took all of her attention and put it on Rani, she loved to help when animals were stuck especially when she could use her strength. "That sounds fun" Bititi said in a calf voice. 

Rani smiled ''I thought you'd like that idea."

"I guess I'm coming too" Hasani chimed in.

When they got over to where the monkeys were the first thing everyone saw was the rock in the way of the vine swing. The rock wasn't much bigger than Hasani but was still very heavy and was going to be a challenge to move. 

"Oof" Bititi said out loud looking at the rock that was taller than her.

"Yep" Rani answered. 

"Okay?...Well this is going to be a little harder to lift than I thought......but I will still have fun trying." Bititi said.

Rani shook her head in amazement "I still wonder how you think this is mostly fun but you're crazy and I guess I'm going to have to learn to live with it."

Hasani laughed as Bititi answered Rani "Yep."

They all walked over to the rock and expected it, trying to figure out how to move it. "Hey we might need Makini to help us tie the knots" Bititi suggested looking over in Rani's direction. "Good idea, I'll be right back" Rani answered as she ran off towards Makini's tree.

"So whatcha thinking"? Hasani asked.

"Well I was thinking maybe once we had the swing ready to go that Makini could go up to the spot where the swing needs to be and when she is in position me you and Rani will push the boulder while Makini ties the rope to the top of the tree."

"I like it and speak of the devil look who's back." Hasani answered making himself and Bititi look over at Rani who was walking back over to them with Makini by her side.

"Were back, did I miss anything?" Rani asked. 

"Nope the only thing was Bititi thought of a plan" Hasani explained. 

Rani raised an eyebrow showing interest "O really please explain."

Bititi walked over to Rani and explained her idea. 

"Ok that could work, ya lets try that."

They all set off to find veins to rebuild the swing and when they had enough they tied them together and waited for Makini to get into position.

Once she was in the tree in the right spot Bititi, Rani, and Hasani got into position getting ready to push the rock. 

"Everyone ready?" Rani called.

"Yep" they all replied.

"K on three" Rani said to Bititi and Hasani signaling getting ready to push. "1.....2.....3....push!"

Rani, Bititi, and Hasani started to push the rock away and once it was far enough away Makini tied the swing to the tree, finishing the job.

Rani,Bititi, and Hasani stopped pushing and were out of breath.

"Nice....job.....guys..." Rani said through breathes.

Bititi and Hasani just smiled and Makini climbed down out of the tree joining the rest of the group.

"Why don't you guys go get some rest and we can discuss where to put the rock in the morning" Makini suggested. Rani smiled "ya that sounds nice, see you two tomorrow" Rani called to Bititi and Hasani as she walked off.

"Ok night."


Bititi and Hasani walked off back to their den and once Hasani stretched and layed down, Bititi curled up next to him as they both fell asleep next to their cubs.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now