Chapter 5

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2 weeks later **

We spent a few hours playing with play doh before I looked at the time on my phone and noticed that it was nearly time for the kid's lunch. "Come on munchkins lets go get you some lunch" I say holding their little hands and taking them downstairs.

We walk into the kitchen and I notice Nancy the cook wasn't in the kitchen. I didn't want the kids to wait any longer so I decided to make a quick lunch.

"Shall we have some turkey cheese wraps today" I say. "yaayyy" Amelia says. I made mini wraps and cut them in half. And served it with some cucumber and strawberries.

Just as I put the plates in front of the toddlers Nancy came rushing in. "I'm so sorry I'm late Rosie" she says, she looked as if she had been crying. "Is everything ok Nancy" I ask. Tears streamed down her face. " h...hus...husband was in a car a...accident and h...he's in"

Oh no. "Nancy, go be with your husband, I'll make lunch for everyone else and I'll make dinner too. Don't worry". She looked up at me in shock. "You will do that" she questioned. I nodded. Of course, I'm going to help her, she should be with her husband right now.

"Go be by your husband and I'll let Mr Greyson know" she gave me a hug and left.

I look over at the twins and see that they are happily eating. Right, now what to make for everyone else. I look through the cupboards and settled on making grilled cheese.

Cough*cough* I turned to look to see Noah stood in the kitchen doorway. "Hello sir, sorry for the delay, lunch will be ready in 10 minutes". "where's Nancy" he asks. "Sir her husband was in a car accident and I told her to go and I'll cover here" I saw him stiffen but he nodded.

"daddy" Amelia shouts getting his attention. "Hello princess, hello little prince" he says kissing them on their heads. "Did you make this" Noah says catching my attention. "Erm yes sir", "call me Noah" he says. "Ok Noah" I say but I couldn't help but blush.

"Is the lunch choice for them ok with you Noah" I ask. "Yes of course, I can't believe they're eating it. They normally like eating unhealthy food" he says.

I continued making grilled cheeses and soon all the siblings started filing in. "something smells delicious" Leo says walking in. I dished everyone their grilled cheeses. Whilst I started making some more. "This is so good", "yum", "I love grilled cheese" I heard them all say. I felt a breath on my neck. "aren't you eating" I heard. I turned around and Noah was stood behind me. I felt myself blush, I bet I looked like a tomato right now. "N...Noah, I'm not too hungry at the moment, I'll just finish these and then eat". "No, come eat now" he stepped closer grabbing my hand. I felt butterflies when he did that. I looked up at him and I could tell he was shocked with what he did and quickly dropped my hand. "You need to look after my kids properly, I don't need you slacking" he said but his tone was cold and hard.

I nodded and went to sit next to Aiden and nibbled at my food.

I had a few bites of my food and I was full. I lost my appetite. I looked to see the twins were done with their food as well. "Come on munchkins lets go up for nap" I say before taking them upstairs.

After they settled for the nap, I walked downstairs to clean up the dishes.

A few hours later***

I went up to check on the twins and I saw them sitting up in their beds.

"Hey munchkins" I say giving them each a kiss on their heads.

We went downstairs and watched tv and then soon it was time to start on dinner. I made mac and cheese and garlic bread with a side salad and then went to call everyone down.

Soon everyone piled into the kitchen.

"Rosie can't you be our cook, your food is delicious" Leo says shovelling food into his mouth.

Just as I had finished serving the twins the front door opened and Jacob walked in, he looked so tired. "Long day at work" I ask him giving him a small smile. He nodded "the worst, can I have a hug?" he says. I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me.

"What the fuck" I heard a familiar voice say. Jacob quickly let me go. I looked up to see Noah. He looked annoyed and looked at me with such disgust. "Did I pay you to seduce my brother" he snarls. What! "No, what are you saying that is not what is happening" I say.

He blanked me and sat down at the table. "Bro the fuck, apologise to her now" Jacob says.

The silence was broken by the front door open. "Baby we're home" someone came in shouting followed by another pair of footsteps"

"Who is this sexy mama" the voice says and I blushed before looked up to see two handsome men. Not as hot as Noah. Woah why am I thinking about that.

"Hey sexy, I'm mason James and this is Zachary Evans, we're Noah's best friends and business partners", mason says smiling at me.

"Nice to meet you both, there's mac and cheese in the pot, please excuse me". I say walking out the room.

The tears I held in flowed freely as I walked up to my room. I quickly washed my face and calmed down before heading back downstairs.

"How are my munchkins doing" I ask walking over to them feeling everyone's eyes on me. "Rosie!" Amelia squealed whilst putting her arms up for me to pick her up. I picked her up and then looked at Levi "would you like some more Levi" I say and he shook his head. "Ok let's go upstairs then" I say taking his hand in mine.

I got the twins showered and ready for bed before tucking them into bed. I read them a story and then Noah walked in. "daddy" Levi says trying to get off his bed. "Hello little prince, hello princess" he says.

I didn't want to be near him so I quickly gave the twins a kiss on their foreheads "goodnight munchkins" I say walking out the room.

I walk downstairs and get started on the dishes before heading to bed. 

The live-in nanny for Mr CEODonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora