Chapter 13

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"Now I want to know about you baby" he says. I blushed when he said baby. "we'll talk more tomorrow; you need to go sleep now". He shrugged "I'm not tired". I rolled my eyes. He spoke up again "I've got an idea lets talk more in bed" wait what! My eyes widened and he laughed at my reaction. "Relax I'm not going to try anything, just talk and cuddle" he says chuckling. I blushed and nodded my head. I went to my room to get changed into my pyjamas. I wish I had bought nicer pyjamas with me. I threw on my booty shorts and an oversized shirt that came past knees. It was one of my dads' old shirts.

I walk back over to Noah's room and knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard. I walked in and Noah was in grey sweats and was shirtless. He was freaking hot. "Come on I won't bite" he says as he patted the space next to him. I slowly made my way over to his bed.

We lay down facing each other "I want to know about you Rosie" he says. "So, I'm Rosie Olivia turner and I'm 23" I say making him laugh. I laughed then continued. "My story starts when my mom and dad met when my mom was 26 and my dad was 32. My dad is a lawyer and my mom worked as his personal assistant. My dad said he fell in love with my mom and soon as he saw her. My mom gave him a run for his money. She always declined his offers for lunch or dinner dates. One day a criminal that my dad helped put away instructed his gang to kill my dad. My mom basically saved my dad. My grandpa was a police officer and he taught my mom how to fight and hoe to defend herself. My mom and dad fell in love and then my sister Angelina was born. A few years after Angelina I was born. When I was 16 my grandma and grandpa got quite sick so my mom wanted to move closer to them. So, my mom and dad moved to New York to be with them. My dad opened a new firm there and continued working. I stayed in California with my sister and finished school. Once I graduated, I decided not to go to college. I wanted to do work with children. So, I did a childcare course and got my first job at a day care. I had been at that day care ever since. Until it closed down and then I applied to work for you. I have 2 best friends, Vanessa and Emily who I was living with before I took the nanny position" I stop talking and look up at him. He's smiling at me. "I bet you miss your parents, but I'm happy you stayed because now I've met you" I smiled up at him.

I snuggled in closer to his chest. "Noah what happened to Amelia and Levi's mom" I say in a small whisper., I wasn't sure if he heard me.

He looked down at me and sighed. "So, their mom was called Lynne. She was a drunken one-night stand. I left the next morning and went home. I was 22 at the time. A few weeks later I went back to the club for one of my friends' parties and I saw Lynne again. She came over to me and tried to kiss me but I pushed her off. She was drunk. She started screaming at me saying she was going to have an abortion if I didn't love her. I was shocked she was pregnant. I 3asnt sure if the baby was mine but I got a DNA test down. Se was adamant that she wanted an abortion but I wanted my baby. I convinced her to keep the baby. I told her I would pay her any amount of money as long as she stopped drinking and taking drugs and gave birth to my baby. She agreed. She wanted 2 million dollars. she stayed clean and she gave birth to the twins. We didn't know we were having twins. After the babies were born, she signed away all her rights to the kids and I took the babies' home. A couple of months later just before the babies turned 1, she died of a drug overdose. We didn't have a relationship or were close with each other but I'll always be grateful that she gave me the twins" he says with a smile on his face.

"I was so scared at first, I was raising my siblings and all of a sudden I had two babies that depended on me. But I wouldn't ever trade my kids or my siblings for anything" he says looking at me

I looked up at him with pure admiration, he's been through so much and yet he's still standing working to provide his siblings and kids with the best life possible. "you're amazing" I whispered cupping his face softly stroking his cheek. He laughed. "Thanks baby"

I snuggled closer to his chest and soon fell asleep. 

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