Chapter 15

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"Why have you been ignoring me Rosie" he says looking up at me.

I walk over to my bed. "I wasn't Noah". "Yes, you were Rosie, every time I went to kiss you, hold you hand, hug you, you made an excuse and left, what's wrong"

"Nothing is wrong, I just didn't want to" I say shrugging.

He didn't look like he wanted to move. "Noah I'm going to sleep" I say yawning. He looked at me "can I sleep in here" he asked and I nearly chocked on my saliva. "Please babe, I just need to be near you" he says. I nodded and he took of his shirt and trousers leaving him stood there in his boxers. And fuck me he looked so sexy.

He climbed into bed and wrapped his arm around me pulling me into him. He buried his face into my neck. "I'm going crazy without you baby, I want to be with you, what have you done to me" he murmured into my neck. I blushed and turned around to face him.

"Noah, I want to be with you too" I whispered "but I don't know how to be. I don't want to complicate things" he stopped me from talking by kissing me. I moaned into his mouth and he deepened the kiss.

Pulling away from the kiss breathless. "Will you go out with me Miss Turner" he says huskily. I shyly nodded. "I can't wait babe, Friday night 7pm" I gave him a peck before placing my head on his chest and falling asleep.

The next morning***

I woke up alone, I guess Noah was already awake. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. It was Thursday and my date with Noah is tomorrow. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed for the day. My friends and I planned to meet up for lunch. So, I messaged them this morning that once the kids were down for their afternoon nap, I would meet them.

I put on a black mini bodycon dress and paired it with a cropped denim jacket

I put on a black mini bodycon dress and paired it with a cropped denim jacket

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Once I was ready, I walked into the twin's room. They were jumping up and down their bed. "Hello munchkins" I say enveloping them both in a hug. "Hello Rosie" they both say whilst giving me a kiss on the cheek. Once they were changed, we made our way downstairs.

Noah was typing away on his laptop and Jacob was eating lucky charms. Jacob saw us first and he tried to smile with a mouth full of cereal. I laughed he was so goofy. Noah looked up and smiled when he saw his kids. "Good morning my prince and princess" he says and they ran into his arms.

He turned to look up at me "you look beautiful Rosie" I blushed hard and quickly looked down. I heard Jacob choke on his cereal. "Is something going on between you too" he says after he recovers from his choking fit.

"we're going out tomorrow so you'll have to babysit bro" Noah says. Jacob started mumbling something but I didn't hear. I went to make some breakfast for the twins. I made a quick scrambled egg on toast for them and cut up some strawberries. "Come on munchkins time for breakfast.

After breakfast I washed up their dishes and played with them for a few hours until Levi let out a yawn. "Come on, time for a nap" I say scooping them up and taking them to their room. I lay them down and held their hands until they fell asleep.

"Hey Noah, the kids are taking a nap, am I ok to meet my friends for lunch". I say as I walk downstairs.

"of course, you don't need to ask" he says smiling at me. he walks up to me and gives me a peck before walking with me to the front door. "Take this with you" he says as he pulls his card out of his wallet. "Erm no Noah, I'm ok thank you" I say shaking my head "please babe, let me spoil you, take it please, my treat. Maybe go with your friends to buy a dress for our date" he says biting his lips. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and leaned up to peck him.

20 minutes later I had arrived to the café and saw my two best already sat their waiting for me. I walked over to them.

"Hey guys" I squealed. We greeted each other and ordered food before catching each other up on our lives.

Vanessa is going on tour for 3 months with her celebrity client being the head celebrity stylist and Emily has landed a deal with a UK millionaire to commission the interiors on his new properties. I'm so happy for my girls they're smashing it and achieving their dreams.

"So, Rosie" Emily and Vanessa turn to look at me. "What is new with you" Emily says "how are the two cuties and Mr hot" Vanessa says. I chuckled. I love being a nanny to the twins. They're doing well. And erm I'm going on a date with Noah" I say shyly. They both started screaming making everyone else in the café turn to look at us.

"What are you wearing" Vanessa says as she quietens down. "I'm not sure Nessa, could we go shopping after we've eaten". She squealed before agreeing. We finished eating and then left after paying heading to the mall.

We walked into one of Vanessa's favourite store and Emily and Vanessa started pulling dresses out for me to try. After countless of hours, we had chosen the dress and the shoes. I walked up to the cashier desk and paid for the dress. Even though Noah gave me his credit card it didn't feel right spending his money so I didn't use it.

"Now time for some lingerie" Emily squeals. Erm what. "Emily no", "why not Rosie" she looked at me confused. "I don't know if he even wants to have sex with me" I say shyly. "don't be silly, you're hot! and there's no harm in wearing sexy lingerie just to make yourself feel sexy" she says as the three of us walk into a lingerie store.

A few hours later I went home and saw Amelia and Levi sat with Abigail eating dinner. "Hello munchkins, hello Abi" I say as I walk in. Amelia and Levi jumped out of their seats and tan to me "we missed you Rosie". I picked them up and bought them back up to their seats. I fixed myself a plate of grilled chicken and rice and sat beside Levi. a few minutes later everyone else piled into their kitchen playing themselves their food. I noticed Noah wasn't here. "Jacob where is Noah" I ask. "he's up in his office, said he's not coming down for dinner, I'll get him to eat later" he shrugged and started eating.

After eating I made a plate for Noah and walked upstairs gently knocking on his door. "Come in" I slowly opened the door and walked in. he looked up away from his laptop and gave me a small smile. He looked tired. "I've bought some food for you" I say softly and walked over to his desk. "Babe I'm too tired to eat, I've got finish this proposal" he says running his fingers through his hair. "Please, it'll only take you 10 minutes max to eat and then you can continue" I say. I walk over and sat down in Noah's lap. He looked at me surprised. "Should I feed you" I question. He laughed and nodded. I started feeding him and he continued typing away occasionally glancing at me making eye contact and making me blush. After he had eaten, I went to stand up but he quickly pulled me back down into his lap. "Please stay baby" he says and I nodded. I sat and watched him type away

Half an hour later he said he was done and we both left to get the kids and put them into bed.

"Goodnight munchkins I say tot hew twins as we tucked them in and giving them a kiss on their cheeks. "Goodnight prince, goodnight princess" Noah says and kissed them on their foreheads

"So, you want to cuddle with me baby" Noah says as we walked out of the twin's room. I shyly nodded. He took my hand and pulled me into his room. He gently pushed me onto the bed and slowly climbed on top of me kissing me trailing kisses to my neck. He started sucking on my neck making me let out a soft moan. I pulled him back up to capture his lips, deepening the kiss. We made out for a few minutes before pulling away breathless. He climbed off me and laid next to me in bed pulling me into his chest. "You feel so good in my arms baby" Noah whispers. I blushed and pushed myself further into him. Soon we both fell asleep. 

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