Chapter 10

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Myalarm went off at 5.30am and I brushed my teeth and threw on my outfit. I wasdressed in all black

I then went over to the twins' room and woke them up

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I then went over to the twins' room and woke them up. "Babies its time to wake up" soon Levi and Amelia were awake and rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. I took them to their bathroom and they brushed their teeth and washed their faces.

I dressed them into their outfits. They were both wearing grey tracksuits and a white t-shirt, paired with Jordans.

We walked downstairs and all the siblings were waiting for us in the living room. Abi had a similar outfit on as me so we made Leo take a picture of us. Everyone was in comfy outfits.

I felt someone's gaze on me and I turned to see it was Noah. He looked hot, he was matching with the kids, wearing a grey tracksuit and Jordans.

"you three are matching, let me take a pic" I say and Noah held the twins and I took a picture of them. Soon the drivers came and we got into the cars. 20 minutes later I realise we weren't heading too LAX. "Erm guys are we going the wrong way" I question. Noah laughed but didn't say anything. Soon we pulled up at an airspace and oh my there was a jet parked there. 

"Come on Rosie, we wouldn't want to leave you behind" Noah says

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"Come on Rosie, we wouldn't want to leave you behind" Noah says. "a freaking private jet". I say in shock. Noah laughed.

We walked up the steps "good evening, Mr Greyson" the flight attendant says as she sees Noah. She greeted everyone else and we all stepped on board.

The interior was beautiful, there were comfy reclining seats and it was very spacious

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The interior was beautiful, there were comfy reclining seats and it was very spacious.

Levi and Amelia ran to their seats. "Daddy, Rosie" they shouted waving us over

Everyone else took their seats and Jacob instantly fell asleep after he buckled himself in. I sat beside Amelia and opposite Noah.

Soon we were in the air. I pulled out some colouring books and crayons for Levi and Amelia and then got my kindle out. "Daddy will you colour with us" Amelia says. "of course, princess" he says and takes the crayon out of her hands before leaning over the table and colouring her pages.

Soon the twins fell asleep. Levi fell asleep mid colouring with the crayon still in his hand. Noah noticed and chuckled. He scooped up Levi before looking at me. "Could you carry Amelia". I nodded and scooped her into my arms gently before following Noah.

We walked to the back of the back of the plane and Noah opened a door which revealed a bedroom. We laid the kids on the bed and then went back to our seats.

Noah came and sat on the seat beside me this time. I smiled at him and went back to reading on my kindle and Noah pulled out his laptop. An hour later I finished the book I was reading and the flight attendant came over to ask if we wanted anything to eat. Noah ordered some food for the both of us and I looked around the plane and realised that everyone had either gone to the bedrooms or were asleep in their seats. Noah told me there were 3 bedrooms on the plane but all the seats recline to a bed.

The flight attendant returned with our food and I thanked her before eating. Noah returned back to typing away on the laptop. I watched him for a while before I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later and Noah was still working. Does this man ever rest? My head was on his shoulder. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I say to Noah. "It's ok princess". Princess? Me? "Erm where are the kids" I ask "they woke up and ate and then went back to sleep" Noah says and I nodded. "And have you slept Noah" I ask. He looked at me sheepishly and shook his head. "Right go into one of the rooms and get some sleep" I say. "Only if you come with me" he smirks. I looked at him shocked. "If that's what will get you to go sleep then fine" I say. He looked at me shocked and his mouth opened and closed but no words came out. "I'm kidding go to bed Noah" he recovered and then said "nope you said it so you have to do it, come on" he held out his hand and I put my hand in his.

My hand fit perfectly in his big hand and I felt sparks. He pulled me up and took me to the back of the plane. Jacob who was awake and typing away on his own laptop looked up at us and winked before wiggling his eyebrows. "don't forget to use protection" he hollered making Aiden and Isaac who were awake stare at us. I blushed. "Shut up Jacob" Noah grumbled before we got to the room. Noah pulled me onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me before burying his head in my neck. My whole body tingled and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Noah placed kisses on my neck making me let out a small moan. I could feel him smirk. "Go to sleep Noah" I say. Soon his breathing evens out and he's fast asleep. I try to get out of his arms but he had a tight grip on me. Since I couldn't get out, I decided to go sleep as well.

A few hours later I felt someone jumping on the bed. I opened my eyes and saw Amelia and Levi jumping up and down and giggling. "Hello munchkins" I say smiling up at them. Noah was still asleep. He looked so carefree when he was sleeping. Kai realised that Noah was still asleep so he launched himself onto him. "daddy" he shouted whilst jumping on him. Noah's eyes quickly shot open before he realised where he was.

"Hello my little prince he grabbed kai and started tickling him. Soon the whole room was full of kai's laughter. "Lia saves me" he says in between giggling. Amelia ran over to help him from the tickle monster but Noah ended up tickling her as well. The twins were screaming with laughter. I couldn't help but laugh at them. He was so good with them and they all loved each other so much.

"Rosie helppppp" Amelia and Levi say whilst laughing. Noah looked up at me and smiled. He is beautiful. He whispered something to the twins and the three of them looked at me before smirking. Oh no.

I jump off the bed and ran out to the main cabin, the three chasing after me. Jacob, Leo and Aiden who were playing a card game looked up at the noise and I quickly ran to hide behind Leo.

I clearly wasn't fast enough because Noah caught me and started tickling me. The twins soon joined in on the tickling and I was in fits on giggles. " stops" I say in between giggles.

A few minutes after Noah stopped tickling me and I finally looked up at him and his face was so close to mine. Our eyes connected and I felt myself blush. I wanted to smash my lips onto his. "So beautiful" he muttered before leaning down. I closed my eyes thinking he was going to kiss me.

Well, he did kiss me but not on my lips. He kissed my cheek before getting up and holding out a hand for me to get up.

After we stood up, I turned to look and Jacob, Leo, Aiden were looking at the two of us confused. "Have fun" Leo says breaking the awkward silence.

I blushed and looked at anyone but Noah.

Noah walked over to where he was previously sat and pulled open his laptop. I looked to see the two munchkins looking back up at me. "Shall we get a snack and play with toys" I say and they happily agreed. I asked the flight attendant for some snacks and she came back with some chips, fruit roll ups and cut up fruit.

I thanked her and walked over to the twins who already had their toys out all over the plane floor. We had about 2 hours until we landed. Noah and Jacob were busy with their work. Leo and Aiden were playing cards and Abigail and Isaac were playing chess.

An hour and a half later the pilot made an announcement for everyone to settle into seats and to put our belts on.

Soon we had landed. "we're in Dubai baby" Jacob shouts as he exited the plane. 

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