Chapter 7

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Noah's POV

These past 2 weeks have been torture. Rosie was a true beauty. I couldn't control myself around her. I tried staying away from her as much as I could. I was so rude to her yesterday when I said she was seducing my brother. I felt jealous. Today was Sunday, I don't work Sundays, never have. I woke up and went into the kids' room seeing them still fast asleep. My kids love Rosie. They tell me every night when tucking them up and I can see how much Rosie cares for my kids.

I walk downstairs and go to my home gym and see Leo and Jacob already there working out. "Hey bro" they both say. I love my brothers and sister; I just wished my parents here to have seen them all grow up. We worked out together for an hour. My arms were aching. I walked upstairs to have a shower. I walked out and saw my two kids on my bed jumping up and down. "Hello my little prince and princess" I say and they both stop jumping "daddy" they run over and jump on me. "I love you both" I say to them. "We love you too daddy" they both say placing kisses on my cheek.

I took the kids down for breakfast and then got them ready for the day. Rosie still hadn't come down, I guess she's really tired. I played with the kids for a couple of hours. "Daddy I'm hungry" my daughter says. "Come on then let's get some food in both of your bellies" I say picking them both up and carrying them downstairs.

I see my brothers sat around the table and Nancy was making pasta. "where's Abigail" I ask noticing my sister wasn't there. "she's in her room with her friends" Isaac says. I nodded.

Mason and Zack were also over helping me with a surprise for everyone. I was planning a family holiday for us as I had been so busy with work these past months and I thought a holiday would be just what everyone needed.

We started eating and I heard that beautiful angelic voice. I looked up and fuck me she looked hot. She was wearing a oversized jumper that barely came past her butt, I could see her shorts underneath, and she had thigh high boots on.

I stared her up and down feeling myself get turned on but stupid mason ruined the moment.

"Woah sexy mama" he says. I could've punched him right there and then. "Shut the fuck up" I growled. Not caring who else was in the room.

I asked her where she was going wanting to hear her sexy voice again. She said she was going shopping with her friends and I walked out the room.

I went to go wash my face and try and get rid of the thoughts I had of fucking the nanny. As I walked out my room, I saw her going to her room. I couldn't help myself I trapped her in between myself and the wall. I was so close in kissing her but her friend called ruining the moment and she left not giving me a second glance.

I walked downstairs and grabbed the kids and put them down for a nap before going into my home office to see Zack and mason sat there. "Dude fucking stop being childish" Zack shouts at mason. I saw mason throw a book over to Zack which he dodged before mason threw another one.

"What the fuck is going on" I say making my presence known. Mason screamed in surprise. "Shut the fuck up mason" I growled at him. He was getting on my nerve. "My kids are asleep so shut up".

He nodded and sat down on the chair. "Pick the fucking books up and then let's get back to business"

I started Greyson co. when I was 18 and by the time, I was 19 I made my first million. I continued putting work into the company making it successful. Now at the age of 26 I'm a self-made billionaire and I have this company that is no.1 in the United States and I own many clubs, restaurants and hotels. Greyson co specialises in tech and robotics. Zachary and mason also joined me at the company once they graduated. Mason was the head software developer and Zachary was our cyber security tech geek.

We got some work done before my door opened and Abigail was stood there with Amelia in her arms.

"Hey my two princesses" I say. Even though Abigail is my sister I treat her like my daughter. I pretty much raise her and Isaac. They were both 6 when our parents died and I was 20 and I didn't want anyone else to raise them so I took on the role.

Amelia wiggled around in Abi's arms wanting to put down. Once she was down, she ran straight into my arm's "daddy". "Hello princess, come on let's go downstairs"

We walked downstairs and all my siblings were in the gaming room. Abi, Amelia and I went and joined them. A few minutes later I heard the front door open and I knew Rosie was home but I heard her footsteps go upstairs so I continued playing.

An hour later Nancy came in to tell us that dinner was ready. I noticed Rosie hadn't come down. I was about to ask but my son asked the question before I could. "where's Rosie"

Nancy replied "she's going out tonight"

After dinner we all retired to the living room with our bowls of ice cream.

"You look hot" I heard Jacob wolf whistle then shout. My head snapped up and I saw Rosie walking down the stairs.

And fuck me!!

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