Chapter 24

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The next morning ***

I quickly ran to the bathroom with the sudden need to vomit. I ended up throwing up into the toilet. I heard shuffling behind me and Noah gathered my hair out of my face whilst I continued throwing up. After I was done, I brushed my teeth and Noah carried me back over to bed. "I'll get some food and medicine for you baby, you rest" Noah says as he wrapped the blanket around me.

Noah soon walked in with French toast, porridge, tea and orange juice on a tray and placed it in front of me. I thanked him and ate before taking the pills.

"Should I make a doctors appointment baby" he asked me. I shook my head "its fine, I'm sure It's probably just something I had eaten that didn't agree with me"

A week later ***

A week had passed and I had continued throwing up. "Baby we're going to the doctors today" Noah says and I nod.

We walked into the doctor's surgery and Noah went to check me in with the receptionist whilst I took a seat. Soon our name was called and we walked into the room. "Hello miss turner, so what can I help you with today" my doctor who introduced himself as Dr Russ asked. "I've been feeling nauseous all week and have been throwing up and feel like I'm lacking energy feeling drained all the time" I say. He nods. "I think I know what it is but I'm just going to run some tests to confirm" he says. the nurse and doctor walked out the room and Noah and I patiently waited for them to return worried about what is wrong with me.

The doctor walked back into the room with a smile "congratulations Mr Greyson and Miss Turner you're pregnant" the doctor says. wait what! "Sorry say that again, I think I misheard" I say. "You are pregnant miss turner". Oh my gosh. I looked over to Noah and he hadn't moved since the doctor announced the news. "I'll leave you guys alone for a few minutes" Dr Russ says and walks out the room. After a few minutes Noah hadn't moved or said anything. What is he didn't want his baby, what is he didn't want a baby with me? My mind raced with all thoughts and I felt tears gather in my eyes "Noah" I say softly to get his attention. "His head quickly snaps up to me and he sees the tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry Noah" I choke out "I know you probably don't want this baby and I'm so sorry I've caused this" I cry. He pulled me into a hug. "Baby, of course I want this baby and of course I want this baby with you. I love you" he says with sincerity. "You really do" I ask and he nods. He pulls me into a kiss "I'm so happy" he says.

The doctor walks back into the room and introduces me to a midwife and then leaves. Our midwife Stacey talks me through the pregnancy and take my height and weight and gives me a list of vitamins I need. "So would you guys like to see your baby" she says and Noah eagerly nodded. She set up the ultrasound machine. "Ok Rosie, can you lift your shirt up please and 'm going to apply a gel which will be a little cold" she says and I nodded. She put the gel on my stomach and then moved the wand thing around my stomach. "And there is your little baby" she says. Noah and I stare at the screen in pure adoration. I couldn't help but cry seeing my baby. Stacey said we looked to be around a month pregnant and she gave me a date for a check-up date before saying bye. Noah and I walked back to the car hand in hand.

"I can't believe we're having a baby" Noah says as we get into the car. "I can't believe it either Noah, do you think everyone will be exited" I ask. He nodded "this baby will be very loved by everyone". We decided to tell everyone after we got to the 3 months mark.

2 months later***

I was now 3 months pregnant. Noah had become more possessive and wouldn't let me do much around the house. He had hired a babysitter for the twins, a 35-year-old called Jess. We got along so well.

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