Chapter 18

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The next morning***

Beep...beep...beep. My alarm went off. I rolled over to turn my alarm off. It was 7am and today is the day of the gala. Walking over to the twins' room I saw they were still asleep. I made my way downstairs deciding on making breakfast for everyone.

Walking into the kitchen I saw a shirtless Noah sat on top of the kitchen counter scrolling through his phone whilst drinking coffee.

I let out a small cough to make my presence known and he looked up from his phone and gave me a beautiful stunning.

"Hey babe, did you sleep well" he asks. I nodded. I walked over to the stove and pulled out some pans ready to start making breakfast.

"What do you want for breakfast today Noah" I asked. "He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I want you" he whispered into my ear. I felt myself blush. Before Noah let out a chuckle "we'll leave that for later, but shall we make waffles and French toast" he says.

I nodded and moved away before going to the pantry and pulling the ingredients out.

Noah started on making the pancake batter whilst I cut up some fruits.

Soon all the siblings and Amelia and Levi walked into the kitchen. Jacob let out a snort. "Woah Noah's cooking" all the siblings look over to see Noah flipping pancakes.

Noah rolled his eyes before making the last pancakes and walked over to us. Everyone helped themselves to pancakes and waffles. Amelia quickly climbed into Noah's lap as soon as he sat down.

"Abi, Rosie, hair and makeup artists will be here at 3pm" Noah says looking over at us. "Abi starts squealing and jumps up and down before thanking Noah. I looked over at Noah and thanked him too.

After breakfast Noah went up to his home office to do some work and told everyone to be ready for 6pm to leave for the gala.

I quickly cleaned up the mess from breakfast before taking the twins upstairs to give them a shower to get them ready for Noah's aunt and uncle. They were going to sleep over there so I also packed an overnight bag for them both.

Soon the twins left and our hair and makeup artists arrived.


Abi and I were finally ready.

(Rosie's dress)

(Abigail's dress)

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(Abigail's dress)

(Abigail's dress)

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