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It had been a day since the incident with the staved Weasel and I had had Madam Pomfrey ask me at least ten times what spell I put on Weasel just yesterday. He couldn't tell her anything and none of the kids who witnessed anything would speak up and neither pathetic potter nor ugly squerril had seen anything. It was nice to know even Madam Pomfrey was baffled because from what I had heard she is one of the best-med wizards. She did try and get Severus involved and get him to give me detention or something but she couldn't as she had no proof that this was my doing as no one heard me cast any spell. she even went as far as to get Dumbledore involved but then again they had no proof it was me.


At our first flying lesson, Draco and I couldn't help the smiles on our faces. Flying and Quidditch were one of the things we shared a fiery passion for. Blaise and Theo liked it but Draco and I had a deeper connection to the sport.
Daphne, being a lady of high standing was not allowed near a broom. Instead, she watched us from the sides.
Greg and Vince might be the sweetest boys in the world to me but for them, Quidditch was a free pass to hurt people with little consequence. They would be excellent Beaters in the future.

Madam Hooch stood before us looking confident and radiant. It must be being able to fly all day every day.

We stood beside old-school brooms. I silently prayed they still worked because, by the looks of it, it was closer to an organized pile of twigs than an actual broom.

"Well, this looks like a pile of rubbish," Blaise comments with a smirk.

Theo chuckles beside him kicking the broom to test if it would split apart by the action.

Draco's smile turns venomous as he spots our favourite punching bag. 

"I suppose for people like Weasel this twig is a Nimbus 2000 compared to what he owns." Laughter from the Slytherins broke out and Weasley flushed red almost making it impossible to see where his hair stopped and face started.

"That's if he even owns a broom," Theo adds smiling but his eyes were cold and predatory. He still hasn't forgiven Weasley for what he's done. None of us have.

"How can he? It's probably worth more than what his family makes in a month." Blaise charmingly adds. He flashes Weasley a grin that could make a Veela swoon.
He turns to Draco and tells him to sod off. The Slytherins just laugh again. Madam Hooch shushes the group and tells us how to call for the brooms.

I put my hand out and without even needing to say 'Up' it comes to my hand. Draco and Potter call for them and it instantly jumps to their hands.  

Loud laughter erupts yet again as Weasley's broom slams right up his face crushing his nose. 


"What?!" Draco roars through the common room and I jump from my seat effectively dropping my potions book  He races towards me pushing away a second-year boy who sat beside me to take his seat.

"That filthy Potter got into the Gryffindor team! Seeker!"

"What?! That can't be right first years aren't allowed on the team!! he was supposed to get expelled for flying!" 

"exactly but he didn't get into any trouble for flying but got into the Griffendork quidditch team!"

"special treatment ye again" Draco clenches his jaw

"people pitty his hats all, it's not his luck or talent but pitty"


Me and Draco decided to go have a little chat with Severus.

"profeser snape this isn't right!" 

"yeah, how come pathetic Potter gets to be on the team in his first year and we don't?"

"yeah, and that sad excuse of a wizard hasn't even played quidditch in his whole life!" the both of us had just started ranting without realising that we had company. but as soon as we realised we stopped. there in front of Severus stood Marcus Flint and  Adrian Pucey. 

Marcus Flint is our quidditch team captain and Adrian is our best chaser.

"see what I mean? they are the best in all seven years and they are very passionate about winning"

"yes I can see what you mean professor they will make amazing players," Pucey said while Marcus just kept eyeing us.

"Now if the two of you are done with that little rant of yours" Severus paused and looked at us before continuing

"I assume the both of you know who they are?" Draco and I just nodded our heads signaling for Severus to keep going

"they are going to be training the booth of you throughout this year and if they see fit you'll join the quidditch team next year"


sorry for the short chapter

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