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VIVIENE SMITH LOVED HER PARENTS. And she didn't mean her mortal family,she meant her father Ares and her stepmother Aphrodite.

Viviene Smith,daughter of Ares loved to think of Aphrodite as the mother she lost and then gained once she came to camp.

Aphrodite was the first god Viviene saw in her dreams. She remebered it well-It was the night Ares claimed her. Viviene wouldn't leave the Hermes cabin because she was scared of moving to a new place,she was only seven years old after all. She locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn't leave,eventually falling asleep in there.

Aphrodite visited Viviene in her dream that night. She told her that she was in a relationship with Ares. Spoke to her about one of her daughters she thought would get along with her(Elodie),giving love and friendship advice.

The next morning,Viviene moved to her fathers cabin,cabin five.

Aphrodite was kind and protective towards Viviene,and Viv loved her no matter how dramatic and problematic she could be.

Viv and Ares obviously had that in common.

Ares. Viv's father. Where does she start? At first,for about three years,he never spoke to her after claiming her. Viviene was angry by that and she took her daggers as a ten year old and made her journey to the Olympus with no other,but Elodie.

Aphrodite's daughter used her charmspeak to help Viv get to her father,and to say Ares was shocked to see two ten year olds sucessfully brake into the Olympus would be an understatement.

Ares only watched his angry daughter yell at him about being a shit father from the seat on his throne,an amused expression on his face.

After that day,Ares started visiting her and every other Ares child every two months.

It was a small gesture,but Viviene took it with open arms. Any attention from her father made her happy,and word from him being so absent made Viviene's mood better.

Viviene was known as the female Ares in camp. She was as strong as her father,she could be ass cold and stubborn as he could. As fearless as Ares,as ready to start war if she was bored as he was.

(Of course,she won't do that.Don't worry)

But a bit of Aphrodite was also seen in her,although she wasn't Aphrodites daughter. Her bed was the cleanest and her wardrobe was full of fancy clothes Aphrodite gifted her. She was polite and kind,but if you crossed her you won't ever see her Aphrodite side again. Only Ares' side.

Viviene has a few friends here-Annabeth,Grover,Clarisse,Silena,
Blake,Flynn and Elodie.

Flynn and Viviene have known eachother since Viviene was two and Flynn was one. Viv's mother was married to Flynn's mother before she died. Flynn and Viviene came to camp together a week after Viviene's mother died and Flynns mom went crazy because she lost her wife due to a innocent trip to the beach.

Flynn was only six when they came to camp. He was Viv's brother,and she'd do anything to protect him.
Flynn was Apollo's son. He was great at archery,but sucked in healing.

Blake Hurtlig,Daughter of Apollo.Viviene's best friend. Blake was the first one that made Flynn feel welcome,so Viviene immidieatly liked the girl for doing that. Soon,by making small steps because Viv was scared of new friendships,they became inseperable best friends.

Viviene loved her cabin and her siblings.

The outside of the cabin is scruffily painted with an angry red color, has barbed wire lining the roof, and a stuffed boar's head on the doorway. There are also live landmines surrounding the entrance.

The inside of the cabin, is similar to an army barrack, having twin-sized cots in the sleeping quarters, a small kitchen right off of the living room and a large closet with all the cabin's weapon stock.

"Have you heard ?"Clarisse asked Viviene. They were on their twin sized cot,laying in bed and talking."There's a newbie at camp"

"Yippy."Viviene said in a dry tone."Hades,that means Annabeth will make me give a tour with her."Viv groaned,taking the pillow from underneath her head and burying her head in it.

"Well,you shouldn't have befriended her then."

"Shut it."

Every time someone new comes to camp,Annabeth has to give them a tour. And she always makes sure to drag along Viviene in an attempt to get her to find new friends.

But instead,Viviene gets angry and has a fight with the person.

"So,I heard father still hasn't spoken to you."Clarisse changed the subject and made Viviene frown."I spoke to him yesterday."

"Did you ask why he still hasn't visited me?" Viviene asked,a bit of hope in her voice."It's been three months.He visited every one of you but he still hasn't checked up on me."

"I asked,he told me he was too busy."


Viv felt her heart break. She did her best at camp,tried so hard that she was the female ares of the camp. She loved when her father visited,because she'd tell him all about her sucess and she would melt whenever she'd see his proud smirk.

Out of all the Ares children,Viviene was the closest to Ares' heart. Everyone knew that,so Clarisse understood why her friend was so sad and dissapointed.

"Okay." Viviene nodded in a normal tone and got out of bed. She felt Clarisse's eyes on her as she walked into the bathroom.

Viviene closed the door and took off her pjsamas,got dressed in a tank top and black shorts. Her black hair was in a neat ponytail and she put on her sneakers before grabbing a towel and walking out. 

All her siblings were up now and whispering quietly,gathered in a circle with Clarisse in the middle.

"What?"Viviene asked them sharply once they stopped their talking."Don't let me stop your cult meeting. I just need to grab my daggers and I'm out."

Viviene walked to her matress and lifted her matress,grabbed her daggers and walked out of the cabin.

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