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Bianca crashed in the backseat of the Lexus, her snoring filling the silent car. Viviene sat in the passanger seat and Zoe sat in the drivers seat.

"Nice coat." Zoe spoke up, glancing at Viviene. "Thee  look nice in it."

"Thanks." She snorted." I feel really chic now. Like one of those rich girls from middle school."

"How're Elodie and Flynn?"

Zoe knew she shpuldn't have asked her that as son as Viviene's expression turned sour.

"Flynn's okay." Viviene nodded." Elodie, is um... dead."

"What?" Zoe asked, eyes widening. "I'm sorry, warrior girl."

"It's fine." Viviene shrugged. Zoe wanted to ask how she died, but from Viviene's body language she decided not to. "Gods, I haven't heard that nickname in ages." Viviene had a small smile on her face.

"Warrior girl?" Viviene nodded. 

"Only Elodie and you called me that." Viviene said with a bittersweet taste on her tongue. 

"Thee really miss her, don't thee?" 

"I do. I really miss her." Viviene sighed, leaning her head against the window. "If she were here right now, she would have volunteered for this quest just so she'd be able to spend time with us." 

"That sounds like Elodie." Zoe laughed quietly. "What did she think about Jackson?"

"Percy?" Viviene asked. "Why?"

"Thy seems to like him very much." Zoe said, shooting Viviene a look. "Do not deny it. Despite the fact I swore off of love, doesn't mean I can't see when two people belong together."

"I don't like him, Zoe." Viviene grumbled and Zoe rolled her eyes. "And Elodie. . . She approved of him. She really respected him and liked him the first year he came to camp because I was always happy after being around him. I was more open."

"You keep saying was? And talking in the past."

"Percy isn't a year rounder. After his first summer at Camp, he left without saying goodbye to me." Viviene explained sourly. Despite being in good relations with him now, it still hurt her very deeple. " I was sad for days.Elodie was really mad at him , we had to keep her from leaving camp and going to New York just to kill him."

"Her death must have hit thee hard." Zoe said sadly." You were like sisters."

"It did hit me hard. I was like a ghost for two months. But, then I found a coping mechanism, and started taking care of myself the best I could without her here. Annabeth and Percy have been a big help."

"Here we are, coming back to Perseus again." Zoe teased. " Are you sure you don't like him?"

"Go to Tartarus, Z." Viviene rolled her eyes and shot her a middle finger. Zoe shot her an innocent grin.

"Get some sleep, V." 


"The soldier shall kill her loved one," The oracle's voice spoke in Viviene's mind, hissing. An image of  Elodie's burial shooting before her.

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