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This summer, Holden gave her a drachma she could communicate through. He had the same one in his pocket. Whenever she'd need him,she only has to speak his name and tap the drachma.

"Holden Castellan." Viviene spoke quietly, tapping the coin once.

She waited a moment, and then Holdens face appeared in the small cpin.

"Viviene!" Holden said, his face full of concern. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's not." Viviene smiled slightly, shaking her head." Well,kinda... i just wanted to talk to you."

"I miss you, you know." Holden said, smiling softly.  His curly brown hair was messy, his brown eyes were full of calmness Viviene found comfort in. he wore the camps orange t-shirt and had a matching scar on his cheek just like Luke's-but Holden's  was more deeper.  "Camp is boring without you here."

"Yeah, I'm sure. No murderers around." Viviene bitterly chuckled. Holden frowned. 

Ever since Elodie died by her hands, camp hasn't been much of a home to Viviene. People were scared of her, her siblings and now ex- friends and best friends were scared of her. They walked around her on eggshells. The other half wasn't afraid, and bullied her daily. At first, she didn't mind. But now, since it came from the people she lived in her cabin with, it grazed her confidence quite a bit.

" You should talk to Blake when you come back." Holden informed her in a soft tone. "She's really worried about you. Begged me to tell her at least one new, happy thing in your life."

"I just feel so guilty around her and Flynn." Viviene sighed, looking down guiltly."They were the ones who tried saving her when I brought her to the infirmirary. I can't look at them without seeing their scared faces from that day."

"how about we talk to them together when you come back?" Holden asked gently, smiling. "Does that sound okay? I'll be there for you."

"Yeah, that sounds great actually." Viviene nodded, looking up at him again. She offered a weak smile." Thanks, Holden."

"No problem, Vee." 

Viviene stayed quiet, holding the coin tightly and looking at the water they were passing through.

"Hey, Holden?" Viviene asked. Holden hummed." I can trust you,right?" She asked quietly. 

"What do you mean?" Holden asked, his expression tightening.

"I mean...You won't join Luke, right?" She asked, furrowing her brows at his alarmed reaction. " You won't betray me, right?"

"I won't Viviene." Holden shook his head. "I'd never do that."

For some reason, despite wanting to, Viviene didn't believe him.

"Promise me." Viviene said sternly." Promise me you won't join Luke. Promise me you won't let him take you away from me."

"I promise I won't betray you, Viviene." Holden said. He sounded...guilty?

"Is everything-"

"I gotta go, Viviene." Holden said, and Viviene opened her mouth to speak up, but his face dissapeared.

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