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THE TOW TRUCK RAN OUT OF GAS AT THE EDGE OF A RIVER CANYON.That was just as well, because the road dead-ended. Thalia got out and slammed the door. Immediately, one of the tires blew. 

"Great. What now?"

Viviene scanned the horizon. There wasn't much to see. Desert in all directions, occasional clumps of barren mountains plopped here and there. The canyon was the only thing interesting. The river itself wasn't very big, maybe fifty yards across, green water with a few rapids, but it carved a huge scar out of the desert. The rock cliffs dropped away below them.

"There's a path," Grover said. "We could get to the river."

 Viviene tried to see what he was talking about, and finally noticed a tiny ledge winding down the cliff face. 

"That's a goat path," Viviene said.

"So?" he asked. 

 "The rest of us aren't goats." 

 "We can make it," Grover said. "I think."

Vivene glacned at Thalia who had became incredibly pale during the converstation.Her problem with heights... she'd never be able to do it.

 "No," Viviene said. "we should go farther upstream."

 Grover said, "But—" Grover was cut off by himself when Viviene sent him a glare, her eyes red for a split second before returning to brown.

 "Come on," Pecry said and grabbed Viviene's hand, catching up onto the problem here. "A walk won't hurt us."

 They glanced at Thalia. Her eyes said a quick Thank you.

They followed the river about half a mile before coming to an easier slope that led down to the water. On the shore was a canoe rental operation that was closed for the season, but Percy left a stack of golden drachmas on the counter and a note saying IOU two canoes.

"We need to go upstream," Zoe said. It was the first time Viviene had heard her speak since the junkyard, and she was worried about how bad she sounded, like somebody with the flu. "The rapids are too swift." 

 "Leave that to me," Percy  said. They put the canoes in the water.

Thalia pulled Percy and VIviene aside as they were getting the oars. "Thanks for back there." 

 "Don't mention it." 

 "Can you really..." She nodded to the rapids. "You know."

"I think so. Usually I'm good with water."

 "Would you take Zoe?" she asked. "I think, ah, maybe you two can talk to her."

 "She's not going to like that." 

 "Please? I don't know if I can stand being in the same boat with her. She's... she's starting to worry me." It was about the last thing Percy wanted to do, but he nodded. 

 Thalia's shoulders relaxed. 

"I owe you one." 


 "One and a half," Thalia said.

She smiled and  turned and helped Grover get their canoe into the water.

"Hey, you mind if I go with them?" Viviene asked Percy carefully." I need to talk to Thalia about something."

Percy didn't look too happy about being in a boat with Zoe alone." Sure, no problem red." He nodded, lying. Viviene nodded, happy he let her and made her way to Thalia's and Grover's canoe.

"I'm with you guys." Viviene smiled and squeezed into their canoe. 

"Leaving lover boy all alone with Nightshade?" Thalia raised a brow." You sure that's a good idea?"

"Percy's a big boy,he can handle himself." Viviene shrugged." Besides, Zoe can't kill him when she's in his turf. Water, remeber?" Viviene told the girl. Thalia nodded.

Soon enough, naiads began pushing their canoes.

"What's this?" Grover asked Viviene, taking her palm into his hand.

"Ah, part of the reason of my stepmother's visit." Viviene told him. Grover and Thalia shared a look.

"We're listening." Thalia said.

Viviene started explaining how Percy and her were soulmates- fated lovers and how their story has been written in the stars for centuries. She then told them of her new fight with Ares and Ares trying to keep her away from Percy despite the fact they are fated.

"Woah." Thalia said ." Ares really hates him, doesn't he?"

"He does. " Viviene nodded." But I really don't get it. Why can't he accept that Percy and I are fated? He can't do anything about it. And he's just acting like that because me being with Percy would disgrace his name." 

"It's your name as well." Thalia told the girl." You can do whatever the hell you want to with it."

"Exactly." Viviene sighed. "You know whose advice I need? Annabeth's."

"Well, we're no Annabeth," Grover said, forcing a smile at the mention of the Daughter of Athena." but we can try."

"It's just... a bit overwhelming you know?" Viviene started." I feel diferent now. Stronger. I feel like our relationship is stronger and deeper- I trust him even more now, if that's even possible. But I feel this need to have him, which is so fucking overwhelming me because I never felt that way about a person- not even Holden! And then there's my father, who I so badly want to please, talking to me about how Percy's a bad infulence on me and how I shouldn't be with him, how I should walk away from him. But being away from Percy makes me feel so miserable and angry that I'm not sure I can find the courage to push him away. "

"Then don't." Grover said.

"Goat boy is right." Thalia told her, ignoring Grover's protest at the nicnkame." Ares has to get a grip. He's acting like a teenager and not a God. Don't push your feelings away, let Percy in. Your needs come first, your feelings come first- nobody else.  And your need is Percy, we all know it, even Percy knows it despite being a stupid Kelp Head.  Ares knows it, which is exactly why he's trying so hard to convince you to pull away from Percy and crush your friendship and future."

"If I jump into this with Percy..." Viviene gulped. "Ares won't be happy about it."

"You want to know what scandal does to lovers, Viviene?" Grover asked." It brings them even closer. If Ares really thinks he can convince you to ignore your feelings and push Percy away he really doesn't know the true you. Because I know Viviene Aresa Smith, and she never cowers. She jumps into things, despite not knowing the consequences." 

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