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Screams filled her head, and she wasn't sure if it were hers or Elodie's screams. All she knew was that that screaming haunted her every day.

Viviene looked down at the ring her father had given her. She was thankful for it, because she'll never use her powers again. Not after this summer.

"Viviane!" Will Solace yelled as he came in, blocking the girl from her thoughts. "We need your help at the borders."

Thalia's tree was poisoned and was growing weak with each day that passed, and with the life passing from the tree, more monsters were able to cross the border.

Viviene was immidieatly up and put on her dark green shield over her orange camp t-shirt. She ran out of her cabin, running straight to the hill.

Clarisse was running around, ordering her siblings. 

"Hold the line!" Viviene loudly yelled as she ran up to Clarisse.

A voice that also started haunting Viviene suddenly yelled out.

"Behind you!' Percy Jackson yelled. "Look out!"

 Bull Number One crashed into her shield, and the phalanx broke.  Viviene  went flying backwards and landed in a smouldering patch of grass. The bull charged past her, but not before blasting the other heroes with its fiery breath. Their shields melted right off their arms. They dropped their weapons and ran as Bull Number Two closed in on Viviene for the kill.

Percy lunged lunged forward and grabbed Viviene by the straps of her armour. He dragged her out of the way just as Bull Number Two freight-trained past.

 Percy gave it a good swipe with Riptideand cut a huge gash in its flank, but the monster justcreaked and groaned and kept on going.

'Let me go!' Viviene pummelled his hand. 'Percy, curseyou!

 Percy dropped her in a heap next to the pine tree and turned toface the bulls. They were on the inside slope of the hill now,the valley of Camp Half-Blood directly below them – the cabins,the training facilities, the Big House – all of it at risk if thesebulls got past them. 

Annabeth shouted orders to the other heroes, telling themto spread out and keep the bulls distracted.

Bull Number One ran a wide arc, making its way backtowards Percy. As it passed the middle of the hill, where theinvisible boundary line should've kept it out, it slowed downa little, as if it were struggling against a strong wind; butthen it broke through and kept coming. Bull Number Twoturned to face him, fire sputtering from the gash  cut in itsside.

Viviene was quick to react. 

'Πατέρα, βοήθησέ με.' Viviene muttered, looking up at the sky. Her eyes turned red and she faced the bull, fire shooting from her palms.

The bull groaned, falling onto his back. Viviene quickly made a long knife with the fire in her hand and slashed the bulls head.

Viviene tried to do the same thing to the other bulls, as it had kept them dead. But, sadly, she wasn't that powerful. 

Viviene fell backwards next to Percy.  She felt a tug on her sould, as if someone was summoning her presence.

'What's up, seaweed brain?' 

Then her eyes closed.

Viviene woke up in a throne room. The room was styled in roman style and there were two thrones on the podium.

'Viviene.' A female voice spoke and Viviene turned around. 

Her eyes widened.

'Alcippe?' Viviene asked, her brows furrowing. 

Alcippe wore a long white dress and had a small crown in her hair. Her hair was curled and blonde, let down over her shoulders.

'Yes, my dear.' Alcippe smiled softly as she stopped in front of Viviene.' I must admit, when my stepmother was describing me your beauty, she really underestimated you.'

'What am I doing here?' Viviene asked instead of thanking Alcippe. 

Alcippe laughed.

'Just like our father.' Alcippe chuckled. 'Not to worry, my sister. I am not here to kill you. I simply wanted to meet you.'

'My friends need my help.' Viviane glared at the princess. 'Let me out.'

' Your friends will be just fine on their own.' Alcippe told her. 'You were on the verge of dying before me summoning you. If anything, you should thank me.'

' Thank you.' Viviene said in a dry tone. Alcippe chuckled again.

'You know, this was the room Poseidon's son raped me in.' Alcippe said as she looked around. Her eyes fell on the smaller throne next to a large one. ' There. He pinned me there and took everything from me.'

' Why are you telling me this?' Viviene asked, her brows still furrowed. ' Why did you summon me?'

' I had to ask Apollo and his wife for permission, but I came to warn you of a prophecy father is hiding from you.'

'Lord Apollo has a wife?' Viviene asked, raising her brows.

' Of course he does. But she's locked up in her chambers in Olympus.' Alcippe rolled her eyes. ' Zeus' doing.  I'm  sure she will visit you soon. She's watching over you.'

'What prophecy is dad keeping from me?' Viviene asked Alcippe.

'  Press the button on my sword. A paper will come out. Read it.' Alcippe said and glanced at the granfather clock behind them. ' I must let you go now. Do as I said, sister.'

Alcippe clapped her hands twice, and Viviene heard a 'Be brave' before darkness consumed her  once again.

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