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"Percy never stole your helm,Lord Hades."She said,breaking the silence. Hades raised a brow at her."Nor did he steal the bolt from Zeus."


"My father took someone from Half blood camp,someone that was at the Winter solstice."She started explaining."We met him on this quest,and he gave Percy the backpack with the bolt in it."

"Is that why you stayed?"Hades asked her after a moment of silence.

Viviene nodded.

"I'm not sure I can look at him right now."She mumbled,looking down."I have to cool down a bit."

"Well,if your boyfriend sends me the helm by the end of the day,I'll escort you back to your father and camp myself."

"Oh,Percy isn't my...boyfriend." Viviene said,a light blush on her cheeks.

"Oh,no?"Hades asked curiously."Weird. I thought your stepmother would have told you she paired you two together."

"She...I..."Viviene shook her head,stopping her stutters."Okay,I really don't want to talk about my crush with the lord of the dead."

"Ah!So you admit-"

"Ah!"Viviene grumbled,covering her ears."Mention him again,I dare you,Lord Hades."

"Very well."Hades raised his hands."I'm done."

Suddenly,the door to the throne room opened. 

Ares walked into the room,slamming the door behind himself. 

"Ah,Ares."Hades smirked. The god of War glared at him,his eyes scanning the room until his eyes fell onto Viviene who was sat on the ground.Ares walked towards her and got on his knees next to her.

"Are you okay?Did he hurt-"

"He knows better than to try hurting me,dad."Viviene nodded,her anger dissapearing when she saw the worry in his firey  eyes."I'm fine."

Ares nodded and got up,helping her up as well. Ares threw the Helm of darkness towards Hades and Hades caught it.

"Nice seeing you,nephew."Ares said before dragging Viviane out of the room.


Viviane held onto Ares' waist as she sat behind him on the motorcycle. She was deep in thought when Ares stopped in front of the entrance to camp Half blood.

Viviane got off the motorcycle silently,watching as Ares turned off the motorcycle and climbed off it. 

"You have questions,don't you?"Ares asked her as he placed himself in front of her."Shoot,Aresa."

"What powers do I have?"Viviene asked. Ares sighed and crossed his arms.

"Have you ever heard of Hemokinesis?" Ares asked,to which he earned a shake of the young girl's head." Hemokinesis, not many people talk of that ability, it's really rare. It hasn't been seen in centuries."

"What is hemokinesis?" Viviane asked in a confused tone.

"With hemokinesis,you can manipulate other's blood. You can bend blood the way you want to,you can eve make a weapon out of their blood. If powerful enough,when someone is dying of blood loss, you can add extra blood into their body. You can control them,like you were able to control the spiders."

"What about the colour of my eyes?" Viviene asked."Is it supposed to change?"

"No,it's not."Ares shook his head. "Why?To what colour did your eyes change?"

"Red." Viviene replied." But,red like your type of red. I had literal flames behind my eyes."

"Oh."Ares was quiet for a moment. Suddenly,he clicked his fingers."Agnikinesis. The power of bending fire- also rare,espescially for a demigod. But,Agnikinesis is very different from Hemokinesis. You can use hemokinesis by your own will,but with agnikenesis?You can only control fire if you pray to me and I give you a blessing to attack the enemy with fire."

"So,I have to pray to you if I want to use Aggnikenesis?"Ares nodded."What if I don't?"

"I don't know,but I do hope you wouldn't forget about me like that."Ares teased his daughter,and she rolled her eyes,her lips tugging upwards."You should learn to use hemokinesis. It's more useful in battle than Agnikenesis."

Viviene nodded. She turned around to walk away,but stopped when she heard Ares call out to her.

"What is it?"Viviene asked,walking back towards her father. 

"I have to give you something."Ares said as he took a small box out of his pocket."This,I'm giving you this as backup. If, you somehow, decide to not use your powers in battle,I want you to have this."

Viviene took the box and opened it. Inside layed a small,silver ring with a fancy red diamond in the middle.

"A ring?"Viviene raised her brows in amusment as she looked up at Ares."How is a ring supposed to help me in battle?What,am I supposed to feed it to them?"

Ares rolled his 'eyes' and took the ring out. He put it on his finger and spun it.

The ring turned into a large,pointy,silver sword. The sword immdieatly landed into Ares' hand.

The sword was silver and long,with a pointy end. It had dark red swirls over it,mixing with pink swirls.

"Dite wanted to add the pink swirls."Ares told his daughter. Viviene took the sword from his hand,and as soon as the sword was in her hand,she felt more powerful-she felt stronger. 

"It's beautiful."Viviene said in awe and spun it in her hand.She took notice of a name etched into the handle.She narrowed her eyes and stopped swirling the sword. "Alcippe."She read,looking up at Ares with wide eyes."Is this.."

"Alcippe's sword."Ares nodded,his gaze on the ground."Alcippe kept it over the years,but I visited her recently. I told her about you,and she wanted you to have her sword. I agreed with her,of course."

Viviene then did the last thing Ares thought she'd ever do.

Viviene turned the sword back to a ring,slipped it on her finger and approached Ares.She wrapped her arms around him,bringing him into a tight hug.

The god was taken aback,but hugged her back. Viviene breathed in his scent,and it was weird how a scent of sweat and blood could comfort her.

"Thank you,father."

RED ¹ / Percy Jackson !Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ