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"WESHOULD DO THE TRACKING SPELL," ZOE SAID. "Grover, do you have any acorns left?"

 "Umm," Grover mumbled. He was chewing on a bran muffin, wrapper and all. "I think so. I just need to—" He froze. 

 I was about to ask what was wrong, when a warm breeze rustled past, like a gust of springtime had gotten lost in the middle of winter. Fresh air seasoned with wildflowers and sunshine. And something else—almost like a voice, trying to say something. 

A warning. 

 Zoe gasped. "Grover, thy cup." Grover dropped his coffee cup, which was decorated with pictures of birds. Suddenly the birds peeled off the cup and flew away—a flock of tiny doves. 

My rubber rat squeaked. It scampered off the railing and into the trees—real fur, real whiskers. Grover collapsed next to his coffee, which steamed against the snow. We gathered around him and tried to wake him up. He groaned, his eyes fluttering. 

 "Hey!" Thalia said, running up from the street. "I just... What's wrong with Grover?"

 "I don't know," I said. "He collapsed."

 "Uuuuuhhhh," Grover groaned. 

 "Well, get him up!" Thalia said. She had her spear in her hand. She looked behind her as if she were being followed. "We have to get out of here." 


They made it to the edge of the town before the first two skeleton warriors appeared. They stepped from the trees on either side of the road. Instead of gray camouflage, they were now wearing blue New Mexico State Police uniforms, but they had the same transparent gray skin and yellow eyes. They drew their handguns.

 Viviene will admit she used to think it would be kind of cool to learn how to shoot a gun, but she changed her mind as soon as the skeleton warriors pointed theirs at her. Thalia tapped her bracelet. Aegis spiraled to life on her arm, but the warriors didn't flinch. Their glowing yellow eyes bored right into Viviene.

Viviene took her trident in one hand and her sword in the other, and as Percy drew riptide he couldn't help but wonder how could she wield two large weapons at the same time?Zoe and Bianca drew their bows, but Bianca was having trouble because Grover kept swooning and leaning against her. 

 "Back up," Thalia said. They started to—but then Viviene heard a rustling of branches. Two more skeletons appeared on the road behind them.

 They were surrounded. 

One of the warriors raised a cell phone to his mouth and spoke into it. Except he wasn't speaking. He made a clattering, clicking sound, like dry teeth on bone. 

 Suddenly Vivene understood what was going on. The skeletons had split up to look for thems.

 These skeletons were now calling their brethren. Soon they'd have a full party on their hands.

 "It's near," Grover moaned. 

 "It's here," Percy said. 

 "No," he insisted. "The gift. The gift from the Wild."

 Viviene didn't know what he was talking about, but she was worried about his condition. He was in no shape to walk, much less fight.

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