Chapter 3

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Tristana's POV
I run up to my room even though I know I shouldn't be running in the house. I don't want anyone to catch me crying especially with my friends here.

I wish I knew how to make him happy. He doesn't understand what this does to me. He doesn't realize that I cry nearly every night wishing I could hear him tell me that he loves me. The only person who ever tells me that now is my mom. I know my brothers and sister love me but they never tell me. They show it through actions.

Tristan doesn't care when I bust into his room when he's on the phone, and he trys to make me happy when he see's that somethings wrong.

Layla follows me around everywhere she is always begging me to hang out with her, and I do when I can.

Even little Jackson will draw me pictures, and give me hugs, and crawl up in my lap.

And of course I know God loves me he sent his son to die for me. No one else has ever done that for me. And he takes care of me. Without him I wouldn't even be here

But I still miss hearing dad say it. There was something about hearing my dad tell me that he loves me that I just don't feel or hear when mom tells me and I miss it. I know dad just wants what's best for me, and that's why he's so hard on me, but it would make things a lot easier if he would tell me that he loves me every now and then. He doesn't have to mean it I just want to hear it.

I quickly change my shirt and look into the mirror to make sure you can't tell that I've been crying. Then I hurry upstairs where everyone else is

Hey y'all thanks for reading. Comment and let me know what you think, and if you liked it maybe you could give me a vote and let me know:)


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