chapter 18

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Tristana's POV

I wake up Sunday morning Late.

"Tristana wake up. Dads mad. Hurry up we're gonna be late."

"Huh..?" I say while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, and looking up at Tristan

"Wake up!"

"I am. What are you doing in my room dork?"

"You woke up late now get up, or I'm going to tickle you."

"No. No. I'm up." I say while yawning.

"Fine, You've got 10 minutes."

" Okay. Wait. What? 10? Are you serious? "

"Yes now hurry up."

"Yes sir. Now get out!" I say as I push him out the door laughing.

I quickly throw on a black skirt with a maroon tank top, and a dark green cardigan. Then I add some nude heels.

"Five minutes!" I hear Tristans voice say through the hallway.

Thank God I decided to go ahead and straighten my hair last night. I think as I grab my brush.

I quickly do a braided headband, and clip a small camo bow to the side of the braid next to my part in the front of my hair.

I grab my purse, and run downstairs to see the rest of my family waiting, and a very red in the face dad.

Oh boy, here we go again.I think to myself.

"Let's go." My mom says as dad grabs the keys, and opens the door for us.

At least I didn't get in trouble for running in the house.

"Tristana, Do you even care that the rest of us are going to be late?" I hear my dad say.

Okay this is stupid, we've all over Slept. It's not like I'm the first one.

"Of course I care. I just didn't hear my alarm, and no one cane to wake me." I say defensively.

"Why haven't you apologized yet?"

"I didn't know I was supposed to."

"Of course you're supposed to when you do something wrong your supposed to apologize. It doesn't take rocket science to figure that out."
Really Dad? Rocket science? I think to myself.

"Ok well I'm sorry for oversleeping, and causing everyone to be late."

"You don't have to be mad about it. Just apologize." Dad says

"Why would I be mad? I'm not mad."

"Then why do you sound like you're mad?"

"I don't." I say plainly.

"Now you've got an attitude."

"What?!" I don't have an attitude." I say defensively.

"Don't argue with me. If I say you've got an attitude then obviously you've got an attitude. You're never going to find a good husband if you keep that up."

"Dad, you won't even let me date yet. This has nothing to do with getting married. This is about my non-bad attitude."

"Don't get smart with me. All I did was ask you to apologize to the family, and you start getting an attitude."

"I did apologize. And I don't have an attitude."

"There you go again back talking you listen to me when I speak."

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