chapter 14

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Tristana's POV

"Tristana, can I talk to you for a second." My dad asks right before I walk into my room in the hotel.

" Sure, what's up?" I say cooly.

"Well earlier today while you, and Paris were in that clear bubble rolling down the hill. Payton pulled me to to the side, and asked if he could take you out tomorrow night." He stopped.

I waited for him to continue, but when he didn't I replied, "andddd?" I ask.

"And I just want to know why on earth would you even think I would let you date right now? You're to young, and I don't think you should be hanging out with him anyways." My dad said, as his voice started to raise.

"So I'm guessing you said "no." . I ask quietly.

"Of course I said no. What do you expect? I mean we are talking about Payton here. My dad says very loudly.

He is so embarrassing I mean we are still in the lobby of the hotel. What is he thinking? I think to myself.

"What's wrong with Payton?" I ask.

"He's rebellious." My dad replies.

"What? Dad, me, and you both know that he is the farthest thing from rebellious. He has never done anything to cause you to think that." I say. It was all true. Im not just saying all of that to make him sound better so dad will like him. Payton really is a great guy.

" Tristana you're just blinded by what you think is love. He's the most rebellious kid in the church. Me, and you both know it." My dad says, almost as if he's trying to convince himself.

I sat there for a moment trying to decide what to say, or what to do. I want to scream at him, but I know I'll end up in big trouble for that. I want to cry but then dad will start calling me a baby. I want to run, but that's obviously not an option since we are in branson, and I wouldn't know where I was going.

Finally I decide on something simple. I leave dad in the lobby, and go to the staircase. When I get there I look around, up, and down the stairs to see if anyone else is in there. When I see that its clear I set down on a step, and cry.

I know this may seem a little dramatic, but I really do love Payton. My dad may not understand, but its true. When I'm around him its like I feel free. Especially after the other night when he told me how he felt. That only made my love for him stronger, and I know that this is going to sound bad, but I feel closer to him already than I do my own dad. Payton has told me that he loved me more in the past week than my dad has in the past two years.

Every day I feel like mine, and dads relationship keeps getting farther and farther apart. Like we are in two separate boats in the middle of the ocean, and every day the space between them gets wider, and wider

Dad doesn't realize what he's doing to me. He doesn't understand how I feel, and I don't know how to get it across to him. Every time we talk I have to leave so he doesn't see me cry, and he gets mad every time we talk.

12:25 is what my phone read. I've been sitting here for over two hours crying, and no one has come looking for me. Do they really care? I wonder aloud

Paytons POV

When Tristana's dad came back into the room he looked mad, confused and sad. I couldn't tell what was going through his head, and by the look he gave me I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.

"Its 10:30 why are you two not in bed?" Mr. Johnson asked.

"We just finishes changing, the shower was cold, and it took me a while to get it warm." Tristan lied.

Mr.Johnson gave us a warning glance, and told us to get in bed.

He was not in a good mood. I probably should have waited until we got back before I ask to take Tristana out.

I laid down on the bed hoping that sleep would take me by surprise, and I wouldn't have to work for it.

Unfortunately it didn't work out that way, and I spent the next hour trying to get to sleep. I finally decided to get up, and walk around.

I looked over to see if Mr.Johnson was asleep before I got up. Then I snuck out of the room.

When I got out I decided to take the stairs and go get a cookie from the front desk. They have the best cookies!

I open the door that leads to the staircase, and close it quietly so that I don't wake anyone. Then I hear sniffling as if someone was crying. When I turn around the corner I see that I was right someone was crying. It was Tristana.

"Do they even care?" I hear her say quietly before bursting into tears again.

I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to set down, and scare her, but I also didn't know what to say that would comfort her either.

"I care." I say quietly almost without even realizing it.

She looked up almost shocked.

I set down next to her, and put my arm around her.

"Tristana, what's wrong? This is the second time in three days that I've seen you crying like this. I want to hear it all, and I'm not leaving until I do.

Hey y'all I know this was kinda short, and it took a little longer to get up, but I've been more than busy lately. I'm actually surprised I had time to update tonight. I wasn't even expected to be home until at least 2a.m.

Anyways if you liked this chapter then let me know by pressing that cute little star button

If not sorry I'll try to do better


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