chapter 23

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Tristana's POV

I walked into school this morning already kind of...well confused I guess. No, that's not the right word for it, maybe I was stressed. I don't know, and I really don't want to think about it.

I mean come on it's bad enough that it's Monday plus all the add on pressures of everything that happened last night. I just couldn't handle it.

Last night mom and dad called us all into the kitchen to tell us that we are moving. That's fine with me. I don't care. I hate living here. I only have a couple of friends. None of the girls here will talk to me, and I really don't fit in with the guys. I'm ready to go.

The only problem was that they never told us why, or where to. I was up all night trying to figure things out. I don't think I slept at all last night. So I'm sure you can understand why I was already in such a bad mood today when I got to school.

I sat down at the lunch table, laid my head over on it. Tristan, and Martin came over, and sat down across the table from me.

"What's up?" Martin asked slowly.

I yawned. "Not much I'm just tired." I said trying to dismiss the conversation.

"Really? Tristana, it's Monday you're never tired on Monday's. You're always so happy, and energetic on Mondays." He didn't sound to convinced.

I slowly took a deep breath. "I'm just tired I promise. Just leave me alone right now I didn't sleep very good last night."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I just didn't! Leave leave me alone please!" I begged.

"Touché." Tristan said quietly.

"SHUT UP! Please you two. I'm just tired I promise." I begged with them on the verge of tears.

They both got kind of quiet then started talking about some game that they've both been playing a lot lately. Something about clashing clans or something like that. If you ask me it sounds a lot like high school drama. Everyone's in clicks, and always fighting.

"Good morning! What's up?" I heard Payton's voice say excitedly. "I'm in such a good mood today!" He said while sitting down next to me.

I yawned. Still not looking up.

"Thank God me, and Tristan aren't the only ones." Martin exclaimed. "Tristana, is acting like she's ready to start planning our funerals already."

I groan and look up at him. "You'll be the first to go if you don't watch it."

He smirked "Let me pray first."

I rolled my eyes. "What's up?" I ask while turning my attention over to Payton.

"Not much just trying to think up a good death prayer." He said while smiling. "What's wrong?"

I rolled my eyes, then gave him a small smile. "Nothing I'm just tired."

"I don't believe you. But if that's the story you want to go with right now I'm not stopping you." Was his only reply before I dropped my head down on the table.

A few moments later the bell rung. Same usual routine we all got up and went to our class room, went to our desks, and passed a few notes.

I was even able to *wake up* and smile a little bit. But as usual smiles don't last.

I put a pink star burst in my mouth, and was eating it slowly because it was my last pink one and the pink star bursts are the best. Duh.
I looked over to Arabella and smiled. That's all I did was smile. Okay? But according to Mrs.Stout I was talking.

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