Chapter 11

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Tristana's POV

2:26 a.m. I read on the clock. Ugh! I've been awake since 8:30 yesterday morning I can't sleep!

I look over next to me, and Paris is sound asleep. Then I look over to moms bed and she's snoring. How do they do that? I can lay in bed for hours, and not sleep,  but as soon as their heads hit the pillow they are out of it.

I wonder what that question was that Payton needed to ask? I wish I knew, and I wish I knew why he was so nervous, and didn't want Tristan to know.

This really just give me another thing to stress about. I mean seriously I already stress enough about dad,  and chores, and myself in general. Now Im gonna be stressing about Payton's question.

I know I shouldn't be stressing this much over anything, but its sp hard not to. Things never happen the way I need them to, something wrong always happens, people are always talking about me, and someone is always mad at me.

I look over at the clock again, and it reads 2:57. Ugh! I need sleep, we are getting up in 6 hours. Right about then I get a text I look down at my phone, and see Payton's name on the screen with a text that says,

Are you awake?

Payton's POV

I look over at the clock, and see that its 2:46 a.m.  I wish I could sleep, but ths only thing on my mind right now is Tristana.

I wish I hadn't gotten so nervous when I was trying to ask her that question earlier, and I wish Tristan, and Paris hadn't came down stairs while I was asking.

I wonder if she's awake? She's probably not, and I should probably just let her sleep. I would feel terrible if I woke her up, and her volume is probably turned off anyways. Which if her volume is off , and she's asleep then she won't hear it so wouldn't wake her.

Forget it I'm gonna text her.

Are you awake?

Yep what's up?

Why are you not sleeping?

I can't sleep.

I know how you feel, me neither.
I was wondering if you mind meeting me downstairs in about 10 minutes? I really need to ask you that question, its gonna kill me if I don't lol ;P

Lol ok ill be down there in a minute.

Thank God she was awake.
"Please Lord give me the words to say to her. Amen.

I quickly, and quietly change into a black American Eagle T-shirt, a pair a jean pants, comb my hair over, and grab the room key.

I run downstairs, and sit down on the couch next to the fireplace. About 15 minutes later Tristana walks into the room, and sets down. I look over and notice the lady behind the counter staring us down.

"Do you want to go out side, and talk?" I ask Tristana.

"Is that the question you wanted to ask?" She asks. Me

"No, but the lady behind the couter is kinda freaking me out." I say.

She smiles then says " Sure."

After we get outside I start getting kind of nervous, and there's no where to sit down which makes things harder.

"Okay, Tristana I really need to tell you something, and I need to know what you think."

"Lord please help me this is not working." I pray silently.

"Before I say anything though I need to to promise me something."

"Okay?" She says with a confused look on her face.

"Promise me that no matter what I say to you in the next five minutes you won't let it change anything between us, your one of my best friends, and I don't want this to make you think any differently about me. Promise me that you'll be completely honest in your opinion, and you'll still talk to me after this." I say, knowing I probably sound crazy.

"Okay, I promise." She says, looking like she is still trying to process what I just said.

I smile. "Thanks."

"Okay how do I start this? The first thing I need to tell you is that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Every time I see you I get nervous. Because I know that no matter what I say, or do I will never be worthy to have you. You're so sweet, and funny, and kind. It's hard finding girls like you. I've liked you since the day I met you, but that 'like' just kept growing, and the more I got to know you the more I started loving you. Until now I can't hold it in anymore I have to tell you, or else I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to sleep again.
I love you."

I stopped, and looked her Straight in the eye. She started crying, and came in for a hug. I hugged her kind of confused. I look down to ask if she's okay.

Tristana's POV

I stand here speechless at first. Why on earth would he like a girl like me? Then he got to the end, and tells me that he loves me.

It had that same ring to it that I heard when dad used to tell me. I couldn't hold myself back I started bawling.

I know it confused him, but I couldn't help it I missed hearing those words so much, and now I'm hearing my best friend tell me. 

I look up at him, and he's  looking down at me with a worried expression. I smile at him, and hug him tighter

"I love you too." I say back

Hey y'all I hope you liked this chapter comment and let me know what you think, and if you you really liked it let me know by voting

Btw for those of you who saw the chapter before I updated it I am so sorry for all the crazy confusion my phone went nuts, and really confused me, but I think I've got it all taken care of.

Anyways thanks for reading and if you see anywhere in this chapter that looks a little messed up lwt me know so I can fix it thanks :)


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