chapter 13

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Tristana's POV

"I don't want to ride Powder Keg we've already rode it twice and it's way to fast, I nearly got sick the last time we rode it." Paris complained.

"Me neither it's so confusing and it's. Definitely way to fast. You know I've got a week stomach Tristana." Tristan whined.

"You two come on all you ever want to do is ride Fire In The Hole, and Thunderashon. I want to do something fun." I argued.

"I'm with Tristana on this one, I'm still wet from the American Plunge, and I'm not sure if Fire In The Hole would help that much. I need to dry off so lets ride Outlaw Run please. Payton begged.

"No way! There is no way your ever gonna get me back on that thing it's absolutely terrible I almost fell out of my seat, ON THE CORKSCREW! And besides it's to loud, my ears started popping. Complained Paris.

"She's right, I don't think that roller coaster is safe the wood looked kind of old." Said Tristan with a worried expression in his face.

"Seriously you guys? The reason your ears were popping was because the wind, and you was going uphill part of the time. And that ride is new, the wood isn't old they just made it look that way to add to the style of the roller coaster." I reasoned

"Guys I don't want to spend all day arguing about what we're riding next. Please hurry up, and choose something." Payton begged.

"Okay what if we split up? Me, and Tristan can go ride Thunderation, and you two can get sick on Powder Keg." Paris says.

"Well honestly if we're not bringing you two, then we're going for the Electro Spin." Payton says.

"Ugh! Then I'm definitely not going with y'all." Tristan says while turning a little green.

"Fine we'll split up." I say while turning on my heals.

"Alright see y'all around." Tristan says. As they walk off.

Paytons POV

"Yes! Finally just me, and her." I thought as we walked away.

We start towards the kiddie area to get to the Electro Spin, but before we get there we pass the Racing Regattas.

"I want to ride that." Tristana says.

"Why?" I ask.

"It looks fun. We can get the lady to make it go fast." She says

Okay don't get me wrong but the Racing Regatta is a kiddie ride. There are about twelve small boats sat on a circular track, and you go around in circles for about two minutes straight.

"Are you serious?" I ask

"Yes I'm serious. I don't care if it's a kiddie ride, it looks fun." She says with all seriousness.

"Tristana, all you do is go in circles on a small boat. How does that look fun?" I ask

"It just does, and that not all you do it has little hills to." She says still completely serious looking.

" The Electro Spin is right over there, and you want to stop, and ride this?" I ask while looking for her to show maybe even a small hint that she's Joking.

"Yes now come on." She says while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the ride."

"Do you want to go ride the Kiddie Coaster next?" I ask

"Shut up! No I do not want to ride the Kiddie Coaster next." She says trying to act mad.

When we get up to the lady controlling the ride Tristana asks her how fast she can make it go.

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