chapter 22

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Tristana's POV

I wake up Sunday morning in a pretty good mood. I look over at my clock 8:45. Church starts at ten.

I get up and start getting dressed. A zebra striped dress with black under it, a black belt , and black heels. I fix my hair hair then put in a black braided headband with a black bow.

I finish getting ready then go down stairs to eat.

"Good morning Tristana." Mom says with a smile.

"Morning." I say while digging through the refrigerator.

Dad came up behind me and gave me a hug. I hugged back then sat down at the table with some cereal.

Jackson toddled in from the living room dressed up in a cute black suit, a bright blue button up shirt, and a black tie with blue, and yellow trains on it. He came up to me a gave me a hug. Then went over to mom.

Tristan came in and punched me in the arm knocking my spoon back into the bowel.

"Hey!" I said while slapping home in the arm.

He laughed "did it hurt?"

"Yea." I said while sticking my bottom lip out.

"Get over it." Layla said while walking into the kitchen.

"Brat." I said under my breath.

Layla giggled, then Tristan went and gave her a high five.

I felt something down inside of me sink. Even my brothers and sisters are teaming up against me. I know they were just playing, and didn't mean anything by it. We play like this all the time. Get over it. I think to myself. Okay.

I quickly smile as I get up to put my bowel in the sink.

I look over at the clock 9:38. I run upstairs to get my purse, then run back down to see everyone grabbing there stuff to walk out the door.

"Tristana no running." Mom reminds me.

"Yes ma'am." I reply.

"Why do you even tell her not to run? You no she's gonna do it again." Tristan questions mom.

"Tradition." Mom says with a smile.

I giggle.

Dad grabs the keys and ushers us all out the door.

When we get to church I sit in my usual seat with the other girls. They are all talking about something that happened Thursday at school. I sit down next to Arabella.

"Hi." She says.

"What's up?" I reply.

"The sky." She says while turning back to Ashlynn and Paris.

My heart sinks and so does my smile. okay. I think to myself. I can do this. Smile. I tell myself. I do it. I put on a very fake smile, then look straight ahead of me and wait for church to start.

It finally starts. And goes as usual. The pastor gets up starts the service, someone gets up to sing, then the pastor gets up and sends us to to our Sunday school classes.

The kids are all separated by age, then there's the teen boys class, then the teen girls class. As for the adults I'm not completely sure how they are separated. I know the young unmarried adults are in a class together but besides that I don't know about the rest of them and I guess it doesn't really matter.

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