chapter 9

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Tristana's POV

"Paris wake up!" I say for the fifth time, This girl sleeps like a rock! "Wake up! We just got to the hotel, and how on earth are you sleeping? Its only 2:30."

"Five more minutes." I hear her mumble.

"Girl nah' if you stay here for five more minutes you'll be finding your way to the room on your own."

"What? Mom what are you talking about, I'm already in my room."

"No your not, and I'm not your mom. Now get up I'm about to leave you here. The boys have already packed our stuff upstairs, and we need to get up there so we can pick our room first. If we don't we'll end up with the small room, or the room with the least pillows. How are we supposed to build a fort with 2 pillows, and that sheet that they call a blanket, huh?"

"Mom be quiet I'm having a good dream about Martin, he finally asked me to marry him, and I still gotta say yes."

Now this was some interesting news. Her and Martin aren't even dating. They don't even talk. I'm gonna have fun teasing her about this one!

I was about to just leave her there when my mom came out to see what was taking us so long. When I told her it was because Paris wouldn't wake up she got the best idea in the world.

She pulled the van in front of a parked semi so that it looked like we were about to drive into it. Then she starting blowing the horn, and screaming like a maniac.

Paris woke up pretty quickly after that. She woke up screaming. Me and Mom both started dying laughing. Paris started laughing to after she stopped screaming and realized what was going on.

Paytons POV

As I set the last suitcase down in the girls room I stretch my back, and yawn. What is taking those girls so long? Me, and Tristan finally decided to go ahead and pick our room. We gave the girls the one with the coral bathroom. That color is just a little to close to pink if you ask me.

I walk back into the hallway, and see Tristana, and one pale looking Paris. I wonder what happened to her?

"You to get the pink bathroom." Tristan says while pointing to their room.

"Thanks, and can we borrow ome of your blankets?" Tristana asks.

"Why? There will only be three of you in that room, and there are two beds, and besides they always add an extra blanket. Its up in the top of the closet." Tristan said

"I know, but the blankets are all so thin, and it gets so cold." She complained

"Turn the heat up." He said.

"Tristan!!!" Please just let us borrow one blanket."

"Nope if you need another blanket go back downstairs, and ask for one."

"Ugh! Fine! She grinned.

It's adorable when she tries to act mad.

"Okay you four lets go unpack then meet downstairs in an hour. We can go out to Steak And Shake ,and then we'll go to the Stained Glass Theater. I think they are doing The Merry Go 'Round. That was always one of my favorite plays when I was little." Mrs.Jacobs stated.

Me, and Tristan both go into our room and start unpacking. "I wonder what was up with Paris" I asked.

"I don't know, but she looked like she had just seen a ghost. He replied.

"Ha' yea." I say while throwing my clothes onto the bed. "I'm going downstairs." I tell him.

"Okay ill be down in a minute." He says.

I hadn't been downstairs for no longer than fifteen minutes when an angel walked into the room. Okay maybe not a real angel. It was Tristana, but close enough.

"What's up?" I say after she sat down

"Not much just the usual."

"So what would the usual be?" I ask.

She smiled, and said, "You know sitting in the lobby of a hotel in branson."

I let out a small laugh. Why do things always get so awkward when we try to talk? You'd think I would have things under control, and know how to talk to a girl, but when it comes to talking to her I always get so nervous. Its like I forget how to talk, or something.

I finally decide to ask her the question I've been wanting to ask for years. I mean there's no better time than the present, right?


Hey y'all I hope you liked this chapter. Comment, and let me know what you think. And maybe if you liked it you could give it a vote. Thanks

Btw, what do you guys think about Paytons POV? Its kinda hard to write from a guys pov and I need your honest oppinions comment and let me know


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