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Tristrana's Pov:

Today at school wasn't to bad. It was actually pretty normal. Mrs.Stout was home sick, only half of the school showed up today, they were all sick to.

Payton's parents got the call last night to, but they believed him when he told them that it wasn't true. Why can't mine? I haven't given them a single reason to not trust me, have I? Did I do something that they still haven't forgiven me over? Anyways, they believed him. They trusted him. He didn't get in trouble.

Unfortunately I didn't make it to number ten, but I will. I promise. It may not take long either. I'm at home now. In a few minutes supper will be done. That means I have to go downstairs and talk to my parents for the first time since last night.

I don't see why I have to eat. I'm not hungry. I haven't been all day.  I got sick after lunch today, and I've felt terrible since then. I don''t want to get sick again,  but I know that if I don't go down and eat Mom will get all worried then come up and talk to me. Maybe if I'm lucky Dad will even come up and make some comments.

#15 minutes later#

"Tristana, honey I don't think you got enough to eat. One small piece of pizza isn't much, and you didn't take much to school today either. You may need to eat more. We won't be able to eat again until late tonight."  Mom says with a worried expression on her face.

I never told her about me getting sick today at school, and I asked my principal not to call. So Mom has no clue that my stomach is completely empty at the moment.  I decide to try changing the subject to get her mind off of my small piece of peperoni pizza sitting in front of me still sittimg  untouched.

"Why won't we be able to eat until late tonight?"

"That missionary, umm..Micheal something was his name. Anyways he is on his way back to Peru, and the pastor asked him to come talk to the church about what things are like there. So he's gonna come talk about the mission there, then preach."  Mom explains.

"Oh cool." I say while forcing down the last of my pizza with some water. It really does sound cool, but does it really have to be tonight? thanks to detention today I have six pages of math homework, and I'm exhausted. It's not a sleepy kind of exhausted. It's the kind that sleep can't fix. I don't really know why, but I'm not sleepy. I want to go lay down snd sleep, but I'm not sleepy.

I shake myself out of my thoughts. "What time does it start?"

"Seven, fifteen." Mom answers without looking up from her plate.

"Okay, thanks. By the way where's Dad?" I wasn't going to ask, but my curiosity got the best of me. Everyone else have already eaten, but he hasn't.

"Oh he's talking to a realator on the phone about a house in Arizona." Mom answers before sticking her hand over her mouth. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

"I never heard a thing." I say with a forced smile before standing up and taking my plate to the sink.

"Thanks." She says quietly before smiling at me. "By the way heres your phone back."

I give her a questioning look before thanking her. I run upstairs to start getting ready. It's already five, forty-five and I don't want to make us late.

Why on earth would we be moving back to Arizona? I mean really? What's there for us? Are we moving back to Gilbert, or somewhere else? I hope we don't move back to Gilbert. Don't get me wrong, It's beautiful. But that's where my past is. That's where my family is. I love them, but there are so many memories that I just want to forget. Going back to where those memories were made,and back to the people that I made them with would kill me.

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