chapter 17

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Payton's POV

"I thought you was supposed to stay in your room for the rest of the night?" I ask as me, and Tristana get into the her car.

She laughs. " I am, but when dad is busy things fall on me since mom is busy with Layla, and Jackson. So I'm just going to take my time on getting to the zip line, so that I don't have to go back to my room for a while." She says with a small smile creeping up on her lips.

The rest of the ride was pretty quite besides the radio which the volume was turned all the way up on. I honestly don't see how people can listen to there music this loud.

When we get to the zip line I see Tristan, and Paris sitting in the truck talking.

Tristan got out, and walked over to the window, and told Tristana to roll it down.

"Me, and Paris are just going to get a taxi to take us home. Mom told me to tell you to go ahead, and get something to eat while your in town."

"Okay. Where's my gas money?"

"Gas money?"

"Yes, 'Gas money, I Came all this way to help. I expect a little bit of a pay." She says with a small smile, but still looking very serious.

" Look, I got you out of being grounded, I think that's pay enough." Tristan says with a grin.

" Okay, well I left my money at the house. Can I use some of yours?" She asks in a girly voice.

" ugh. Fine. Here's a 20." Tristan say reluctantly reaching into his pocket.

"Thank-you! And tell Paris I'm praying for her."

"Why are you praying for her?" Tristan asks curiously.

Tristana rolls her eyes "because she's hanging out with you, duh."

"Okay, well then tell Payton I'm praying for him." He says while smiling at me.

"Shut up." Tristana says as she rolls up the window, and drives off.

Three hours later
Tristana's POV

I walk through the living room door, and take off my shoe's. I start to run upstairs when I hear my dads voice in the kitchen.

"Tristana, come here."

"Coming." I call back

Oh boy, I hope this doesn't take to long. I think to myself.


"Where have you been?"

"I went to go get Tristan, and Paris. Like you told me to."

"And that took you 3hours? Where's Tristan, and Paris?"

"They decided just to get a taxi. And Tristan told me that mom said I could go out, and get something to eat."

"What did I tell you though?"

I take a deep breath " to go get Tristan, and Paris."

"Yes. Not go out to eat. You're still grounded from this morning."

"I thought that if it was mom telling me to go then you wouldn't mind."

"Just because your mom tells you to do something doesn't mean that it's okay with me. She never told me anything about you going to eat."

"Well I didn't know that. I thought that since you married her that meant you trusted her decisions."

'Of course I trust her decisions! But that doesn't mean that I agree with them! She was supposed to ask me before she let you bend my rules!"

"Well then talk to her about that! Not me! It's not my fault that I was taught to obey my parents!" I scream

"Don't you ever scream at me like that again! I am still your father weather you like it or not."

"Sorry." I say under my breath. Not really meaning it.

"Where's Payton?"

"I dropped him off before I came home. He had a curfew." I saw without looking at my dad.

"Good. You shouldn't be having company when your grounded."

Well you never said I couldn't. I think to myself

I huff

"Go on up to your room you're grounded tomorrow to."

"But tomorrow's Sunday."

"Don't argue with me. We'll go to church then come home. No company, and your going straight to your room as soon as we get home."

"Yes sir," I say as I turn to go back to my room.

Why can't my life be normal?no one else's dad screams at them everu chance he gets. I think as I stick my headphones in.

God, seriously why can't you just kill me. I need help. I need to escape. I need peace.

I start crying, and spend the rest of the night crying, and listening to 'Beautiful Times' by Owl City on repeat.

I don't remember falling asleep, and I don't remember dreaming, but I guess I fell asleep sooner or later because I over slept.

HEY YALL! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And sorry if there are any mistakes I've been reading Allegiant all day and the names Tris, Tristana, and Tristan are all so easy to get mixed up lol but I think I corrected all the mistakes

Anyways let me know what you think and how I could improve this story

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