chapter 8

18 8 1

Tristana's POV

"Hurry up Tristana we're arleady half an hour behind, and we still gotta pick up Paris, and Payton."

"I'll be down in just a second I've got to get my purse." I yell back down the stairs to my brother.

"Thank God I don't have to carry anymore of your suitcases down the stairs. Those things are heavy, you know we'll only be there for a week you don't have to pack the bathroom sink."

"Shut up. Im only bringing two suitcases, and my shoe bag."

"Yea only..."

I didn't hear the rest he said it under his breath. He's been complaining all day about my suitcases. I think he forgot that I'm a girl I pack a little extra than guys do.

I head downstairs, and get in the van.

Thankfully my moms friend from church offered to watch Layla, and Jackson, so there will be more room.

Don't get me wrong I love those kids, but an hour in a mini van with 8 people would not be very fun.

We stop in front of Paris's house to pick her up.

"You look cute today ." She commented as she got in. She already knew Payton was coming, and she's been teasing me for the past several days.

I didn't put much more effort into my outfit than I usually do. My outfit usually consists of a jean skirt, a button up plaid shirt, a pair of flip flops, and a pony tail. Today I'm wearing a pink, and grey Aztec shirt a pink maxi skirt, sandals, and a messy bun.

Okay maybe I did put a little extra into my outfit, and maybe part of it was because I was spending the day with Payton, but I'm not telling her that. I would never hear the end of it.

We stop at Payton's house to pick him up, and I get out to let him into the back with Tristan. When I get back in I look down at my phone to see if I have any texts. Sure enough I had one new text message from Paris.

I look over at her kind of confused. She just smiles and tell me to read it. I open the text and read

Your not the only one looking cute today, looks like he spent a little extra time in front of the mirror this morning to. ;)

I replied.

Don't make me regret inviting you instead of Arabella.

She giggled then put up her phone. This is going to be an interesting trip.

Payton's POV

I'm packing up the last part of my clothes for the week when I hear a car horn.

I rush out side and throw my suitcase in the back of the van. Then go up to the door where the most beautiful girl In the world is standing, and climb into the back seat with Tristan.

She really does look good today, and I'm trying my best not to stare, her brother would kill me.

I look up, and hear Paris giggling, and see Tristana blushing. I have no clue what's going on up there. Girls are so confusing. One minute they were perfectly quiet, and now they're acting like this?

This is definately going to be one interesting trip.


Sorry y'all I had another writers block :-/ comment and let me know what you thought, and if you liked this chapter let me know by pressing that cute little star button ★


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