Chapter 27

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Tristanas POV

"Dad I was just talking to Ashlynn on the phone, and she said camp is next week. Are we going?"

"Tristana, honey that's all the way in Alabama, we don't have the money to get you to camp this year, or the time, I've already been talking to the camp directors about it and there is no way we'll be able to get you there." My dad replies tiredly without looking up from his book.

I feel my eyes water. "Okay, just wondering." I say as I turn around and walk back to my room. I know it may seem stupid to cry over a camp but I haven't seen any of my friends since April. I was really looking forward to next week. It's been three months since I've got to talk to Payton. He lost his phone in April, and hasn't been able to get a new one yet.

No one there ever calls me anymore besides Ashlynn, so I can't talk to him on someone else's phone either. This week was very important to me, it would have been the first time that I would have gotten to see him in months and now I can't go.

I pick up my phone and send Ashlynn a text
"Hey girl, I just talked to dad and we won't be able to come this year...I may still get to see you next month though" I send the text and wait. Next month we are planning on going to Arkansas on vacation.

My phone vibrates " Awe :,( I'll miss you but you never know God may have a reason for keeping you there"

"Good point, thanks! I'll miss you too!" I reply.

I still want to go to camp but Ashlynn is right maybe God does have a plan for me here next week.

Hey guys! I know I know! Super short chapter! But I'm trying to get the scene set for my next chapter and this was the only way that I knew how to do it... Just a few more small chapters left of this book I LOVED writing this and reading all of the comments even though there weren't many I really enjoyed it! Lol thank you guys SO much for reading it may take me a while to wright the next chapter...I'm not completely sure how I'm gonna work it out but I will have it up SOON

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ᒪOᐯE Yᗩᒪᒪ!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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