Chapter 4

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Tristans POV

Tristana just got up here and its been at least 45minutes since Mikey got here. I wonder what's going on?

Right now she's hanging out in the corner with the girls Paris, and Arabella, but she seems kinda distant.

I really wish I knew what was going through her head right now, and why she changed her shirt. The other one looked fine if you ask me.

That's probably what it was she must not have liked the other one, and decided to change it before Payton noticed it.

She's liked him since we moved here but has always been to afraid to tell him.

I quietly chuckled I know something she doesn't know. He likes her to. But I would never tell her that. If I did I'm afraid I would lose my best friend to Payton.

Don't get me wrong he's a great guy, but like I said before she's my best friend, ans I can't take any chances.

So I'm just gonna let things go with the flow.

I must have zoned out because I'm getting strange looks from all 5 of the guys. Then I realize its my turn. And I think I know who it was. So I role the dice then make my way to the pool. And proudly announce that it was "Mrs.Scarlet in the Bedroom with the Candlestick" .

...okay maybe not I'm out and apparently the rest of the guys had already ruled out Mrs.Scarlet when Ryder had to reveal one of his cards to everyone playing.

I glance over to Payton and notice that he wasn't paying attention to the game either. Instead he was watching my sister braid Paris's hair.

He really does like her a lot, maybe even love. But she doesn't need that right now, she's perfectly happy with the 5 of us. Family is all she needs, she's to young for a boyfriend.
I know me and her are the same age but sometimes I feel responsible for her, like she's my little sister.

I quickly come back to reality, and make Payton come back with me. They finish the game of clue without me since I've been disqualified, and Martin wins.

Tristana's POV

I look up from finishing Paris's hair. Then let Arabella do mine. As she does it I watch the boys play clue. It looks like Tristan has been disqualified, and from the look on Martins face he's probably got it figured out.

I let out a slight giggle then quickly looked up to make sure the other girls hadn't noticed. Thankfully they were both to busy talking about old boy bands like the Jonas brothers, and the Backstreet boys. I look back up to look at what I was giggling at before, Paytons gorgous face looking as confused as ever. He must have missed something important that Martin obviously caught.

I've liked Payton for years. I just wish he liked me back, but that will never happen me and him are just friends, and unfortunately that's all we'll ever be. How could he ever love a face like mine. It's the farthest thing from beautiful. My nose is to long and I have a pointy chin with freckles.

If I was as pretty as Arabella then he might would like me but I'm not. She even has a pretty name. Who wouldn't want a name like Arabella even the meaning is beautiful, it means yielding to prayer.
Then there's my name which means sorrowful. I know my parents disnt do that on purpose, my mom would have never let that happen but it still hurts sometimes.

The only reasons they named me that was cause they wanted mine and Tristan's names to be alike since we are twins as usual he got the good end of the deal. His name means a Knight.

I wish my name was pretty , at least God could have given me pretty hair then Payton might would like me.

Then I wouldn't be so lonely .

Hey y'all thanks again for reading it really means a lot to know that people actually care enough to read my story comment and let me know what you think and if you liked it that little star button isn't that hard to press lol thanks again


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