chapter 16

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Tristana's POV

I hear on my bedroom door over my headphones.

"Come in." I say

"Hey, what are you doing still in bed?" Payton jokes.

I roll my eyes. " I'm not still in bed." I correct him. "There's just nothing to do in here so I'm laying here thinking about sleep." I say seriously.

"Haha." He laughs. "Well no need to fear, CLUE is here!" He says excitedly.

I roll my eyes again. Then I turn my radio on, and pull my rolley chair out of the corner, and set it next to my night stand for Payton to set in.

We play CLUE for about an hour. I lost all five games, which Payton was pretty proud of.

Then I climbed in my closet to the very top shelf, and pulled out a game that I have never lost in my life. Candy Land.

"What on earth!? That's a kid game!" Payton exclaims.

"Just like the Electrospin is a kiddie ride." I remind him.

He turns green just at the thought of the ride.

"Okay, fine, whatever, but be prepared to lose." He says the last part in a deep voice.

I laugh. "F.Y.I, I have never lost a game of Candy Land in my life." I say.

"What does F.Y.I mean?" He asks curiously.

"For Your Information." I tell him while laughing.

He blushes from embarrassment. " Well F.Y.I, I have never even played a game of candy land." He says while snapping his fingers, and rolling his eyes.

I laugh then choose my piece, while he does the same.

We play three games of Candy Land before he finally realized he would never win.

We set in silence for about ten minutes before Tristan brought a box of pizza up.

"I thought you had plans tonight?" Payton asks Tristan.

"I do. I'm actually about to leave." Tristan says.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Umm.. just out to eat." Tristan says

"By yourself?" I ask

"Umm no Paris is coming with me." He says while rocking back and forth on his feet.

Me, and Tristan both look at each other, and smile.

"Just you, and Paris?" I ask.

"Yup." He says while fidgiting with his hands.

"Oh, your going on a date. That would explain why your so nervous." Payton teases.

"I'm not nervous." Tristan defends while putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yea, okay whatever. Let me know how things go." Payton says assuringly.

"Um, yea, okay." Tristan says nervously.

I laugh. "Tell Paris I said hey." I tell him.

"Okay, well I'll see ya." He says while walking out.

"See ya!" Me, and Payton both say at the same time.

Payton grabs a piece of pizza then walks over to the stereo, and turns it up.

"Payton, not to loud. My dad will kill me." I hiss.

"Are you serious?" He asks

"Yes, in Dads eyes if its not bluegrass, or southern Gospel then its wrong. You know that." I say

"Oh yea, I forgot. Sorry." He says.

I laugh. " well just to be honest with you any other day I would be super panicked, but dad has spent most of the day outside so he probably didn't hear it." I say reassuringly.

"What happened today that caused you to get in trouble? "He asked.

After I told him me, and him talked for about an hour before my mom came into my room.

"Tristana, Tristan's truck broke down next to the zip line. Dad needs you to go pick him up." Mom says quietly.

"Okay." I say while standing up.

,.............................AUTHORS NOTE

HEY YALL SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS KIND OF BORING IM HAVING A SMALL WRITERS BLOCK LOL ...AMD CAPS LOCK IS ON :-/... okay sorry lol...anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, and ill try to make the next one a little more interesting

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