chapter 19

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Tristana's POV

"Tristana get up tome to get ready for school."

I open my eyes, and see my mom standing in my doorway.

"Mom I don't wanna. Can I just start school tomorrow instead of today?" I complain.

"Nope. Rise, and shine. Get up. I'm not walking out until your up."

I groan, and set up, then drop my head on one of the many pillows laying next to me.

"Tristana, honey come on I don't have time for this."

"Mom, I'm practically up."

"And I'm not leaving until your literally up."

I wine as I climb out of bed, and smile at her.

"Good. Its 5:45 we are leaving in one hour to pick up Paris, then ill drop you off at the church so you can get on the bus." Mom says before walking out of my room.

I groan, then fall back onto my bed.

"Whyyyy?" I wine out loud.

"Shut up, and get ready." Mom calls back.

I huff. "Fine." I say while trying to hold back a giggle.

I put on my school uniform, fix my hair, brush my teeth, get my stuff together, then go back to bed.

"Tristana! What are you doing still in bed?"

"Huh?" I say as I wake up.

"It's time to go, and you're still in bed." Mom says, sounding kind of upset.

"Mom, chill. I'm ready."

"Did you just tell me to chill?"


"Grab your stuff let's go." Mom says while rolling her eyes.

I giggle as I grab my stuff, and run out to the van so I can beat Tristan to the front seat.

As we drive to Paris's house i start thinking about school. We go to a private school that's owned by a few of the churches in the area. Mom has to drive us to the church, and drop us off so that we can get in the church bus, and go to school. Which means we have to get up earlier than most people.

I wish the school would just get some busses, and drivers so that I could seeo an extra hour.

We stop, and pick up Paris, then mom drops us off at the church. Thirty minutes later I'm sitting at a table that's set up in the gyn waiting for the bell to ring.

For the past three years this is how things have went. I get to school go sit at the same brown table in the gym. All of my friends go play either volleyball or basketball. The bell rings, and we all go into our classrooms. Break gets here, and its a repeat of that morning. At Lunch time I usually set alone to.

All of my friends sit with the teacher's, and they always talk about school work. Which I can't stand.

"Good morning! I can't wait until class starts. You look wide awake!"

I realize I've been day dreaming.

"Huh?" I look up, and see Payton standing next to me. I really didn't expect anyone to come over. Not even him.

"Wow!" He says while laughing.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing. Are you ready for school?"

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Payton asks with a confused expression on his face.

"You look so happy."

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