Chapter 6

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Tristana's POV

I wake up the next morning, and remember that its my day to watch the kids. Mom, and dad both work so about three days a week I'm in charge.

Unless Tristan is here then we both kinda take over, but today is one of those days that he is out in town. Probably at the gym.

That's one thing that me and him don't agree on. I love working out, but I don't like doing it in front of people. Tristan on the other hand would give anything to be able to go show off his muscle to a group of guys. He's built very small but he has plenty of muscle.

I head down the hallway to get up my screaming brother. When I walk into his room I soon realize why he's screaming.

There's a huge wolf spider crawling around in the floor. Okay freaky, I'm not scared of bugs or snakes, but I put spiders on a completely different level.

So I panic for a moment. Then run across the room and grab Jackson then run quickly back.

I send Jackson to Layla's room. After he's gone I start trying to figure out exactly what to do about the spider.

That's when the doorbell rings.
Okay so a spider one way and a patiently waiting friend the other. What on earth is a person supposed to do in a situation like this?

I was about to kill the spider then run downstairs when it moved one of those long, hairy, ugly, brown legs.
I shrieked.

I started running downstairs when I hears someone come into the house. I sure hope whoever it is, is a friend.
About the time I turn around the corner I run straight into...
Of all people to see me in my pajamas and bed head. Payton.

I think I may have scared him a little cause he face was white. I stopped for a moment kind of embarrassed. Then I remembered the spider. Without saying a single word I led him upstairs into Jackson's room. There the spider was. Moving those freaky, hairy legs around the bedroom floor.

Payton's POV

Tristana led me up to Jackson's room. I'm still not exactly sure what she was screaming about but t must have scared her pretty badly. She looked terrified, but beautiful. Even with her hair knotted up on her head in a mess, she was still beautiful.

When we got in the room I was kinda confused. I didn't see anything. I followed her terrified gaze down to the floor next to the dresser,and there it was. A spider.

I'm gonna go ahead and admit that I'm afraid of spiders, but this was not a normal spider it looked like either a brown recluse, or a wolf spider. It doesn't matter to me though. Right now I just want it dead, and I have no clue how that's going to happen.

I start looking around the room when I realize Tristana is no longer in here. She's probably with Layla and jackson somewhere, but where on earth is Tristan? He's the one we need he's not afraid of anything, and if he is he's a lot etter at hiding it than I am.

I start looking around the room trying to find something long to kill the spider with. I do NOT do hand to hand combat when it comes to spiders.

The only thing I see is a stick horse. It will have to work. I grab the head of the horse, and walk over to where the spide is. The stupid spider chooses now to take off running, and I choose now to panic. I start jumping around to room like a maniac knowing that Tristana hears it, but hoping she'll think I'm doing some kind of cool karate move on it instead of running from it.

After about 5 minutes of running, jumping, and flipping pillows I finally have the spider dead. I scoop it up on a dust pan, and flush it down the toilet.

Then I go find Tristana, and I was right. She was in Layla's bedroom playing Ring Around The Rosey. She's so good with kids. I stand there and watch her for a moment before I say anything.

Tristana's POV

I decided to go check on Layla and Jackson while I left Payton to kill the spider. I'm so glad he showed up, even if I am still in my pajamas and messy bun.

When I get into there room Layla is trying to teach Jackson how to play Ring Around The Rosey. I decide to join in since I would much rather be in here than in there with a spider.

I had been in there for about.five minutes when I hear a lot of jumping and running coming from Jacksons room. What on earth is he doing in there? Oh well whatever it is I'm sure he's got things under control.

We continue playing Ring Around The Rosey, and about five minutes later I hear Payton say "It's dead.". I look up and smile his hair is a mess

Where's it at? I ask.

I flushed it.

Thank You.

He smiled, then asked. "Where's Tristan?".

"Um I think he's at the gym" I replied

"Okay thanks ill check there"


Things got a little awkward after that. Neither one of us knew what to say, or how to end this conversation.

Finally I stood up and decided to walk him downstairs. I needed to go down and fix breakfast anyways.

As we walked he mentioned how he couldn't wait until the trip to branson next month.

"Me neither." I replied

"Have you ever heard of the branson ballknockers?".

"No" I replied

"Do you think your parents would mind taking us?"

"What is it?" I questioned

"Its this place where they strap you into these big ,clear, plastic balls then roll you down a hill. Its so much fun."

Okay ill have to admit that does sound extremely fun.

"I'll have to ask mom, but it does sound awesome." I replied

"It's amazing" he said..(he's so cute when he gets excited)

"Okay cool. We'll check it out."

"Okay well see ya"

"See ya"

After that he left, and I went to the kitchen to fry some eggs. I can't cook at all, but I try.

I can't believe he saw me like this! I'm already ugly now he's seen me at my worst there's no way he'll ever like me now


Hey y'all thanks for reading I hope you are enjoying my story comment and let me know what you think and if you you liked it give it a vote ★ those votes encourage me to wright more


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