chapter 15

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We've been home for about a week. I thought that after I talked with Payton things would get easier. They're supposed to. Right?

Apparently not. That night me, and Payton talked all night. Then when I finally went to bed I was actually happy.

I woke up the next morning happy. The week ended, we came home, and I was happy. Things were going great.

Until this morning. Its Saturday, which means dad is off work today. Which also meant that we are going out to eat breakfast this morning. It's a tradition. Every Saturday we go to our favorite restaurant for breakfast.

I quickly got up, got ready and ran downstairs. Things were going great. I got scolded by mom for running in the house, which I just shrugged off. I'm used to that one.

We left the house, and drove to our favorite restaurant, Kountry Kookers. The name was kinda lame, but the food was delicious.

When we sat down the waitress brought out our ususal meal. Dad started playing with Jackson, Mom started taking pictures as usual, and me, and Tristan started eating our delicious pancakes.

Things were great. Then Tristan started poking me in the side, and me and him started play fighting. Quetly though cause we were still in public.

He started tickling me, and my arm flew back, and I accidentally elbowed Layla in the eye. Of course she started screaming, and acting like she was dying some terrible, tragic death.

Mom, and Dad both look up at me with questioning looks on there faces.

"What just happened?" My dad asked.

Before I could answer Layla blurted out this dramatic story about how I had hit her. She made it sound like it had been on purpose.

"Tristana, is that true? Did you really just hit your sister?" My dad asked. Obviously believing that I would hurt Layla on purpose.

"It wa.." I got interrupted.

"Wait no I don't want an answer yet you guys go on out. I'll pay then be right out." Dad said sternly.

Great now I've ruined everything, as usual. Tristan gave me an apologetic look, and I tried smiling at him, but every inch of hope I had had this morning had left.

"Tristana, why did you hit Layla. You're to old for that kind of behavior." Dad said as he got into the truck.

"I didn't hit her. Tristan tickled me, an..." I got interrupted again.

"So your blaming things on Tristan, and calling Layla a liar?" Dad asked.

"No, I..." I got interrupted again.

"So Layla told the truth. You did hit her?"

"No, I didn't hit her. When Tristan tickled me it scared me, and my arm flew back, and I elbowed her. It wasn't on purpose, and I didn't hit her." I said while holding back tears.

"What do you call elbowing someone. From what I've heard so far it sounds like you hit her with your elbow." Dad says.

"Well if that's what you want to call it then I guess you can, but it wasn't on purpose." I say

"But you did hit her?"


" You just said you did!" Dad nearly screams.

"No, I said I elbowed her, and you called it hitting her. And I said if you wanted to call it hitting then you could, but I didn't hit her I elbowed her, and it was on accident." I defend myself.

"Go to your room your grounded. For the day. Tristan will bring you some food later." Dad said as we pulled into the driveway in front of the house.

Now I'm sitting on my bed crying. Wishing I could just leave, or better yet die. It would put me out of this misery. Hell can't be that bad. It would be better than this. Right?

Deep down inside I knew I was wrong. I remember when I was five I reached up and touched the stove while mom was cooking. I remember how badly it burned, and yet that was only a few minutes. What would eternity feel like? If touching a 350° stove for a few seconds burns, I know hell will be so much more worse.

I stick some headphones in my ears and turn the music up, not even paying attention to the music I lay down and start crying. Why couldn't God have give me some kind of escape?

My phone starts ringing so I dry my eyes, calm myself down, and answer it.

"Hello." I say not bothering to look, and see who was on the other end.

"Hey. What's up." I hear Paytons voice say.

"Not much just hanging out. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering if you wanted to go hang out. It seems like everyone else has something to do today. Ryder, Martin, Mikey, Ethan, Paris, and Arrabella are all going to a play tonight. Even Tristan said he had to go out later today."

"I wish I could, but I got grounded earlier so I'm stuck in my room for the rest of the day, and night."

"Do you think your patents would let you hang out in the attic?"

"You know how my dad is. I doubt I."

"What if I brought clue over, and me, and you play bored games in your room? Please tell me your aloud to have company even when your grounded."

"Your desperate aren't you?" I ask while laughing.

" I'm so bored." He says it as if its about to kill him.

"Well I don't know. I'm not aloud out of my room, but if you want you could call mom, and ask. Don't call dad that will be a definate No."

"Alright. I'll see you in about 30 minutes.

"Awesome! I reply.

Then he hangs up. I guess God did give me friends who could pull me out of any mood imaginable. That's not a real escape, but it helps.

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